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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Short History of Big Data

A Short History of Big Data

Overview by Bernard Marr.  Really about data systems in general. Not enough about the actual distinctions between data Big or otherwise, because there are not that many.  Lots about volume, too little about analytics needed.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Palindrome Games at Bletchley Park

Palindrome Games at  Bletchley Park

Brought to my attention in the Language Log,  Which points to a much longer piece on  Palindrome construction games played by the code breakers at Bletchley Park,  as shown in the recent movie about Alan Turing and the Enigma…

From insideHPC

Saul Perlmutter presents: Data, Computation, and the Fate of the Universe

Saul Perlmutter presents: Data, Computation, and the Fate of the Universe

"I think it’s a very interesting period for human cosmology because it’s a golden age in which every ten years we learn breathtaking new parts of the story. We have never before been able to do that in human history – to have…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Engineer at Radley James

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Engineer at Radley James

Radley James in New York is seeking HPC Software and Systems Engineers in our Job of the Week.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploiting the non Randomness of People

Exploiting the non Randomness of People

Fascinating piece in the Wolfram blog on methods to exploit the inability of people to create random patterns, using the example of the 'Where's Waldo' search game. Nicely done analysis using Wolfram analytical software.  Applications…

From Putting People First

[Book] Netnography Redefined

[Book] Netnography Redefined

Netnography Redefined by Robert V Kozinets (York University, Canada) Sage Publications, 288 pages July 2015 Social media and the internet are rich, fertile sources of data for social researchers, though online data offer both…

From Putting People First

Open Policy Making: A people-centred approach to transform UK local services

Open Policy Making: A people-centred approach to transform UK local services

Open Policy Making is about recognising that top down thinking and decision making no longer can deliver the range of services that people and communities have come to expect in a connected society, writes William Barker, Head…

From Putting People First

[Book] Doing Sensory Ethnography

[Book] Doing Sensory Ethnography

Doing Sensory Ethnography by Sarah Pink Sage Publications Paperback, 232 pages Second edition, February 2015 Between 2010 – 2014, a team of UK anthropologists, engineers and designers worked towards a deeper understanding of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Sketching and Coding

Design Sketching and Coding

From IEEE: A favorite topic, how do we take the informal sketches of a non graphic artist and convert them into knowledge with precision?    See also post on CogSketch.How Software Designers Interact with Sketches at the Whiteboard…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Humboldt Squid Communicate by Flashing Each Other

Friday Squid Blogging: Humboldt Squid Communicate by Flashing Each Other

Scientists are attaching cameras to Humboldt squid to watch them communicate with each other. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....


What Are The Best STEM Careers in 2015?

What Are The Best STEM Careers in 2015?

According to U.S. News & World Report: Money, the top four STEM careers (and nine of the top 20) are all in computing.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Useful Data Science Tutorials

Useful Data Science Tutorials

Have mentioned this resource before, but I passed it on to a colleague today and see it is worth mentioning again.  A resource of key short tutorials for data scientists.  Technical details for beginners and all practitioners…

From Schneier on Security

Data and Goliath Book Tour

Data and Goliath Book Tour

Over the next two weeks, I am speaking about my new book -- Data and Goliath, if you've missed it -- in New York, Boston, Washington, DC, Seattle, San Francisco, and Minneapolis. Stop by to get your book signed, or just to say…

From insideHPC

Video: DEEP-ER Project Reaches for Exascale

Video: DEEP-ER Project Reaches for Exascale

In the video, the DEEP-ER project paves the way to energy-efficient Exascale computing.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Data Usage

Enterprise Data Usage

Statement of a growing problem.  Recently saw this in a project.  More about the kind of and completeness of data rather than the volume of data."As the volume and complexity of data barraging businesses from all angles increases…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fembots and the Gender of AI

Fembots and the Gender of AI

Interesting piece on the presented gender of AI and notably robotics as it is delivered today.  Why is this often presented as female?  I think this will change as the idea extends more broadly into our everyday office and home…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: Deep Learning – Unreasonably Effective

Slidecast: Deep Learning – Unreasonably Effective

"Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. At the 2015 GPU Technology Conference…

From insideHPC

HPC News Roundup for February 27, 2015

HPC News Roundup for February 27, 2015

As we head into the busy event season we like to call HPC March Madness, the past week has had its share of notable news items that didn't make it to the Features page.

From insideHPC

ISC High Performance Announces Hans Meuer Award

ISC High Performance Announces Hans Meuer Award

"We are pleased to announce that ISC is introducing the Hans Meuer Award to honor the most outstanding research paper submitted to the conference’s research paper committee. This award has been introduced in the memory of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tech Megatrends and IT

Tech Megatrends and IT

In CIOInsight.   A good survey on the influence of tech megatrends on IT.   Obvious examples like Bringing your own devices in the enterprise.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Spontaneous Discovery

Spontaneous Discovery

Thoughtful piece work a scan from the Tom Peters Blog:Surprise, Transformation & Excellence through “Spontaneous Discovery”:A Personal Saga,  this is a revision of an antique—but arguably more relevant than ever (PDF version…

From Putting People First

Steve Portigal’s insider view of corporate user research

Steve Portigal’s insider view of corporate user research

The acclaimed UX researcher Steve Portigal hosts the DollarsToDonuts podcast series [iTunes | Twitter] where he talks with the people who lead user research in their (corporate) organization. Six programs so far: Carol Rossi,…

From Writing

How can you validate an idea before jumping in and actually implementing it?

How can you validate an idea before jumping in and actually implementing it?

My answer on Quora to How can you validate an idea before jumping in and actually implementing it?:

From Computational Complexity

Selecting the Correct Oracle

After my post last week on the Complexity accepts, a friend of Shuichi Hirahara send Shuichi an email saying that I was interested in his paper. Shuichi contacted me, sent me his paper and we had a few good emails back and forth…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Book: Big Data Revolution is Big Data at work.

Book: Big Data Revolution is Big Data at work.

Just received a preview copy of: Big Data Revolution: What farmers, doctors and insurance agents teach us about discovering big data patterns  by Rob Thomas and Patrick McSharry.  To be published next week.Will read shortly."…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Research Opportunities in Europe

NSF Research Opportunities in Europe

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently released two Dear Colleague Letters (DCL) describing research opportunities in Europe. Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities in Europe for NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellows…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Favorite Data Science Books from Kirk Borne

Favorite Data Science Books from Kirk Borne

Correspondent Kirk Borne posts a selection of his favorite books on Data Science, Machine Learning and Analytics.    Taking a look now.  Met Kirk at a recent conference and was impressed by his mingling of the learnings of physical…

From insideHPC

Spanish Meteorological Procures 168 Teraflop Bull Supercomputer

Spanish Meteorological Procures 168 Teraflop Bull Supercomputer

A new supercomputer, provided by the French company Bull, will be predicting accurately whether or not the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

From insideHPC

DownUnder GeoSolutions Dives Into Liquid Submersion Cooling

DownUnder GeoSolutions Dives Into Liquid Submersion Cooling

Today Green Revolution Cooling announced the latest installation of its CarnotJet System at the Australian geosciences company DownUnder GeoSolutions.

From insideHPC

Interview: E4 Computer Engineering Gears Up for ISC High Performance

Interview: E4 Computer Engineering Gears Up for ISC High Performance

The E4 Computer Engineering team has garnered a solid reputation in Europe with high performance computing solutions for customers like CERN. To learn more, we caught up with Simone Tinti, who heads up the E4 HPC Team.

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