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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2011

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Interesting Squid Recipes

Friday Squid Blogging: Interesting Squid Recipes

Plus a slide show of pretty dishes.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Rules Engines

Business Rules Engines

I have been asked about the use ot business rules to drive specifics of process.   This came up:Welcome to Business Rule Engine. This site is a companion to the book How to Build A Business Rules Engine: Extending Application…

From The Eponymous Pickle

You Need a Data Scientist

You Need a Data Scientist

Good piece on the reasons why you need a data scientist to address how to use analytics for your business.   In my own consulting business I get similar questions and give similar answers.  Good initial read on the topic.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Vulnerability in Teaching

Vulnerability in Teaching

The status quo in university lecturing is comfortable.  You capture what you know on a set of slides (often using many words - kind of a brain dump, really), and tell students that 'this is the way it is' during class.  You normally…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson and Wellpoint

Watson and Wellpoint

Another good article, this in Analytics Magazine on the application of the IBM Watson AI technology and Wellpoint Inc.  " ... WellPoint, Inc. and IBM announced an agreement to create the first commercial applications of the IBM…

From Putting People First

PressPausePlay, a film about hope, fear and digital culture

PressPausePlay, a film about hope, fear and digital culture

The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent of people in an unprecedented way, unleashing unlimited creative opportunities. But does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature…

From Computational Complexity


Lots of buzz about Princeton's new policy that prevents faculty from giving away the right to publish papers on their own web pages. Never seen faculty so happy to have their rights restricted. Princeton is behind the game for…

From Putting People First

Truth, lies and the internet

Truth, lies and the internet

The internet is the greatest source of information for people living in the UK today. But the amount of material available at the click of a mouse can be both liberating and asphyxiating. Although there are more e-books, trustworthy…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In this month’s

From Putting People First

UX: old wine in new bottles?

UX: old wine in new bottles?

Finnish researchers Antti Oulasvirta, Pertti Saariluoma, Rebekah Rousi and Jaana Leikas discuss replacing using intuitive notions of emotions with systematic psychological knowledge. “Underlying the recent surge in interest in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Teasers from Brandwashed

Teasers from Brandwashed

Martin Lindstrom's latest book: Brandwashed has made number 8 on USA Today's bestsellers list.   He sends along a flier that outlines a number of interesting topics in this controversial book.    Check out the flyer  here, it…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Advocating on the Advocate Blog

Advocating on the Advocate Blog

Recently I started a 10-week contract, filling in as a Math teacher at a local high school. Naturally one of my early questions was "So what senior computing classes do you have?" The answer, from the principal, was "None". A…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Trending Today: Life According to Twitter

Trending Today: Life According to Twitter

There’s a new study out in tomorrow’s Science

From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Time Site Analytics

Real Time Site Analytics

Google Analytics is adding real time tracking to its dashboards.  This will be phased in over the coming days.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kimberly-Clark Logistics

Kimberly-Clark Logistics

A good example of how RFID can be used to make the supply chain more efficient through transparency: " ... The consumer goods manufacturer is using a solution that includes EPC tags and readers to track the arrival, loading and…

From My Biased Coin

Allerton Part 2 : Venue Change?

Allerton Part 2 : Venue Change?

Yesterday, I thought the best talks I saw were by Devavrat Shah and Dina Katabi.Dev was talking about how to track where rumors start.  The model is you have a graph of nodes that have been infected (by a rumor, or disease, or…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interdictive Analytics

Interdictive Analytics

Forrester's James Kobielus on what he is calling 'Interdictive Analytics'.  Good thoughts.  I had not heard the term before but it is form of  predictive alerting using analytics, that is not uncommon." ... Predictive analytics…

From Wild WebMink

? Extension of Power

? Extension of Power

Alert To Activists: Customs Enforcement of IPR “This is a very worrying development. Borders are places with arbitrary rules, over-empowered and unaccountable officers and no recourse for victims. It is simply wrong to give open…

From Schneier on Security

Insecure Chrome Extensions

Insecure Chrome Extensions

An analysis of extensions to the Chrome browser shows that 25% of them are insecure:

We reviewed 100 Chrome extensions and found that 27 of the 100 extensions leak all of their privileges to a web or WiFi attacker. Bugs in…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog



At an event in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Analytics Transforming Retail Business Planning

Social Analytics Transforming Retail Business Planning

Correspondent Armen Najarian at DemandTec posts an excellent piece: Four Ways Social Analytics will Transform Retail Business Planning.  Read his list of four dimensions of transformation.  I heartily agree.  Let me take it further…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Packaging and Consumer Choice

Packaging and Consumer Choice

An interesting case study in Knowledge @ Wharton regarding packaging design at Heinz and how innovative packaging can be transformational in very common and 'old'  businesses.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tom Davenport Looks at MoneyBall

Tom Davenport Looks at MoneyBall

Information and analytics in Baseball and Industry.   Games have always been a good way to think about business and how to apply technical methods.   A good look at the similarities. I largely agree, but this is more about the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Business Intelligence at Guess Inc

Agile Business Intelligence at Guess Inc

An intriguing case study of business intelligence at Guess.   The concept of agility. Agile BI: Good but Not EnoughAt Guess Inc., BI Director Bruce Yen embraces mobility and fashion culture, but wants more from technology in…

From My Biased Coin

Allerton 2011

Allerton 2011

I woke up at an absurdly early hour this morning to get on a plane and go to the Allerton conference.  I'm giving a talk this afternoon on Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (arxiv link) (joint work with Michael Goodrich).  It'sEfficient…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Accidental Creative

Accidental Creative

Todd Henry of Accidental Creative on Realism, Ambition and Hypocracy.  See his excellent book: The Accidental Creative.


The ­U.K. Is Taking Steps to Improve Computing Education in Schools

The ­U.K. Is Taking Steps to Improve Computing Education in Schools

The United Kingdom is stepping up its efforts to improve computing education in schools. 




Stanford University has very visibly started pushing mass teaching in AI,  machine learning, and databases.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wallet

Google Wallet

An overview of the recent Google Wallet rollout.  It is still early, but we will start to see more phone based payment systems.  The future will be a collection of location, payment and shopper interaction.  All leading to richer…

From Computational Complexity

A candidate for a new Millenium Problem

In a prior post I wrote that the Erdos-Turan Conjecture should be a Millennium problem. Today I am going to (1) suggest a generalization of the Erdos-Turan Conjecture should be a Millennium problem instead, and also suggesthere…

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