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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2012

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Invests in Internet Marketing

Unilever Invests in Internet Marketing

More Internet data leverage: " ... Unilever and Nielsen announce an agreement for the use of Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings reach, frequency and gross rating point (GRP) measurement for all Unilever brand Internet ad campaigns…

From Putting People First

Nudging consumers into making better life choices

Nudging consumers into making better life choices

Designers are beginning to understand how irrational thinking plays into the decisions people make, writes Rob Girling of Artefact. That knowledge can be used to openly influence consumers to make responsible choices. “Recent…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Microsoft's Illumishare.   A virtual reality effort by Microsoft that allows the mixing of the virtual and real.   The video emphasizes education examples, but it appears to be generally useful.  How do you share physical objects…

From Computational Complexity

The Erdos- de Bruijn theorem

The mathematician Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn passed away on Feb 17, 2012. The number of things named after him is quite large. I will discuss the Erdos-de Bruijn theorem.

Erdos-de Bruijn theorem: An (infinite) graph G is …

From Putting People First

Connected homes for connected people

Connected homes for connected people

The French think tank Fing (who was also behind the LIFT France event last year) collaborated last year with VIA, Promotelec, Renault Group, La Poste, Minatec Laboratory (CEA), CNR Sant

From The Eponymous Pickle

High Performance Analytics

High Performance Analytics

SAS's always insightful Jim Goodnight, on high performance analytics.

From Wild WebMink

? Pratchett Does Sci-Fi

? Pratchett Does Sci-Fi

My attention was drawn to a new direction that fantasy author Terry Pratchett is taking. His Discworld series has been a huge success among a wide circle of people who find the

From Schneier on Security

FBI Special Agent and Counterterrorism Expert Criticizes the TSA

FBI Special Agent and Counterterrorism Expert Criticizes the TSA

Good essay. Nothing I haven't said before, but it's good to hear it from someone with a widely different set of credentials than I have.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

We’ve blogged about this topic before, but there’s another terrific article

From Putting People First

Habits are the new viral: why startups must be behavior experts

Habits are the new viral: why startups must be behavior experts

The economic value of web businesses increasingly depends on the strength of the habitual behavior of their users, argues Nir Eyal on Techcrunch. These habits ultimately will be a deciding factor in what separates startup winners…

From Putting People First

Two more posts by Sam Ladner on corporate ethnography

Two more posts by Sam Ladner on corporate ethnography

After her much talked about piece “Does corporate ethnography suck?” – which presented a cultural analysis of academics critiques of industry ethnography as a second rate or illegitimate forms of ethnography – Sam Ladner followed…

From Putting People First

User environment driving technology

User environment driving technology

Sierra Wireless

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft at SIGCSE 2012

Microsoft at SIGCSE 2012

For the first time in several years I am not attending SIGCSE this week. I

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Needs a Reboot

Retail Needs a Reboot

Insightful, somewhat simplistic view of the changes in retail from GigaOM.   Classic retail needs to be re-thought definitely,  reboot perhaps.   The insertion of innovative methods that combine mobile and mortar are needed.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Branding Knowledge Management Initiatives

Branding Knowledge Management Initiatives

Branding Knowledge Management.    By Lauren Trees.   An interesting element that we had not thought about in great detail during our own internal tests.  What we were attempting to do was to make knowledge management as transparent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Who is on Your Network?

Who is on Your Network?

From ComputerWorld.  A clever little free mobile App for Apple or Android or desktop called Fing that scans your local network and tells you what is on it.  Simple and easy to use.   The link above will tell you much more about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

BiggerPlate Mapping Groups

BiggerPlate Mapping Groups

I have long been a proponent of concept, mind and process maps as a means of capturing and delivering many kinds of knowledge.    BiggerPlate is a sharing repository of knowledge maps.   A great place to start to get an outline…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Direct Social Selling

More Direct Social Selling

In Supermarket News:  " ... The Economist Intelligence Unit found that more consumer-goods companies are using social media to sell directly to customers, and the number is expected to increase. In a survey of more than 200 executives…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph

I order to be more precise search must embed semantic reasoning.   In Mashable, an interview about the challenge and the use of semantic knowledge networks.   Google Knowledge Graph Could Change Search Forever.  " ... The future…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog



From Computerworld: Scientists at IBM Research

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Help Design a Book for Computer Science Beginners

Help Design a Book for Computer Science Beginners

Bringing computer science to the masses is my passion, through education and outreach.  I've run mini-courses for girls, designed a video game, lead workshops for professional women, taught arts and social science students, and…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Director:

DARPA Director:

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Director Regina Dugan recently sat on an panel sponsored by

From The Eponymous Pickle

Formalizing the Water Cooler

Formalizing the Water Cooler

Good thoughts about why and how to gather corporate knowledge from obvious, but rarely captured sources, like informal conversations.   Points to less formal places like social networks.  In my career I remember several times…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Young Can/Should You Start Teaching Programming?

How Young Can/Should You Start Teaching Programming?

Or perhaps how young should you try? And to top if off, why do you want to start them so young in the first place? I received the following from a teacher friend of mine the other day and it has had me thinking ever since.

From Schneier on Security

"Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake"

"Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake"

Good essay on the dangers of cyberwar rhetoric -- and the cyberwar arms race.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Risk Analysis App

Risk Analysis App

Boris Agranovich of the Global Risk Community has posted an early look at a new free App that: " ... will offer simple way for decision-makers to identify the potential business impact of their organisation's assets and processes…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Guest Post on Cybersecurity Legislation from Chris Bronk

Guest Post on Cybersecurity Legislation from Chris Bronk

What follows is a guest post from Chris Bronk, Information Technology Policy Fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. He’s a new member of USACM, but the post reflects only his thoughts on the Cybersecurity…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Mobile Devices in the Classroom

Mobile Devices in the Classroom

This fall I took an online class to learn about ways to use cellphones in the classroom. There has been much in the media recently about ways to utilize this ubiquitous technology in a positive way to enhance learning. While …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Computing Page

Cognitive Computing Page

A  reconnect with some IBM researchers led me to revisit their cognitive computing presence:" ... Researchers at IBM have been working on a cognitive computing project called Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable…

From Wild WebMink

? Is Windows to blame for viruses?

? Is Windows to blame for viruses?

A historical post, for a change. A comment on a mailing list tonight – that something was “rather like blaming Windows for getting viruses” –

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