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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

April 2010

From Communications of the ACM

Creativity Helps Influence Prediction Precision

The past decade has seen an explosion of interest in machine learning and data mining, with significant advances in terms of both theoretical results and highly visible practical…

From Communications of the ACM

Toward Robotic Cars

Toward Robotic Cars

Recent challenges organized by DARPA have induced a significant advance in technology for autopilots for cars; similar to those already used in aircraft and marine vessels. This article reviews this technology.

From Communications of the ACM

Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics

Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics

Customer preferences for products are drifting over time. Product perception and popularity are constantly changing as new selection emerges. Similarly, customer inclinations are evolving, leading them to ever redefine their…

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: New Bar Set For Intelligent Vehicles

Sebastian Thrun gives us a glimpse into the design and implementation of two winning DARPA grand challenge entries.