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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2009

From insideHPC

Sun confirms additional 1,500 jobs

Sun confirms additional 1,500 jobs reported yesterday that Sun has confirmed additional job cuts this week Sun Microsystems, amid persistent reports of a possible acquisition by IBM, is eliminating an additional 1,500 employees from its global…

From insideHPC

InsideTrack: stimulus money headed into HPC on the back of other

InsideTrack: stimulus money headed into HPC on the back of other

I was on the phone with Charlie Wuischpard, the CEO of Penguin Computing, today and got some interesting insight into possible HPC impact from President Obama’s stimulus spending. From the various posts I’ve made and pointed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking

Had a great conversation with Rob Schwartz. He is CEO of TrackAmerica. They have a number of quickly mountable, good value GPS tracking solutions for assets and conveyances. They also have a selections of web based software…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reckitt-Benckiser Invests in Web

Reckitt-Benckiser Invests in Web

Noted Consumer Package Good maker, notable for its Lysol brand: From AdAge: " Reckitt-Benckiser will Shift $20 Million to Web From TV ... will cap off its fifth straight year of organic sales growth with a new recession-approved…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge

A blog: Common Knowledge, that discusses the issues behind a Science Commons.

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Update on Recovery.Gov

Update on Recovery.Gov is one of the first deliverables of the massive funding package better known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Mandated by ARRA, the site's mission is to track all the funding distributed under…

From Putting People First

Design is the Problem: An Interview with Nathan Shedroff

Design is the Problem: An Interview with Nathan Shedroff

Nathan Shedroff’s latest book, Design is the Problem: The Future of Design Must Be Sustainable, has just been published by Rosenfeld Media, and is likely to become one of the most important books for designers on the subject…

From Putting People First

Co-creation in service design

Co-creation in service design

Ben Fullerton has an article out in the March/April issue of Interactions magazine on Co-creation in Service Design. It focuses on the

From Putting People First

Experience based design at the UK

Experience based design at the UK

Yesterday I was in Lille, France, to speak at a small conference on service design organised by Philippe Picaud, the highly dynamic design director of Oxylane-Decathlon. Decathlon is an international private sports retailer…

From CERIAS Blog

Symposium Summary: Unsecured Economies Panel

Symposium Summary: Unsecured Economies Panel

A panel summary by Kripa Shankar.

Panel Members:

  • Karthik Kannan, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
  • Jackie Rees, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
  • Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee
  • Paul Doyle, ProofSpace…

    From insideHPC

    But will it play in

    But will it play in

    If you didn’t grow up in the US on reruns of 1960s television, you might want the Wikipedia entry for that title. Anyway, I just got off the air recording an episode of Intel’s Parallel Programming Talk podcast with Aaron Tersteeg…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Emerging Marketplace Simulation

    Emerging Marketplace Simulation

    Thinkvine has announced their Emerging Marketplace: Marketing Simulation and Planning Software. The link includes case studies and overviews. Reviewing." ... The Emerging Marketplace

    From Apophenia

    Bernie Hogan: "Networking in Everyday Life"

    Bernie Hogan: "Networking in Everyday Life"

    One of the coolest things about being at Microsoft Research is that there are systems in place that make it very easy to collaborate with faculty at other institutions. I took advantage of this for the first time last week when…

    From insideHPC

    Power efficient servers, virtualization, and green

    Power efficient servers, virtualization, and green

    We’ve been talking a bit here lately about the uses of virtualization in HPC, and there are strong advocates on both sides of the question. The general roar of the IT press though is in virtualization’s favor, which is why I…

    From Putting People First



    Two new interviews on Nokia’s IdeasProject: Cheap sensors are transformative Monitor Networks CEO Chris Meyer sees tremendous possibilities in the observation and data gathering capabilities of cheap sensors. The universal and…

    From insideHPC

    Appro and Terascala Partner on

    Appro and Terascala Partner on

    Appro and Terascala announced a partnership this morning to deliver Appro’s Xtreme-X and HyperGreen Blade Cluster solutions in conjunction with Terascala’s MTS and RTS 1000 Lustre storage appliances. “An important consideration…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Modeling and SImulation

    Modeling and SImulation

    David E.Goldberg passes along a slideshow describing an interdisciplinary course on modeling and simulation at the Olin COllege of Engineering. Well done.

    From insideHPC

    STFC Daresbury Laboratory

    STFC Daresbury Laboratory

    More news from the UK’s Streamline Computing, this time about a new system to be installed at the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council

    From insideHPC

    SiCortex says Nehalem is too little, too

    SiCortex says Nehalem is too little, too

    SiCortex is one of the few HPC vendors who doesn’t have at least one product line in the Nehalem refresh fest that marked today’s chip launch. Of course their gear is based on MIPS processors. Not to be left out the news cycle…

    From insideHPC

    Nehalem-EP, world. World, meet

    Nehalem-EP, world. World, meet

    It wasn’t out when I looked before work this morning, but by the time I got home and got the laptop back out, the news was fully distributed. Intel’s Xeon 5500 series processor, the follow-on to Harpertown, the latest Core i7…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Laws of Simplicity

    Laws of Simplicity

    Reading John Maeda's 2006 book The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business Life. Nicely done so far, and simple. I am reminded of Einstein's quote that solutions should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Some…

    From insideHPC

    Silicon Graphics Supports Nehalem on ICE: Complete with

    Silicon Graphics Supports Nehalem on ICE: Complete with

    On the tails on Intel’s official release of their latest Xeon silicon, deemed Nehalem, Silicon Graphics have announced support for the new chip in their ICE cluster series. To remain competitive, users today require their IT…

    From insideHPC

    According to Otellini, Sun Was Shopped

    According to Otellini, Sun Was Shopped

    In a recent SEC filing, Intel CEO Paul Otellini made a few comments regarding the recent news that IBM has expressed interest to open their [very large] wallet and merge [*cough*... purchase] Sun Microsystems.

    From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

    Homeland Security Secretary Puts REAL ID on Back Burner

    Homeland Security Secretary Puts REAL ID on Back Burner

    The new Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, indicated on Friday that there were many flaws and problems with the REAL ID law, which is intended to provide for more secure forms of identification. USACM submitted…

    From Computer Science Teachers Association

    Do High School Computer Science Teachers Want a Professional Organization?

    Do High School Computer Science Teachers Want a Professional Organization?

    There is no doubt that High School Computer Science Teachers need a professional organization. We are often the lone voice in the wilderness, under appreciated by our departments, administrations, and districts. Yet, what have…

    From Apophenia

    Seeking: Boston-based developer for prototyping work with moi

    Seeking: Boston-based developer for prototyping work with moi

    Back in the day, I used to build interactive visualizations and other tools to mark up and analyze data. My research agenda is leading me back there and so Microsoft Research has kindly agreed to give me the resources to try…

    From insideHPC

    UPCRC Illinois Summer School for Multicore

    UPCRC Illinois Summer School for Multicore

    The Universal Parallel Computing Research Center has announced a series of courses this summer designed to introduce programmers to multicore programming paradigms.

    From CERIAS Blog

    Symposium Summary: Distinguished Lecture

    Symposium Summary: Distinguished Lecture

    A summary written by Nabeel Mohamed.

    The main focus of the talk was to highlight the need for “information-centric security” over existing infrastructure centric security. It was an interesting talk since John was instrumental…

    From CERIAS Blog

    Symposium Summary: Fireside Chat

    Symposium Summary: Fireside Chat

    A panel summary by Utsav Mittal.

    Panel Members:

    • Eugene H. Spafford, CERIAS
    • Ron Ritchey, IATAC
    • John Thompson, Symantec
    It’s an enlightening experience to listen to some of the infosec industry’s most respected and seasoned…

    From CERIAS Blog

    Symposium Summary: Security in the Cloud Panel

    Symposium Summary: Security in the Cloud Panel

    A panel summary by Ashish Kamra.

    Panel Members:

    • Lorenzo D. Martino, College of Technology, Purdue University
    • Keith Watson, CERIAS, Purdue University
    • Dennis R. Moreau, Configuresoft Inc.
    • Christoph Schuba, Sun Microsystems

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