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Communications of the ACM

Research Archive


The Research archive provides access to all Research articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

July 2016

From Communications of the ACM

Mesa: A Geo-Replicated Online Data Warehouse For Google's Advertising System


Mesa is a highly scalable analytic data warehousing system that stores critical measurement data related to Google's Internet advertising business. This paper presents the Mesa system and reports the performance and scale that…

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Combining Logic and Probability

In "Probabilistic Theorem Proving," Gogate and Domingos suggest how PTP could be turned in a fast approximate algorithm by sampling from the set of children of a branch point.

From Communications of the ACM

Technical Perspective: Mesa Takes Data Warehousing to New Heights

Producing reports at the scale of Google Ads, where billions of clicks happen per day, is the challenge addressed by the Mesa system described in "Mesa: A Geo-Replicated Online Data Warehouse for Google's Advertising System."

From Communications of the ACM

Probabilistic Theorem Proving

Probabilistic Theorem Proving

Many representation schemes combining first-order logic and probability have been proposed in recent years. We propose the first method that has the full power of both graphical model inference and first-order theorem proving…