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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2010

From Apophenia

Public by Default, Private when Necessary

Public by Default, Private when Necessary

This post was originally written for the DML Central Blog. If you're interested in Digital Media and Learning, you definitely want to check this blog out. With Facebook systematically dismantling its revered privacy infrastructure…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Tom Friedman on innovation and National Lab Day

Tom Friedman on innovation and National Lab Day

Tom Friedman has a wonderful op-ed in today’s New York Times.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ehrenberg-Bass Institute

Ehrenberg-Bass Institute

We have been sponsor company members of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute at the University of South Australia for a number of years. Professor Byron Sharp and his team produce some very useful reports. Most recently their report…

From My Biased Coin

On Formatting

On Formatting

Matt Welsh's recent amusing-but-also-sad post on having two recent conference submissions rejected for violating format requirements reminded me how much I hate wasting time dealing with formatting. Matt calls for a standardized…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why not Just Fill in the Blanks

Why not Just Fill in the Blanks

In the NYT, like a flat tax, great direction, but not for tax preparers: ' ... It

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intelligence of Analytics

Intelligence of Analytics

Short post and podcast in E-Commerce Times on developments that are improving analytics. Covering some of the dilemma today of having more data, yet there seems to be less business intelligence being done. ' ... New architectures…

From Schneier on Security

Me on Chinese Hacking and Enabling Surveillance

Me on Chinese Hacking and Enabling Surveillance just published an essay of mine on China's hacking of Google, an update of this essay.

From Wild WebMink

? Protecting Freedom

? Protecting Freedom

Schneier points out that the feature China hacked in GMail was only there because the US government demanded it "for security", and that building trapdoors…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Are you a Linchpin or a Cog in the Machine?

Are you a Linchpin or a Cog in the Machine?

Always interested in what makes innovative organizations work. Josh Bernoff of Forrester in the GroundSwell blog reviews and outlines Seth Godin's new book, forthcoming this week: Linchpin, Are you Indispensable?. Its kind of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fundamental Barriers to Sales

Fundamental Barriers to Sales

Dave Knox does an excellent job talking about the fundamentals to sales success. We dealt with it every day in the enterprise, he makes a good point about the inherent risks and directions.

Barrier to success

From Putting People First

Ethnographic research could make Google more relevant in China

Ethnographic research could make Google more relevant in China

Ethnographer Tricia Wang wrote an excellent and long comment on why Google is having troubles in China: While unfortunate that Google.CN may be shutting down, my ethnographic work in China revealed five things that aren

From The Eponymous Pickle

Military Social Networking

Military Social Networking

In Gigaom, an article on MilBook a Facebook style social networking site for the US military, launched this past October. Should be some learning here, especially with the requirement of sharing knowledge with different levels…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Stuffed Giant Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Stuffed Giant Squid


From Computer Science Teachers Association

When Good Students Have Bad Habits

When Good Students Have Bad Habits

"It never hurts to have a supporting argument for something people are already doing."

That came from Howard Resnikoff in a workshop 25 years ago, and I had sense of deja vu last week at a workshop on computer security and information…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

When Good Students Have Bad Habits

When Good Students Have Bad Habits

"It never hurts to have a supporting argument for something people are already doing."

That came from Howard Resnikoff in a workshop 25 years ago, and I had sense of deja vu last week at a workshop on computer security and information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Are Apps the Best Model?

Are Apps the Best Model?

Recently had a conversation with a colleague about writing an App for the IPhone for a supply chain problem. We were struck by the fact that it would have to be re-written and supported for two other mobile platforms for maximum…

From Schneier on Security

Transport Canada on its New Security Regulations

Transport Canada on its New Security Regulations

Okay, it's really the Rick Mercer Report.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Multiple Media Strategies in Retail

Multiple Media Strategies in Retail

Good article in StoreFrontBacktalk. Read the whole thing, allows you to nicely think about these multiple strategies. ' ... The mobile retail world has now neatly morphed into three categories: consumer-used (with true M-Commerce…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pervasive Business Intelligence

Pervasive Business Intelligence

How pervasive is Business Intelligence (BI)? I pushed it for a dozen years in the enterprise. It took a big uptick with the pervasiveness of the Web. Much lip service, but still not used many places it could have been very useful…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Networking Privacy

Social Networking Privacy

E-Commerce Times has a good article on the dangers of exposing your personal information through social networking sites. There are obvious dangers and a number of not so clear ones.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

So are there or are there not jobs in CS and IT

So are there or are there not jobs in CS and IT

The other day in my interesting links post I included links to several articles/blog posts. One article was titled - IT hiring increases last month despite broader jobs decline and the other was DARPA feels that the geek shortage…

From Schneier on Security

German TV on the Failure of Full-Body Scanners

German TV on the Failure of Full-Body Scanners

The video is worth watching, even if you don't speak German. The scanner caught a subject's cell phone and Swiss Army knife -- and the microphone he was wearing -- but missed all the components to make a bomb that he hid on …

From Schneier on Security

Web Security

Web Security

Nice article.

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Supports Bill to Expand FCC Technical Capacity

USACM Supports Bill to Expand FCC Technical Capacity

USACM has sent Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) a letter of support for her bill to expand the technical advising capacity of the Federal Communications Commission. The bill, S. 2881, is called the FCC Commissioners Technical…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Earthquake Data Visualized

Earthquake Data Visualized

Using Tableau dashboards: 'The Pan American Health Organization published an interactive dashboard showing the location of last week

From The Eponymous Pickle

Printing Food

Printing Food

In-store food manufacture has been mentioned here a number of times. Here is another related research example, the MIT Cornucopia Food Printer Project, recently mentioned in Engadget. I agree this ranks as way out there, reminding…

From Putting People First

Front book vs back book pricing: a service design challenge

Front book vs back book pricing: a service design challenge

Nick Marsh of EMC Conchango reflects on the conundrum of ‘front book’ vs ‘back book’ pricing, and the implications for service design. “This is a great example for illustrating the differences between designing for service-centric…

From Putting People First

Upcoming service design conference in Sweden

Upcoming service design conference in Sweden

One of the projects funded by the Danish programme for user-driven innovation (English summary) is DESINOVA (see also this earlier post). DESINOVA

From Wild WebMink



The news is in that the EU has finally approved Oracle's purchase of Sun, and while there are some more hurdles to cross I think James' response is very fitting so I'll reproduce it here too. I doubt there will be an official…

From Computational Complexity

Job Postings

Two sites to look for jobs at:

Lance Fortnow set up this blog that collects theory annoucments including jobs: here

Boaz Barak Obama, in an effort to create more jobs, has set up a site listing jobs in theory: here