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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2010

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

IBM Extreme Blue Case Study Competition

IBM Extreme Blue Case Study Competition

Why is it that out of 20 awesome students in last summer's edition of IBM's Extreme Blue program in Ottawa, not one was female?That was the question the current program lead here wanted to know the answer to, and she came to …

From The Noisy Channel

Blogs I Read: Search Facets

Blogs I Read: Search Facets

A couple of years ago, I started The Noisy Channel as a personal blog. Since my then-employer Endeca didn’t have a corporate blog, I became the company’s ambassador to the blogosphere, despite my protests that this was not a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Value and Caution of Evolving Robots

Value and Caution of Evolving Robots

Several commenters have reported this also mentions the finding that evolving robots also learn to prey and ask 'What could go wrong'?' ... Dario Floreano and Laurent Keller report in PLoS ONE how their robots were able to rapidly…

From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn Search: A Look Beneath the Hood

LinkedIn Search: A Look Beneath the Hood

Last week, I had the good fortune to attend a presentation by John Wang, search architect at LinkedIn. You may have read my earlier posts about LinkedIn introducing faceted search and celebrating the interface from a user perspective…

From My Biased Coin

Justifying Growth : We Need Better PR...

Justifying Growth : We Need Better PR...

Background: As part of the "getting a new Dean" process, we're undergoing a "make a 5 year plan" process. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) had a mini-retreat just before classes started to discuss it all…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving Disaster Management

Improving Disaster Management

In Communications of the ACM: 'Improving Disaster Management: Social networking, sophisticated imaging, and dual-use technologies promise improved disaster management, but they must be adopted by governments and aid agencies.…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Do You Have What it Takes?

Do You Have What it Takes?

When I was teaching high school, I was the stereotypical teacher who liked to decorate my classroom and have 'inspirational' posters and pretty decorations around to motivate my students. And if I'm being real, I think I chose…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Music Conference

Music Conference

From: www.theconfluencegroup.comThe Original New music Seminar Hits LA on February 2. Keynote speaker Daniel EK, CEO of Spotify .... January 14th, 2009, NY, NY - The original New Music Seminar (NMS) For more see: http://www.newmusicseminar…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Nature of Startups

On the Nature of Startups

Steve Blank on A Startup is not a smaller version of a big company. Now having been involved with several of each, so true. Size and complexity do not scale linearly, nor together

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scent of a Woman

Scent of a Woman

More non-rational signalling:

Scent of a Woman: Men

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Getting serious about online teaching

Getting serious about online teaching

Earlier this month, Michael Mitzenmacher told us about the record number of students attending his Harvard class online-only.

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-01-30

links for 2010-01-30