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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2021

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 31st 2021)

Science and Technology links (July 31st 2021)

Researchers built a microscope that might be 10 times better than the best available microscopes. Subsidizing college education can lower earnings due to lower job experience: The Post 9/11 GI Bill (PGIB) is among the largest…


Gaming the System: Definition

Gaming the System: Definition

To game a programmed system means thwarting non-programmed intention.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pepper Robot Shelved

Pepper Robot Shelved

 And the much touted Pepper robot from Japanese Softbank Group, has also been shelved.  Much touted at one time as human friendly in many soft domains.   Saw this impressively demonstrated in Japan.

Softbank Robotics Shelved By…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Status of Autonomous Last-Mile

Status of Autonomous Last-Mile

 Had wondered the status of this, after I saw some neighborhood bans reported.  have even volunteered to look at the Nuro example and report on it in situ.  Risk of sharing sidewalks with people.  Coming back? 

Last-Mile Delivery…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bayesian Keyboards

Bayesian Keyboards

Nice piece of how keyboards are made smart.

A Look Inside the Bayesian Keyboard

A visual tour of the data-driven features that make modern smartphone keyboards smart

Daniel Buschek  in TowardsDatascience

What you type is what you…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Communication with Animals

On Communication with Animals

Are we closer to communication with parrots, chimps, dolphins?  Will it be a key aspect of AI? 

On Communication By Vinton G. Cerf  in CACM.

Communications of the ACM, August 2021, Vol. 64 No. 8, Page 5  10.1145/3472146

As I write…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Pandemic Lag

In chess ratings and what other measures of cognitive development? src Henri Didon was a French priest and promoter of youth sports in the late 1800s. He coined the phrase Citius, Altius, Fortius, meaning faster-higher-stronger…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ear Worn eBP Sensor

Ear Worn eBP Sensor

I had understood that such BP methods were hard to do, my apologies if I was mistaken.  Here  considerable detail provided at the link.


eBP: An Ear-Worn Device for Frequent and Comfortable Blood Pressure…

From insideHPC

Let’s Talk Exascale: Optimizing the North American Power Grid for Reliability and Decarbonization

Let’s Talk Exascale: Optimizing the North American Power Grid for Reliability and Decarbonization

In this episode of Let’s Talk Exascale from the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) the focus is on an ECP application development project called ExaSGD, shorthand for Optimizing Stochastic Grid Dynamics at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning and Science

Machine Learning and Science

 Good intro and positioning.   A bit of an overreach perhaps. 

How will machine learning change science?   by Tanya Petersen, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne    in Techxplore

Machine learning has burst onto the scene in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A New Era for Mechanical CAD

A New Era for Mechanical CAD

Considerable piece.   We actively worked with computer aided design, and used sketchpad too.  Had always thought there would be better models for 'assistance' for its use.  Early on we examined automated efficiency of designA…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Is the Dream of Self-Driving Car Over?

Is the Dream of Self-Driving Car Over?

Are we slipping on compete autonomy?  I don't think so.  It may take longer than expected, but it will be here.   It has too many long range benefits to ignore.    It will also be delivered overseas and the pressure to catchWhy…

From insideHPC

DOE Resumes Webinar Series Aug. 4 on HPC Scientific Software Engineering Challenges and Best Practices

DOE Resumes Webinar Series Aug. 4 on HPC Scientific Software Engineering Challenges and Best Practices

The IDEAS Productivity project, in partnership with the DOE Computing Facilities of the ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC and the DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has resumed the webinar series on Best Practices for HPC Software Developers…

From Schneier on Security

Storing Encrypted Photos in Google’s Cloud

Storing Encrypted Photos in Google’s Cloud

New paper: “Encrypted Cloud Photo Storage Using Google Photos“:

Abstract: Cloud photo services are widely used for persistent, convenient, and often free photo storage, which is especially useful for mobile devices. As users…

From Schneier on Security

I Am Parting With My Crypto Library

I Am Parting With My Crypto Library

The time has come for me to find a new home for my (paper) cryptography library. It’s about 150 linear feet of books, conference proceedings, journals, and monographs — mostly from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.

My preference is…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Measuring memory usage: virtual versus real memory

Measuring memory usage: virtual versus real memory

Software developers are often concerned with the memory usage of their applications, and rightly so. Software that uses too much memory can fail, or be slow. Memory allocation will not work the same way under all systems. However…

From Computational Complexity

Covid Stats

A stat often quoted: About 97% of hospitalized coronavirus patients have not been vaccinated.  

People take this as proof that once vaccinated no worries. But I have so many challenges with this statistic.
This statistic is down…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cost of Data Breaches

Cost of Data Breaches

What it costs to have a Data Breach, useful data.

IBM Report: Data-Breach Costs Hit 17-Year High of $4.24M

Nancy Chenyizhi Liu | Editor in SdxCentral

July 28, 2021 12:01 AM

Data-breach costs jumped nearly 10% from an average of $3…

From insideHPC

NSF Partnerships Expand National AI Research Institutes to 40 states

NSF Partnerships Expand National AI Research Institutes to 40 states

WASHINGTON — July 29, 2021 –Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation announced the establishment of 11 new NSF National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes, building on the first round of seven institutes funded in…

From insideHPC

Wavicle Data Solutions Introduces Augment, ML-powered Data Management Platform

Wavicle Data Solutions Introduces Augment, ML-powered Data Management Platform

CHICAGO (July 29, 2021) – Chicago-based Wavicle Data Solutions, a leading data analytics firm offering cloud migration services and data management consulting, today announced the launch of Augment, the company’s new data management…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Weather Company Best Weather Forecast

IBM Weather Company Best Weather Forecast

 We actively used weather prediction data and programs for supply chain models.  I now use IBM's Weather Company almost daily. Quite good, very accurate, not perfect.   Often small errors can make a big difference.   Risk for…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Skin Is Naturally Anti-microbial

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Skin Is Naturally Anti-microbial

Often it feels like squid just evolved better than us mammals.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disrupting Ransomware by disrupting Cybercurrecy

Disrupting Ransomware by disrupting Cybercurrecy

Good piece in Schneier.  Disrupt the chain of reward.  

Disrupting Ransomware by Disrupting Bitcoin

Ransomware isn’t new; the idea dates back to 1986 with the “Brain” computer virus. Now, it’s become the criminal business model…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amex Uses Synthetic Data for Rare Fraud Patterns

Amex Uses Synthetic Data for Rare Fraud Patterns

Something we modeled even before machine learning to test 'nearness' to rare,  or even nonexistent patterns. 

Companies Beef Up AI Models with Synthetic Data  By The Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2021

Companies are building synthetic…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Playing with Bacon's Cipher

Playing with Bacon's Cipher

Bacon's cipher is a fairly well-known and simple cipher. Its considered a form of steganography. Unlike most steganography, the code is hidden in the text and not an image. The format is a 5-bit binary encoding where each letter…

From insideHPC

Verifying the Universe with Exascale Supercomputers

Verifying the Universe with Exascale Supercomputers

 The ExaSky project, one of the critical Earth and Space Science applications being solved by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP), is preparing to use the nation’s forthcoming exascale supercomputers…

From insideHPC

Putting Data in The Driver Seat Can Change Everything

Putting Data in The Driver Seat Can Change Everything

[Sponsored Post] When you have data in the driver’s seat, it’s a smooth ride. Any other operator, you risk a bumpy experience. The explosion of Digital Transformation is driving a rapid increase in investment in artificial intelligence…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What3Words Location Database

What3Words Location Database

And we continue to follow up the complexity, security and implications of determining location.  With a system called What3Words, which I had not heard of before.  Described quickly below.  See also:

Lost in L.A…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Concerns about QR Codes

Concerns about QR Codes

Good points.    I had not known that some of this data was always gathered.   We did formally tesgrt the use of QR codes in store to get information about products being purchased.   But at the time things like location dataLocation…

From insideHPC

Chenbro Launches RM252/RM352 Short Depth Edge Computing Server Chassis Series for 5G

Chenbro Launches RM252/RM352 Short Depth Edge Computing Server Chassis Series for 5G

Taipei, Taiwan, July 27, 2021 – Chenbro (TWSE: 8210), a maker of own-brand rackmount system, announced the RM252 and RM352 series, its latest short depth 2U and 3U edge computing server chassis, to support complex industrial …

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