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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2011

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

WISE Steps to Success a Big Success

WISE Steps to Success a Big Success

Last Wednesday CU-WISE held a professional development event called WISE Steps to Success for a second year.  It's one of our flagship events, and was designed to give women in science and engineering the networking, negotiation…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Thinking About Summer Camps

Thinking About Summer Camps

Now that the new year has arrived, it is time to start looking forward to the summer and computer camps. Last year, I ran my first computer camp for twenty-two middle school students. I ran a week-long camp, with a mix of HTML…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Not Even Eventually Consistent

Not Even Eventually Consistent

Many databases engines ensure consistency: at any given time, the database state is logically consistent. For example, even if you receive purchase requests by the thousands, you will always have an accurate count of how many…

From Computational Complexity

Is Cheminformatics the new Bioinformatics? (Guest Post by Aaron Sterling)

Chemoinformatics for Computer Scientists

Guest Post by Aaron Sterling

I recently completed a review of Handbook of Chemoinformatics Algorithms (HCA) for SIGACT News. (See here for the full 12 page review. I have tried…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Need Help? Expert Help Available.

Need Help?  Expert Help Available.

I wanted to remind my readers that I am a consultant. I have over thirty years of experience with major companies and the US government. I have saved companies many millions of dollars in costs and led a number of major innovation…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of January 31

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of January 31

January 31


The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation will host an event on the bandwidth cost of online piracy. noon, 1101 K Street NW

February 2


The National Immigration Law Center will hold…

From Wild WebMink

? New Moves

? New Moves

Jenkins! By a massive margin (214 to 14) the Hudson community has decided to rename itself Jenkins and rehost on independent resources. I just hope Oracle decides to stay with the community and not try to keep a fork going. ODF…

From Schneier on Security

Jury Says it's Okay to Record the TSA

Jury Says it's Okay to Record the TSA

The Seattle man who refused to show ID to the TSA and recorded the whole incident has been cleared of all charges:

[The jury] returned not guilty verdicts for charges that included concealing his identity, refusing to obey a…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 31 January 2011

Interesting Links 31 January 2011

Well my busy season is about to begin. Next week I will be in Austin TX for TCEA. I will be doing some talks and demos about Small Basic and hanging around the Microsoft booth  from time to time. I also plan to attend EduBloggerCon…

From Wild WebMink

? New OpenDJ Architect

? New OpenDJ Architect

Last week I broke the news that ForgeRock (where I work) had gained an architect for OpenIDM. Today is the last day of ForgeRock’s first year, and I’m pleased to say we have gained an architect for the open source LDAP directory…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kyield Founder Discusses the Value it Enables

Kyield Founder Discusses the Value it Enables

See the video by Kyield Founder Mark Montgomery, at the Kyield site: " ... Kyield is an enterprise software company that revolutionizes the digital work environment through superior data governance, advanced analytics, and more…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Update on Camera Apps

Update on Camera Apps

In Technology Review:   An update on camera Apps that analyze smartphone camera information and adapt and improve it to improve images.

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Science of Retailing: Flexible Supply Chains

New Science of Retailing: Flexible Supply Chains

In the midst of reading: The New Science of Retailing: How Analytics are Transforming the Supply Chain and Improving Performance by Marshall Fisher and Ananth Raman.I am currently reading the section on Flexible Supply Chains…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Logical, Experimental Economics

More Logical, Experimental Economics

In  Dan Ariely's excellent blog, He again positions the non rationality of the consumer.  Or even of groups of consumers.   I have been involved in a number of projects where we attempted to model the consumer.  It turns outcredit…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Finding Usability Bigs with Automated Tests

Finding Usability Bigs with Automated Tests

In the ACM: " .... Ideally, all software should be easy to use and accessible for a wide range of people. However, software often falls short of these basic goals. We therefore need ways to help us discover usability and accessibility…

From Wild WebMink

Campus Party

Campus Party

I just got home from a week in Brazil, where I gave talks for IBM and for a large ForgeRock customer and also at the remarkable Campus Party. This is the second year I have spoken at Campus Party in Brazil and once again it was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Credit Card Laws Result in Record Interest Rates

Credit Card Laws Result in Record Interest Rates

The laws that restricted non interest fees and retroactive interest rates have resulted in rapidly increasing interest rates.  Unintended consequences.   And the consequences primarily hurt the riskiest accounts.  More details…

From The Noisy Channel

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

While my blog has always been and will always be a personal one, I do operate under certain constraints as someone whose subject matter relates strongly to his professional interests. I deeply appreciate how long-time readers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ads Whispering to the Brain

Ads Whispering to the Brain

Now somewhat dated, but still good article on Neuroomarketing in the NYT.What happens in our brains when we watch a compelling TV commercial? For one thing, certain brain waves that correlate with heightened attention become…

From The Eponymous Pickle

When Your Government Shuts Down the Internet

When Your Government Shuts Down the Internet

With the Egyptian crisis and talk of giving our leaders an Internet off switch, we may need to think through how to deal with non universal or non continuous access.  PC World suggests that  dial up modems, still available, will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Every Song an App, Any Stream of Data also?

Every Song an App, Any Stream of Data also?

A recent Wired article made the case that songs can be Apps by adding visuals and anything else the Web can provide.  Every song can be an App.  It brought to mind that the same idea can be applied to any stream of data.  An…

From Schneier on Security

Trojan Steals Credit Card Numbers

Trojan Steals Credit Card Numbers

It's only a proof of concept, but it's scary nonetheless. It's a Trojan for Android phones that looks for credit-card numbers, either typed or spoken, and relays them back to its controller.

Software released for Android devices…

From The Eponymous Pickle

NFC: Near Field Communications

NFC: Near Field Communications

A Computerworld short article on the details of NFC.   The rumors are out that this technology will be used for i-Wallet applications in Smarpones usch as the I-Phone.

From Michael Nielsen

The Third & The Seventh

The Third & The Seventh

I’ve watched the video below more than a dozen times over the past year. It

From Schneier on Security

Domodedovo Airport Bombing

Domodedovo Airport Bombing

I haven't written anything about the suicide bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport because I didn't think there was anything to say. The bomber was outside the security checkpoint, in the area where family and friends wait …

From Schneier on Security

$100 to Put a Bomb on an Airplane

$100 to Put a Bomb on an Airplane

An undercover TSA agent successfully bribed JetBlue ticket agent to check a suitcase under a random passenger's name and put it on an airplane.

As with a lot of these tests, I'm not that worried because it's not a reliable enough…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Turning vanity publishing on its head

Turning vanity publishing on its head

It has never been easier to self-publish a book: Amazon has CreateSpace which offers a print-on-demand service and an ISBN if you want one. Self-publishing on the Amazon Kindle store could not be easier. Apple allows anyone to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Giant Eagle Uses Behavioral Clusters

Giant Eagle Uses Behavioral Clusters

Not unusual, but a good direction for Giant Eagle:Giant Eagle will implement "behavioral cluster planning"Giant Eagle will begin using an automated computer system called "behavioral cluster planning" to ensure the company never…

From Schneier on Security

Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting

Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting

The whitelist/blacklist debate is far older than computers, and it's instructive to recall what works where. Physical security works generally on a whitelist model: if you have a key, you can open the door; if you know the combination…

From Wild WebMink

? O Artigo

? O Artigo

O artigo “Direitos Humanos est

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