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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Decade of Voice Assistants

Decade of Voice Assistants

General but simplified history, worth a look. Platforms have been constructed, with lots of users.  Now how will they filled with meaningful assistance? How close to general AI will that evolve to?  How will it change the workplace…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Technology Updating

Retail Technology Updating

Always good to take a look at how existing tech will coexist with emerging.

Retailers take on massive legacy system challenges one module at a time   by Andrew Blatherwick

There’s a sea change underway in how retailers are thinking…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Resolutions For 2020

Some fun about resolutions. source Ben Orlin is a funny mathematician. His book title Change Is the Only Constant was selected by the blog Math-Frolic as the best mathematics book of 2019. Today Ken and I want to try to get you…

From insideHPC

Dell Technologies Democratizes HPC at SC19

Dell Technologies Democratizes HPC at SC19

In this video from SC19, Thierry Pellegrino from Dell Technologies describes how the company's HPC solutions are designed to simplify and accelerate customers’ HPC and AI efforts. "There’s a lot of value in the data that organizations…

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Year in Review 2019

Some great theorems this year including non-deterministic double exponential time by quantumly entangled provers and integer multiplication in O(n log n) time. But the result of the year has to go to a paper that gave a shockingly…

From insideHPC

RISC-V Lagarto is First Open Source Chip Developed in Spain

RISC-V Lagarto is First Open Source Chip Developed in Spain

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center has coordinated the manufacture of the first open source chip developed in Spain. "Lagarto is an important step in the search of the BSC, led by the center's director, Mateo Valero, to develop…

From insideHPC

Reimagining HPC Compute and Storage Architecture with Intel Optane Technology

Reimagining HPC Compute and Storage Architecture with Intel Optane Technology

Andrey Kudryavtsev from Intel gave this talk at the DDN User Group in Denver. "Intel Optane DC SSDs are proven technologies that have helped data centers remove storage bottlenecks and accelerate application performance for the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Video: Interpretable Machine Learning

Video: Interpretable Machine Learning

I mentioned this article in an earlier post, where I discuss in more detail, here here a short video introduction.

Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning from CACM on Vimeo.

Mengnan Du and Xia Hu discuss "Techniques for

From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT CSAIL Sees Thorough Walls

MIT CSAIL Sees Thorough Walls

Mentioned once before, continues to draw interest.

A seemingly very radical capability, consider implications privacy and otherwise.  Again caution must be placed to know how directly practical and easy this is to do.  Demos are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazonification of Supply Chains

Amazonification of Supply Chains

Driven on the consumer side by strong and rising expectations of in-stock and quick delivery.

The Amazonification of Supply Chains
December 30, 2019
Roddy Martin, In Supplychain Brain

In the past, suppliers such as those in the pharma…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assigning Machines to Tasks

Assigning Machines to Tasks

Interesting question when we start to share work.  How is it most effectively done?   Thoughts from Kellogg linked to at the short Podcast linked to below.   But  I would offer that machines are still too simplistic to do this…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Looking Back on Blogging

Looking Back on Blogging

Both Doug Peterson ( and Mike Zamansky ( posted to their blogs about blogs from ten years ago. It was pretty interesting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning

Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning

Very good piece I am reading in the January CACM.  The most important aspect of considering AI-ML type models in the real world.  Good introduction, useful key insights, but ultimately quite technical.  Bottom line is that research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Personality Detection by Autonomous Vehicles

Personality Detection by Autonomous Vehicles

More on personality determination to be used for autonomous vehicles.  Or any IOT device?  While it would appear this would be very useful, it leads to some kinds of private data, like behavioral personality, which could further…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking School Surveillance Systems

Hacking School Surveillance Systems

Lance Vick suggesting that students hack their schools' surveillance systems. "This is an ethical minefield that I feel students would be well within their rights to challenge, and if needed, undermine," he said. Of course, there…

From insideHPC

Cloud Compute in 2019: Workloads and Options

Cloud Compute in 2019: Workloads and Options

In this video, Oracle Sr Director Leo Leung cloud computing options by workload in 2019. "Of course there's variance when it comes to clock speeds, when it comes to the amount of memory versus storage is on board. But generally…

From insideHPC

Video: Democratizing the World’s Weather Data with IBM GRAF

Video: Democratizing the World’s Weather Data with IBM GRAF

In this video, scientists describes IBM GRAF, a powerful new global weather forecasting system that will provide the most accurate local weather forecasts ever seen worldwide. The IBM Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Geometrically: What Should You Read Next?

Geometrically: What Should You Read  Next?

Classifying and suggesting documents that point to our goals.  An old problem, but now being done with new tools.   'Geometric Data Processing'  an interesting term,  see more on that here.  "Our group studies geometric problems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Contracts and FMCG

Smart Contracts and FMCG

A point by point set of examples, includes some examples such as what Wal-Mart is doing.   Biggest possibility I see is the sharing of operational data between retailers and suppliers to assure quality and future predictive supply…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bring Blockchain Undertanding into Physical World

Bring Blockchain Undertanding into Physical World

Fascinating to see how the emergence of new tech is quickly tried against problems, and older metaphors are used to improve understanding. 

Bringing the Blockchain into the Physical World
Lancaster University
July 10, 2019


From The Eponymous Pickle

Reconstructing Spoken Words from NonHuman Brains

Reconstructing Spoken Words from NonHuman Brains

Fascinating challenge.   Implications for future understanding of animal brains and human speech perception.

Researchers Reconstruct Spoken Words as Processed in Nonhuman Primate Brains
Brown University
By Kevin Stacey


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

My Science and Technology review for 2019

My Science and Technology review for  2019

I like to end every year with my selection of the most significant science and technology events. In 2019, you could buy a computer from Apple with 1.5 terabytes of memory. And by memory, I mean fast internal memory (RAM). Of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enabling AI in Hospitals for Training

Enabling AI in Hospitals for Training

Distributed learning method. deep learning on the edge to provide privacy.

Nvidia uses federated learning to enable AI in hospitals

Nvidia Corp. wants to make artificial intelligence a staple of


From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Offices with IOT

Smarter Offices with IOT

Very much makes sense to integrate further facilities management.  Add more elements of autonomy.

Increasing Business ROI with IoT in Facilities Management
By Michael Georgiou  in ReadWrite / 30 Nov 2019 / IoT
IoT in facilities

From insideHPC

Podcast: Mapping Disasters with Artificial Intelligence

Podcast: Mapping Disasters with Artificial Intelligence

In this Chip Chat podcast, Intel's Alexei Bastidas describes the technology behind making maps from satellite images. "Good maps rely on good data. The Red Cross’ Missing Maps Project leverages AI to provide governments and aid…

From insideHPC

Adaptive Computing Releases NODUS Cloud OS 4.0

Adaptive Computing Releases NODUS Cloud OS 4.0

Adaptive Computing has released NODUS Cloud OS 4.0 to help organizations simplify the deployment of cloud-hosted resources and gain access to the virtually unlimited capacity of High-Performance Computing in the cloud. In addition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An IOT Security Crisis

An IOT Security Crisis

Well hardly usual, in this case the device was placed in a bedroom and used to communicate. Hardly its stated purpose.   Any surveillance camera could have been used that way.  Its like the alleged warning on a lawn mower suggesting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assembling, Using, Visual Knowledge

Assembling, Using,  Visual Knowledge

We also looked at ways to assemble visual information, for use in training, communication, archiving, data.    And at patterns in that data that wold make it more useful.   One thing that came up was how to augment it to make…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Seeks Patent for ML Navigation Solution

Google Seeks Patent for ML Navigation Solution

Machine Learning patent for a particular application by Google:

Google seeks patent for ML model speed prediction to improve navigation services
The prediction of the speed of the vehicle can be used to predict a travel time, or…

From insideHPC

SC19 Invited Talk: OpenSpace – Visualizing the Universe

SC19 Invited Talk: OpenSpace – Visualizing the Universe

Anders Ynnerman from Linköping University gave this invited talk at SC19. "This talk will present and demonstrate the NASA funded open source initiative, OpenSpace, which is a tool for space and astronomy research and communication…

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