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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2009

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Attributes of good research

Attributes of good research

Paul Graham gives a list of attributes characterizing start-ups. It strikes me that many of these attributes could describe research projects as well:

Good research projects fail. If there is no risk of failure, you are doing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Turning Over IP Addresses

Google Turning Over IP Addresses

Wikileaks says that Google is turning over information about the IP addresses of some of its users. The article says: ' ... Google has elected to keep extensive, non-anoymized records on its users, but not defend these records…

From Return 42;

Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages

Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages

While I was doing some research for myself about the evolution of the different families of functional programming languages, I came across an interesting ACM Computing Survey by Paul Hudak, published in 1989, about the conception…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-08-31

links for 2009-08-31

Seems obvious to me that the US was built on the entrepreneurship of immigrants and that shutting them down will lead to decline. After all, …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Feeding Local News

Feeding Local News

If has been suggested that newspapers will survive by gathering and organizing local news and markets. I still get my local newspaper. Applications like FWix on the IPhone are attempting to take this away as well. Crowdsourcing…

From Wild WebMink

Mine, all mine (& theirs too)

Mine, all mine (& theirs too)


One of our design principles for over the years has been to allow everything and let good sense and existing rules prevent mishaps - at least until it's clear we need a new rule of some kind. It's been almost…

From The Noisy Channel

Finding, Locating, Discovering

Finding, Locating, Discovering

Thanks to Tony Hollingsworth for alerting me to a post by Alex Campbell entitled "Stark realisation: I no longer depend on Google to find stuff." The title is provocative link bait, but the take-away is very down to earth: Google…

From Schneier on Security

On London's Surveillance Cameras

On London's Surveillance Cameras

A recent report has concluded that the London's surveillance cameras have solved one crime per thousand cameras per year.

David Davis MP, the former shadow home secretary, said: "It should provoke a long overdue rethink on where…

From The Eponymous Pickle

View Of German Processus Semantic Project

View Of German Processus Semantic Project

Mark Montgomery sends this along:" A video from ICE '08 on the German government/ SAP project that looks to be the closest competitor to Kyield I've seen to date. Certainly not identical, although the understanding of the need…


­Update on Connectivity

­Update on Connectivity

Update on internet connectivity in Colombia

From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Path to Forming CSTA of Ohio

The Path to Forming CSTA of Ohio

Fellowship and community are the central foundations for the Computer Science Teachers Association of Ohio. The 2008-2009 academic year has been one of building collegial networks. ''

Several informal meetings were held throughout…

From Return 42;

Communications of the ACM's Blogroll

Communications of the ACM's Blogroll

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice ..."Not too long ago, I wrote about my happiness about the new Communications of the ACM. I kind of grew up with it and in my opinion it has never been as good as…

From The Noisy Channel

Blogs I Read: Chris Dixon (

Blogs I Read: Chris Dixon (

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cellphone Coupons

Cellphone Coupons

NYTimes on mobile coupons. They are a behind in knowing this idea exists. Yet reasonably good overview.

From Putting People First

The good enough revolution: when cheap and simple is just fine

The good enough revolution: when cheap and simple is just fine

For years, the experience design community has been using the term ‘good enough prototyping’. Wired UK argues quite convincingly that this approach is now moving into product design: “Cheap, fast, simple tools are suddenly everywhere…

From Putting People First

Using Nokia Life Tools in India to learn English

Using Nokia Life Tools in India to learn English

Dina Mehta, founder and managing director of Mosoci India, reports on how Nokia Life Tools actually gets used in India, and more in particular, how the how the Learn English program, a part of Nokia Life Tools, really works on…

From The Noisy Channel

Free as in Freebase

Free as in Freebase

From CERIAS Blog

Still no sign of land

Still no sign of land

I am a big fan of the Monty Python troupe. Their silly take on several topics helped point out the absurd and pompous, and still do, but sometimes were simply lunatic in their own right.

One of their sketches, about a group of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Two Nostrils: Sensing and Competing

Two Nostrils: Sensing and Competing

It is fairly obvious why we have two eyes and two ears. We use a form of triangulation to determine direction and distance. Models in the brain fit the data and make useful conclusions. But why two nostrils? It has been suggested…


Robotic Delight

Robotic Delight

Corporate showrooms offer floor after floor of lovable digital strangeness.  It's easy to forget they're after your cash. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Four Technologies that are Reshaping BI

Four Technologies that are Reshaping BI

From Computerworld: 4 Technologies That Are Reshaping Business Intelligence: Next-generation BI is being formed by predictive analytics, real-time monitoring, in-memory processing, and SaaS. By Doug Henschen...' . Some good points…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emergent Tech Ethics

Emergent Tech Ethics

A new blog I just discovered on the ethics of emergent technologies:The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies was formed to study and debate vital questions such as: - Which technologies, especially new ones, are likely…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Police

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Police

I like to think this isn't a typo.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Qualifications for Teaching AP CS

Qualifications for Teaching AP CS

I got a panicked e-mail from a local school in August that they didn't have an Advanced Placement Computer Science A teacher for fall. They were planning to use the retired teacher who had taught it the year before, but he had…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Book Settlement

Google Book Settlement

One of my favorite and long-time read blogs, the Language Log, has a good piece by Mark Liberman on the Google Book Settlement. There is an ongoing conference at Berkeley that he is covering about how the settlement will effect…

From Schneier on Security

The Security Risks of Accepting Free Laptops

The Security Risks of Accepting Free Laptops


The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is trying to figure out who is sending laptop computers to state governors across the U.S., including West Virginia Governor Joe Mahchin and Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media as Mass Marketing

Social Media as Mass Marketing

Tom Peters posts on Social Media as Mass Marketing ... Not the Future. A critical and historical view of the topic.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Trading compression for speed with vectorization

Trading compression for speed with vectorization

Bitmap indexes are used by search engines (such as Apache Lucene), they are available in DBMSes such as Oracle and PostgreSQL. They are used in column stores such as the Open Source engines Eigenbase and C-Store, as well as by…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Location-Aware Home Screen on IPhone

Location-Aware Home Screen on IPhone

It is reported in ReadwriteWeb that Apple is patenting the idea of a location-aware home screen for the IPhone. Imagine a home screen that would show a map, local restaurants, weather, sights, local promotional offers based on…

From Apophenia

Vacation, Vacation, Vaaaay-kaaaay-shun! (offline till Sep 8)

Vacation, Vacation, Vaaaay-kaaaay-shun! (offline till Sep 8)

This is the time when all of the crazy people run off to the desert to "survive" with tons of art, fake fur, and countless supplies. Burning Man of course. Normally, I'd be playa-bound, but I'm rebelling and inverting the whole…

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