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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Great Solution

A great conjecture too Alternate photo by Quanta Thomas Royen is a retired professor of statistics in Schwalbach am Taunus near Frankfurt, Germany. In July 2014 he had a one-minute insight about how to prove the famous Gaussian…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Appian BPM Goes Public

Appian BPM Goes Public

Have been a follower of BPM systems for some time.  Now a well known provider of BPM as a service Appian is going public.  Liked what I saw of them.  We tested and used.  Again, would like to see more connections to analytics…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – May 2017

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – May 2017

ACM PUBLIC POLICY HIGHLIGHTS ACM provides independent, nonpartisan, and technology-neutral research and resources to policy leaders, stakeholders, and the public about public policy issues, as drawn from the deep technical expertise…

From Geeking with Greg

All Crunchzilla tutorials now open source

All Crunchzilla tutorials now open source

All the code is now available for all the Crunchzilla coding tutorials.

Code Monster, Code Maven, and Game Maven from Crunchzilla have been used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world to experiment with learning


From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking about AI Transparency and Risk

Thinking about  AI Transparency and Risk

Have written about this, and in our AI days, dealt with it many times in real applications.  Good overview with lots of useful references.   Needs more thought about the use of inherent models of risk.

In KDNuggets: 
When something…

From insideHPC

Register Now for ISC 2017 at Early Bird Rates

Register Now for ISC 2017 at Early Bird Rates

Early bird registration for ISC 2017 is ending soon. This is your last chance to enjoy a substantial discount on registration for the conference, which takes place June 18-22 in Frankfurt.

The post Register Now for ISC 2017 at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Promoting Mind Mapping

Promoting Mind Mapping

We were very active users of 'mind mapping',  a much simplified form of  'concept mapping'.  in the enterprise  So I much like to promote the idea, its always useful.  Good to see this article and expose others to it.  ThereFreeplane…

From insideHPC

Interview: Paul Messina Update on the Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

Interview: Paul Messina Update on the Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

In this video, Paul Messina from the Exascale Computing Project describes recent progress towards the development of machines with 50x applications performance than is possible today. “The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tailored Video Messaging

Tailored Video Messaging

We experimented with many kinds of interactive and tailored messaging in our retail store lab:

Can tailored digital video messaging transform grocery end-caps?
by John Karolefski  In Retailwire: 

Through a special arrangement, presented…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voice Intelligence for the Chef

Voice Intelligence for the Chef

Voice control moves to a somewhat obscure cooking tool.   A Sous Vide Machine.  Still mostly in the realm of a professional Chef.     Remarkable to me how voice control, with intelligence,  is spreading quite broadly.   Cooking…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee Explores Use of Algorithms in Decision Making

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee Explores Use of Algorithms in Decision Making

The UK-based Royal Statistical Society expressed support for the ACM U.S. Public Policy Council Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability in its recent input to the UK Parliament’s House of Commons Science and…


Operating Systems as Possible Worlds

Operating Systems as Possible Worlds

Is a comparison between operating systems, which are analyzed by software engineers for conditional execution paths, and possible worlds, which are analyzed by philosophers for consequences under assumptions, rich enough to shed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Service Chatbots Across Industry

Customer Service Chatbots Across Industry

Customer serrvice is an obvious application.  Starting with access to FAQ, then going to a full interactive conversation prompted by analysis of customer data and metadata. This article covers a number of industries.

The Rise

From The Eponymous Pickle

CPG and Analytics

CPG and Analytics

Consumer Package Goods (CPG) companies have been working these problems for a long time.

How analytics is helping CPG companies drive growth
Posted by Ashish Sukhadeve 

Consumer Packaged companies (CPG) are grappling with a lot


From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Ecosystem

Innovation Ecosystem

Brought to my attention, the Innovation Ecosystem.

What is the Innovation Ecosystem

We believe passionately in the power of ecosystems to achieve outcomes not possible in isolation. So we created the Innovation Ecosystem to help…

From The Noisy Channel

Thanks Bart. I haven’t read it, but I’ll take a look. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Bart. I haven’t read it, but I’ll take a look. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Bart. I haven’t read it, but I’ll take a look. Thanks for sharing.

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for PBS Works User Group in Las Vegas

Agenda Posted for PBS Works User Group in Las Vegas

Altair has posted the Agenda for the PBS Works User Group May 22-25 in Las Vegas. This four-day event (including 2 days of user presentations, round table discussions and surrounded by hands-on workshops) is the global user event…

From insideHPC

High Performance Data Analysis (HPDA): HPC – Big Data Convergence

High Performance Data Analysis (HPDA): HPC – Big Data Convergence

"To date, most data-intensive HPC jobs in the government, academic and industrial sectors have involved the modeling and simulation of complex physical and quasi-physical systems. The systems range from product designs for cars…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats a Blockchain?

Whats a Blockchain?

In Computerworld, a good, nontechnical view of Blockchains, what they are, their expected  business value, and examples of the companies using and developing them.  This has been covered here for years,  but its always good to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa's New Speech Synthesis Language

Alexa's New Speech Synthesis Language

I was just testing an App today, and was thinking about how her voice sounded natural but robotic ... Now expect to see this to change as developers create applications that use it.   No public demonstrations exist yet of it.…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Live Squid Washes up on North Carolina Beach

Friday Squid Blogging: Live Squid Washes up on North Carolina Beach

A "mysterious squid" -- big and red -- washed up on a beach in Carteret County, North Carolina. Someone found it, still alive, and set it back in the water after taking some photos of it. Squid scientists later decided it was…

From The Noisy Channel

Query Segmentation

Query Segmentation

The previous two posts focused on using query rewriting to increase recall. We can also use query rewriting to increase precision — that is, to reduce the number of irrelevant results. While increasing recall helps us avoid small…

From Schneier on Security

Jumping Airgaps with a Laser and a Scanner

Jumping Airgaps with a Laser and a Scanner

Researchers have configured two computers to talk to each other using a laser and a scanner. Scanners work by detecting reflected light on their glass pane. The light creates a charge that the scanner translates into binary,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Baidu's Little Fish Virtual Assistant

Baidu's Little Fish Virtual Assistant

Recall we previously looked at reports on this, aka Duer.  Another platform for Conversational Commerce?   In a very large market to experiment with.

Baidu's 'Little Fish' home robot could be China's Echo
by Paul Miller   In TheVerge…

From Putting People First

Global study: Leading companies bet on customer experience

Global study: Leading companies bet on customer experience

A new report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services reveals that customer experience is vital for business success, and establishes social media as the foundation for customer experience. The survey, which includes 600…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Isolation Forests for Anomaly Detection

Isolation Forests for Anomaly Detection

New to me, but seems to be worthwhile to run, at least in parallel to other techniques for now.  Potentially good for smaller datasets.

 Anomaly Detection Using Isolation Forests

One of the newest techniques to detect anomalies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will Conversational Commerce be Next?

Will Conversational Commerce be Next?

Conversational Commerce.  First I heard that specific phrase.  Consider the posts made in this blog in just the past few days as evidence, by very big players.  Will the path from Search to Buy be replaced by Search to Converse…

From insideHPC

Overview of the Exascale Additive Manufacturing Project

Overview of the Exascale Additive Manufacturing Project

John Turner from ORNL presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. "Fully exploiting future exascale architectures will require a rethinking of the algorithms used in the large scale applications that advance many science areas…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (April 28th, 2017)

Science and Technology links (April 28th, 2017)

It is estimated that our species, homo sapiens, appeared in Africa as far back as 200,000 years ago, and that we left Africa about 60,000 years ago. Confusingly, scientists found a 130,000-year-old archaeological site in southern…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Software Engineer at the NSA

Job of the Week: HPC Software Engineer at the NSA

The National Security Agency in Maryland is seeking an HPC Software Engineer in our Job of the Week. "NSA's High Performance Computing team develops and integrates advanced architectures and unique technologies to sustain its…

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