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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2021

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology (October 31st 2021)

Science and Technology (October 31st 2021)

Though exoskeletons are exciting and they allow some of us to carry one with physical activities despite handicaps, they appear to require quite a bit of brain power. In effect, though they may help you move, they require a lot…

From Computational Complexity

When did Math Get So Hard?

I have been on many Math PhD thesis defense's  as the Dean's Representative. This means I don't have to understand the work, just make sure the rules are followed. I've done this for a while and I used to understand some of

From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey Talks Inflation

McKinsey Talks Inflation

Be ready for it.

Winning the race with inflation: The pricing opportunity for industrial companies

As inflation rises, industrial companies must take a new look at the pricing opportunity.

Many industrial companies face a complex…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Decision Makers Use and Understand the Value of Models

Making Decision Makers Use and Understand the Value of Models

Many times had to consider how to get key decision makers to use the results of analytical models.  This article touches on that in some ways. Like to consider further how this could be done consistently. 

Making machine learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What are Time Crystals?

What are Time Crystals?

In the NextWeb:  Technical view. physics 

Google’s ‘time crystals’ could be the greatest scientific achievement of our lifetimes

Eureka! A research team featuring dozens of scientists working in partnership with Google‘s quantum…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Proofs as Games

Proofs as Games

Quite interesting, but technical,  a unique view of proofs.  Below the intro.

Technical Perspective: On Proofs, Entanglement, and Games

By Dorit Aharonov, Michael Chapman

Communications of the ACM, November 2021, Vol. 64 No. 11,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Autonomous Firefighting Robots

Autonomous Firefighting Robots

Recall a project about firefighting process I consulted on a number of yrs ago.  It was to early to suggest general automation then, but we had indications this was being looked at. 

Firefighting Robots Go Autonomous, By Scientific…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reading Barely Open Books

Reading Barely Open Books

 When I first saw this I thought it was a cautionary piece about security, but no, is aimed at reading fragile books without opening them fully.   I recall our visit to a company that was scanning books for Googles' Read program…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Entangled Photon Breakthrough

Entangled Photon Breakthrough

 An intriguing link between such extent of entanglement and their use for specific kinds of problems. 

Researchers set 'ultrabroadband' record with entangled photons  by University of Rochester

Quantum entanglement—or what Albert…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advancing Wearable Bandages

Advancing Wearable Bandages

 Seen this idea a number of times over a number of years.   Clearly some thought about doing this innovation methodically.  

Smart Bandage Can Monitor Chronic Wounds

News-Medical Life Sciences, Emily Henderson, October 21, 2021

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gitai Autonomous Robot Demoed in ISS

Gitai Autonomous Robot Demoed in ISS

The ISS can be a good testing space because of limited and prescribed spaces.

Gitai Successfully Demos Autonomous Robot Inside the International Space Station

TechCrunch, Aria Alamalhodaei

October 27, 2021

Startup Gitai Japan successfully…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Autonomous Robot Water Taxies in Amsterdam

Autonomous Robot Water Taxies in Amsterdam

More autonomous Vehicles

Robot Taxi Boats Take to the Water in Amsterdam

ZDNet, Charlie Osborne, October 27, 2021

An autonomous boat taxi created by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Amsterdam Institute…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Retail Physical Digital Divide

On the Retail Physical Digital Divide

Collaborating between people and digital AI tech will continue to evolve.  And specific kinds of tech, like robotics and voice control.   What will this look like in retail?   

Are store associates the key to bridging retail’s…

From insideHPC

LLNL Researchers Garner 3 Awards Among Top 100 Industrial Inventions

LLNL Researchers Garner 3 Awards Among Top 100 Industrial Inventions

October 29, 2021 — Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists and engineers have collected three awards among the top 100 industrial inventions worldwide. The trade journal R&D World Magazine announced the winners…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft to Help Train Cybersecurity Personnel.

Microsoft to Help Train Cybersecurity Personnel.

 Good to see many more people being involved in the strengthening of our technical security.  Just having more people understand the challenge has value.   Congrats to Microsoft.

Microsoft to Work with Community Colleges to Fill…

From insideHPC

HPE’s HPC Leader Justin Hotard on the Broader Impacts and Implications of Exascale

HPE’s HPC Leader Justin Hotard on the Broader Impacts and Implications of Exascale

In this interview with Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s SVP/GM of High Performance Computing & Mission Critical Solutions Justin Hotard, he discusses the new world to be enabled by exascale supercomputing. Among the topics he delves…

From The Eponymous Pickle

McD Drive-Through Efficiency with Voice Recognition

McD  Drive-Through Efficiency with Voice Recognition

Have been following the use of drive-through and related efficient consumer interactions in the Pandemic.

IBM, McDonald's to serve up automated drive-thru lanes with strategic partnership

Under the agreement, IBM will acquire McD…

From insideHPC

Pasqal Launches ML Protocol for Comparing Graph-based Data on Quantum Systems

Pasqal Launches ML Protocol for Comparing Graph-based Data on Quantum Systems

PARIS, Oct. 28, 2021 – Pasqal, developers of neutral atom-based quantum technology, today announced the publication of a scientific paper in the peer-reviewed APS Physics journal Physical Review A presenting a new machine learning…

From insideHPC

AT&T and Launch AI Feature Store

AT&T and Launch AI Feature Store

Dallas and Mountain View, Calif. — Oct. 28, 2021 — AT&T and have announced they have jointly built and have made available an artificial intelligence (AI) feature store to manage and reuse data and machine learning engineering…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Restaurants Ready for Robotics

Restaurants Ready for Robotics

 Seen lots of evidence for this.   Are robotics ready to take up the slack?  Have yet to see a robot in action at a restaurant.  Inevitable to take up significant work, but how much and when?

 Desperate for Workers, Restaurants…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ai Modeling Brain Processing Language

Ai Modeling Brain Processing Language

Notable is the statement that AI is not attempting to directly mimic the brain.  But the question is always how closely should we use the brain as a working model?   At the link includes much more detail and an explanatory video…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Committed Innovation

Committed Innovation

Good thought about innovation, intro below.

The Committed Innovator: A conversation with Loonshots author Safi Bahcall

Why do some ideas fly and others fail, By Erik Roth    inMcKinsey

The Committed Innovator 

The entrepreneur and…


Is It Difficult to Bypass the Protection That Uses Big Data?

Is It Difficult to Bypass the Protection That Uses Big Data?

Big data analytics systems identify signs of unauthorized activity in vast arrays of structured and unstructured data.

From insideHPC

Will We See You at Microsoft Ignite?

Will We See You at Microsoft Ignite?

[Sponsored Content]  Every year, IT professionals and technology enthusiasts from around the world come together at Microsoft Ignite to learn new skills, network, and get the latest announcements for the Microsoft ecosystem. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOS Shortcuts For Analytics Management?

IOS Shortcuts For Analytics Management?

Examining the possible use of IOS Shortcuts for the management of data, analytical and ML solutions to be tested on an Iphone.  My specialty. See:   My first involvement…

From Computational Complexity

Fall 2021 Jobs Post

We're in the midst of a great transformation in computing, one where data takes center stage and I predict this will start to have a larger effect on hiring in computer science departments. We'll see a bigger need to grow inHarder…

From The Eponymous Pickle

There is no AI without Data

There is no AI without Data

Right, we agree, there is even much data in our brain generated by contextual experience, no?   Read it or learn it.  But always consider the context.     Reading. 

A look at an upcoming ACM article. with video description.  Below…

From insideHPC

SiPearl to Incorporate Intel Ponte Vecchio GPUs for European Exascale

SiPearl to Incorporate Intel Ponte Vecchio GPUs for European Exascale

SiPearl, designing the microprocessor for European supercomputers, today announced it will incorporate Intel’s forthcoming “Ponte Vecchio” GPU, along with Intel’s oneAPI cross-architecture programming model, in a partnership …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nobelium Cyberattacks Clouds

Nobelium Cyberattacks Clouds

 Note below, attacks on cloud services.  Microsoft comments. 

Latest Russian Cyberattack Targeting Hundreds of U.S. Networks

Reuters, By Susan Heavey. October 25, 2021 

Microsoft warns the Russia-based agency Nobelium has targeted…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Qualcomm Invests in Quantum Machines

Qualcomm Invests in Quantum Machines

 More on this move,  has to be serious.

Qualcomm Ventures Invests in Quantum Machines to Power the Future of Quantum Computing

TEL AVIV, Israel, Oct. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantum Machines, creator of the first universal quantum…

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