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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

November 2017

From Communications of the ACM

Heads-Up Limit Hold'em Poker Is Solved

Heads-Up Limit Hold'em Poker Is Solved

This paper is an extended version of our original 2015 Science article, with additional results showing Cepheus' in-game performance against computer and human opponents.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Exploring a Kingdom By Geodesic Measures

"The Heat Method for Distance Computation," by Crane, Weischedel, and Wardetzky, shows that the gradient of the probability density function of a random walk is parallel to geodesics. 

From Communications of the ACM

The Heat Method For Distance Computation

The Heat Method For Distance Computation

We introduce the heat method for solving the single- or multiple-source shortest path problem on both flat and curved domains.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Solving Imperfect Information Games

"Heads-Up Limit Hold'em Poker Is Solved," by Michael Bowling, et al., takes the counterfactual regret minimization method for approximating a Nash equilibrium to the next level.