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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

August 2010

From Communications of the ACM

Reasoning About the Unknown in Static Analysis

Reasoning About the Unknown in Static Analysis

Static program analysis techniques cannot know certain values, such as the value of user input or network state, at analysis time. While such unknown values need to be treated…

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Persepctive: Attacks Target Web Server Logic and Prey on XCS Weaknesses

A system is secure only if the entire system is secure. While this may sound obvious, achieving total security throughout a system is rarely trivial when you consider many real-world systems are constantly evolving.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Persepctive: Large-Scale Sound and Precise Program Analysis

You are given a program. Will it crash? Is it subject to a spoofing, buffer overflow, or injection attack? Is this part of it dead code? Can I replace that code fragment with…

From Communications of the ACM

The Emergence of Cross Channel Scripting

The Emergence of Cross Channel Scripting

Lightweight, embedded Web servers are soon about to outnumber regular Internet Web servers. We reveal a series of attacks that target Web server logic and are based on a new…