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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2012

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Refrigerator is a Peripheral

A Refrigerator is a Peripheral

We experimented widely with the network in the 'future home'.  As part of that effort we visited Microsoft's future home.  I was never impressed with how much they had thought through the network to address the myriad, and quickly…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Katie Salen's Take on How Games Can Change Education

Katie Salen's Take on How Games Can Change Education

Don't shoot the player while they're learning.  It's one of the keys to good game design as spoken by a veteran of the field, and adopted by Katie Salen in the context of education.  She spoke about that pearl of wisdom among…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Science and Business Association

Neuromarketing Science and  Business Association

Newly formed group I was informed of by Steve Sands: The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA) is the global trade association for all those engaged in neuromarketing. The NMSBA is headquartered in the Netherlands and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping App and Product Discovery

Shopping App and Product Discovery

In GigaOM: A key aspect of in store applications.   It drives the potential of pointing out new products to the user.  " ...  in its first survey of performance statistics, it found that 50 percent of its users discovered new…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Headphones in the Workplace

Headphones in the Workplace

An HBR article on the effect of wearing headphones in the Workplace.   Largely, a view that suggests that the inability to capture random and casual information can inhibit creativity.  Of course if you are not at the office,…

From Computational Complexity

Is Moore's Law Good for CS?

Roy Friedman writes a blog post on The Expected End of Moore

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF, NIH to Hold Webinar on Big Data Solicitation

NSF, NIH to Hold Webinar on Big Data Solicitation

Late last month, the Administration unveiled a $200 million Big Data R&D Initiative, committing new funding to improve “our ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex

From Schneier on Security

JCS Chairman Sows Cyberwar Fears

JCS Chairman Sows Cyberwar Fears

Army General Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said:

A cyber attack could stop our society in its tracks.
Gadzooks. A scared populace is much more willing to pour money into the cyberwar arms race…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 30 April 2012

Interesting Links 30 April 2012

Home again! A lot of traveling the last two weeks but I

From The Eponymous Pickle

PARC Emphasizes Business Models

PARC Emphasizes  Business Models

I have mentioned a number of times we actively worked with PARC.  We sought them out to better understand changes in some of the technologies they pioneered.  Now they position themselves as being  more about business models.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau in Cincinnati

Tableau in Cincinnati

There will a meeting about Tableau data visualization software in downtown Cincinnati on May 31, starting at 2:30 PM.   More details and registration here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP and Predictive Analytics

SAP and Predictive Analytics

Not unexpected given the increasing need for analytics, via Doug Lautzenheizer,SAP says there are five things you need to understand about predictive analytics:1. Predictive analytics is nothing new but the emerging "big data"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Moore's Law Survives

Moore's Law Survives

Have read about the imminent demise of Moore's law for some time.   Now development of new chip designs by Intel seem to say it will survive  longer yet.  " ... Moore pointed out that the number of transistors on a chip doubles…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Putting Hotspots in Pavement

Putting Hotspots in Pavement

When building our first innovation center I remember the difficulty of getting the space adequately wired among all the store shelves.  This and other issues had us slicing trenches in the concrete floor.  This Engadget post

From The Eponymous Pickle

Science of Humor

Science of Humor

Mind Hacks on the science of humor.    Another example of non conscious reaction.  And what better engagement for retail than laughter?  How can this result purchasing behavior?  Brand engagement?    Links to a Ted talkSophie…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Expert Integrated Systems

Expert Integrated Systems

A short video by IBM Research on integrated expert systems.  Insightful thoughts I agree with.   " ... Why expert integrated systems? " ... An IBM Research perspective from Brenda Dietrich, Dario Gil, Chid Apte and Jurij Paraszczak…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Fun is to Entertainment as Education is to Training

Fun is to Entertainment as Education is to Training

How often have you heard a teacher say something to the effect that their job is not to entertain? My guess is pretty often. I know I have heard it a lot. Teachers jobs are to educate. What bothers me though is that learning…

From Schneier on Security

Vote for <i>Liars and Outliers</i>

Vote for <i>Liars and Outliers</i>

Actionable Books is having a vote to determine which of four books to summarize on their site. If you are willing, please go there and vote for Liars and Outliers. (Voting requires a Facebook ID.) Voting closes Monday at noon…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain Responses and Neuroeconomics

Brain Responses and Neuroeconomics

In Science Daily:     Neuroeconomics: Studying Brain Responses Gives Marketers Increased Ability to Predict How People Make DecisionsScienceDaily (Apr. 24, 2012)

From The Eponymous Pickle

College Libraries Exploring Pinterest

College Libraries Exploring Pinterest

My own involvement with libraries would not make me expect this.  But libraries are doing more experimentation than they used to. Moving from text centric to image focused.    I have wandered the stacks checking out the spines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GSMP InSight Launched

GSMP InSight Launched

GS1 reports they have a new site that summarizes global standards activity: Building Standards to Deliver Business Value: InSight is GSMP

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Inaugural Collective Intelligence Conference

The Inaugural Collective Intelligence Conference

Researchers from multiple disciplines spanning computer science, mathematics, the social, behavioral, and economic sciences, and biology gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology last week for the first-ever Collective…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Chesapeake Bay Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Chesapeake Bay Squid

Great pictures.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Experiment: Teaching Computer Science With Stories

Experiment: Teaching Computer Science With Stories

I've wondered in the past how important interactive storytelling might be in educational games.  The  potential to use story for more than just engagement seems high.  In just over a week, a colleague and I are going to run an…

From Wild WebMink

GPL: Declining Or Not?

GPL: Declining Or Not?

Going were angels fear to tread, I wrote in Infoworld today a summary of the “Is the GPL in decline” debate and come to the conclusion that the use of the GPL remains strong and growing but the business game that was extensively…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data and Visualization Blogs

Data and Visualization Blogs

A good list of data and visualization blogs, have not heard of a number of them. Worth exploring.

From Computational Complexity

Hanan Samt wins Kanellakis Prize!


  1. Symposium on Turing in Princeton in about a month
  2. UMCP is doing a job search for a lecturer
  3. New York Area Theory Day

The Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for 2011 went to Hanan Samet from University of Maryland…

From Putting People First

Do people want touch on laptop screens?

Do people want touch on laptop screens?

Do people want touch on laptop screens? Daria Loi, user experience manager at Intel, did some research on the matter and the answer is a clear yes: people want a single device with a keyboard that opens, closes and is touch enabled…

From Putting People First

Communicating the UX value proposition

Communicating the UX value proposition

John Dilworth and Matt Miller of LDS Church provide an overall framework to communicate the value of UX within businesses, that directly associates the value proposition of UX with key business objectives. “It is the job of the…

From Wild WebMink

Open Standards Consultation Extended

Open Standards Consultation Extended

The Cabinet Office has acted on an undisclosed conflict of interest by adding an extra month. Read more on ComputerWorldUK.

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