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Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Templates for Computerized Robot Design

Templates for Computerized Robot Design

Seems a useful approach as we use robot solutions for more applications. Includes both physical designs and control programming.   And Optimization to tasks involved. 

Computer-Aided Creativity in Robot Design

MIT News,  By Daniel…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Four Stages of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Four Stages of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

 A good intro look at RPA from DSC.  Below the intro, more at the link.   A good place to start with AI oriented automation.  Also not emphasized enough.  I would include the 'process' part, and ask: how does the process modeled…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Plans to Deliver Quantum Safe Crypto in Cloud

IBM Plans to Deliver Quantum Safe Crypto in Cloud

Much more at the link.  Available at all scales, speeds, needs?

IBM Cloud Delivers Quantum-Safe Cryptography and Hyper Protect Crypto Services to Help Protect Data in the Hybrid Era  in PRNews

IBM brings hybrid cloud leadership…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Java Buffer types versus native arrays: which is faster?

Java Buffer types versus native arrays: which is faster?

When programming in C, one has to allocate and de-allocate memory by hand. It is an error prone process. In contrast, newer languages like Java often manage their memory automatically. Java relies on garbage collection. In effect…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Watch Plenary Presentations from the CCC’s Visioning Workshop on Reversible Classical Computing

Watch Plenary Presentations from the CCC’s Visioning Workshop on Reversible Classical Computing

In early October the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) held a virtual workshop on Physics & Engineering Issues in Adiabatic/Reversible Classical Computing. This workshop was organized by Michael (Mike) P. Frank (Sandia National…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Need the Right Data, Methods and the Willingness to use them

Need the Right Data, Methods and the Willingness to use them

Challenges and Dilemmas in context

China's Surveillance State Sucks Up Data. U.S. Tech Is Key to Sorting It

The New York Times   By Paul Mozur; Don Clark

Chips from U.S. companies Intel and Nvidia power a Chinese supercomputing…

From Schneier on Security

Manipulating Systems Using Remote Lasers

Manipulating Systems Using Remote Lasers

Many systems are vulnerable:

Researchers at the time said that they were able to launch inaudible commands by shining lasers — from as far as 360 feet — at the microphones on various popular voice assistants, including Amazon…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Safer Navigation in Unknown Territory

Safer Navigation in Unknown Territory

Key aspect of safer navigation .... dealing with uncertainty in unknown territory.

ML Guarantees Robots' Performance in Unknown Territory

Princeton Engineering News   By Molly Sharlach

Princeton University researchers have developed…

From Schneier on Security

Check Washing

Check Washing

I can’t believe that check washing is still a thing:

“Check washing” is a practice where thieves break into mailboxes (or otherwise steal mail), find envelopes with checks, then use special solvents to remove the information …

From insideHPC

insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads – Part 2

insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads – Part 2

In this insideHPC technology guide, “insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads,”as we’ll see, by relying on open source software and the latest high performance/low cost system architectures, …


Dijkstra Was Wrong About 'Radical Novelty': Metaphors in CS Education

Dijkstra Was Wrong About 'Radical Novelty': Metaphors in CS Education

The most cited CS education paper is, unfortunately, wrong.

From Computational Complexity

James Randi, Magicians-Author-Skeptic, passed away at the age of 92

James The Amazing Randi died on October 20, 2020, at the age of 92. He is survived by

his husband Jose Alvarez.  His Wikipedia page is here

A few Randi Points:

0) Wikipedia lists his careers as Magician, Author, Skeptic. I didn't…

From My Biased Coin

ADAPT: Designing Activity-Informed Viral Diagnostic Assays

ADAPT:  Designing Activity-Informed Viral Diagnostic Assays

I wanted to give a pointer to a new preprint up on bioRxiv on developing diagnostic assays for viruses, by (first author) Hayden Metsky (and others!) out of the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute (that I've been a bit involved…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Does It Matter How Fast the Code Is?

Does It Matter How Fast the Code Is?

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with code lately. One of the things I have been experimenting with is cryptography (See Tiny Book of Simple Cryptography) For one project I wanted to create a string of ones and zeros toWhich…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of the Kitchen

Future of the Kitchen

 Our own innovation centers had 'kitchens of the future' to demonstrate product use and appliance integration.    Consumer behavior in context.      We invited companies to provide future scenarios.   This was in the first flurry…

From The Noisy Channel

Putting Users Back In Control

Putting Users Back In Control

Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, and Ashish Goel recently published a piece in Foreign Affairs, which they ambitiously titled “How to Save Democracy From Technology: Ending Big Tech’s Information Monopoly”.

The gist of their proposal…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesla Could Widen Release of Self Driving Software

Tesla Could Widen Release of Self Driving Software

 More data being gathered, and likely getting closer to sharing roads with many more fully self-driving vehicles.

Tesla could widen release of 'self-driving' software in two weeks   By Reuters Staff

 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc Chief…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Learning from Patrolling Spot Robotics

More Learning from Patrolling Spot Robotics

This kind of patrolled security, here on an oil rig, has been mentioned here before. Could be a mix of telepresence, and specific patrol routing.   With camera recording of visual, auditory and contextual  information.  ThatBoston…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Don't Fear the Robots

Don't Fear the Robots

 Robotics and Automation will also create many jobs, just be ready for those jobs.

Don't Fear the Robots, and Other Lessons From a Study of the Digital Economy

The New York Times  By Steve Lohr

A task force established by the Massachusetts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Industry Ecosystems

Future of Industry Ecosystems

Useful look outlining the need for and nature of modern ecosystems, which ultimately create context for work and linking to analytics and AI, and results.  Uncertainty also usefully considered. 

IDC Launches the Future of Industry…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (November 28th 2020)

Science and Technology links (November 28th 2020)

Homework favours kids with wealthier and better educated parents. My own kids have access to two parents with a college education, including a father who is publishing mathematically-intensive research papers. Do you think for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Autonomous Cars Delivering Meds in London

Autonomous Cars Delivering Meds in  London

More attempts at automated delivery:

Autonomous Green Robot Cars to Deliver Medicine Around London

Interesting Engineering By Chris Young

A fleet of autonomous, electrically-powered green robot vehicles has started delivering medicine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A New, Free, MIT Introduction to Machine Learning AI Course

A New, Free, MIT Introduction to  Machine Learning AI Course

We worked with MIT in a number of ways, with their supply chain group,  their Media Laboratory and with a number of their researchers.  Impressive group.  I still provide publicity for some of their research. We introduced early…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coffee Analysis Using Pattern Recognition

Coffee Analysis Using Pattern Recognition

Used to be in the coffee blend analysis and optimization space, so this was interesting.  Nicely done.  We did some similar things with classical optimization and statistical systems.  Below an intro, link takes you to more detail…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Zoom Abuse: TurkeyBombing

New Zoom Abuse: TurkeyBombing

In the sense that your guard may be down to phishing when you are casually involved in video communication with family and friends.

TurkeyBombing Puts New Twist on Zoom Abuse   In Threatpost

Threat actors already stole nearly 4…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rules as Code: White Paper

Rules as Code:  White Paper

More on the direction of encoding legal rules and reasoning, like smart contracts, in coding.   And their accurate use and manipulation. 

'Rules as Code' will let computers apply laws and regulations   by Guido Governatori, The…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Using Boston Robotics Spot

Apple Using Boston Robotics Spot

 Been following various uses ot the 'Spot'  robot.   And how it makes its telepresence felt by its new subjects.    Here  new and different application, working with the construction of a building, apparently during the design…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Recorded Future Offers Handbook

Recorded Future Offers Handbook

 From a company we connected with in their early days, have not read this yet, looks to be of general interest.

Get Your Handbook for Disrupting Adversaries and Reducing Risk


If 2020 taught…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Addiction and Notifications

Addiction and Notifications

Intriguing experimental results which might drive other kinds of behavior on the phone.

Phone addiction not driven by notifications, study finds    By Cristina Criddle in BBC

Smartphone addiction is unlikely to be caused by notifications…

From insideHPC

Why Developers are Turning to Ultra-powerful Workstations for More Creative Freedom at Less Cost

Why Developers are Turning to Ultra-powerful Workstations for More Creative Freedom at Less Cost

This white paper, "Why Developers are Turning to Ultra-powerful Workstations for More Creative Freedom at Less Cost," from Dell Technologies discusses why developers are turning to ultra-powerful workstations for more creative…

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