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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2011

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-04

links for 2011-01-04

ACTA blog by FFII Useful reference point for information about the progress of ACTA, worth bookmarking. (tags: ACTA FFII Blog) The Ultimate Patent Troll Patent: Get Sued When You File A Patent You almost never hear about IBM's…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Imagine Cup News January 20111

Imagine Cup News January 20111

Are you back at school yet? Hope you had a good holiday break. I know I did. The other day I got the Imagine Cup newsletter via email and thought that this might be a good time to share some of the competitive opportunities that…

From The Noisy Channel

So You Like Big Data

So You Like Big Data

The increasing volume of data that we generate as a species is a story so overplayed as to have become trite. Indeed, a vast amount of this data is in the public domain, including data from the full text and common ngrams of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Scientists

Big Data Scientists

In the Noisy Channel: About data scientists, what they hve been doing lately and their relationships to the increasing amounts of data all of us have been generating.  

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ads thet Changed the World

Ads thet Changed the World

BBC on six ads that changed the world.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Algorithmic Thinking and Computational Linguistics

Algorithmic Thinking and Computational Linguistics

The Algorithms and Linguistics page ( on The FIRE Project website is a site that introduces younger students to computer science and linguistics. Rather than focusing on programming…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Pseudocontext in Computer Science

Pseudocontext in Computer Science

Can you imagine a programming assignment or example where "common sense and real-world knowledge are not needed"?  Math teacher (and now PhD student in education) Dan Meyer proposed that many math problems fit into this category…

From Computational Complexity

What is a breakthrough? Lets have an intelligent discussion!!!!!!

In 2010 this blog announced the following Breakthrough!!!! results: (Listed chronologically.)

  • Better Algorithms for Unique Games, by Arora, Barak, Steurer. (We refer to this as AUG.)
  • Better Circuit Lower Bounds, by Williams…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Snap a Picture, Save a Stream

    Snap a Picture, Save a Stream

    Creek Watch. A simple Smart Water effort via IBM uses a mobile phone application to gather data about stream conditions.  Simple smart sensor application. It does make sense to construct an initial data gathering and sensor application…

    From Schneier on Security

    Polar Bears Destroying Hidden Cameras

    Polar Bears Destroying Hidden Cameras

    Watch the video.

    What valuable security lessons does this teach?

    EDITED TO ADD (1/3): And why aren't the polar bears destroying the hidden cameras that are filming the polar bears destroying the hidden cameras?

    From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

    More About PCAST

    More About PCAST

    As we

    From Wild WebMink

    links for 2011-01-03

    links for 2011-01-03

    World condemns UK control orders And rightly so. They are as bad as Guantanmo, punishment without end for people accused of being athreat without conviction and with secret evidence. The fact the Lib-Dems have not done away with…

    From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

    Interesting Links 3 January 2011

    Interesting Links 3 January 2011

    Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a good start. I know mine is. I

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Earth Project Seeks to Simulate Everything

    Earth Project Seeks to Simulate Everything

    From the BBC:  Quite a huge undertaking.  Including always problematic aspects of human behavior ... " ... Nicknamed the Living Earth Simulator, the project aims to advance the scientific understanding of what is taking place…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Developing Robots for the Emergency Room

    Developing Robots for the Emergency Room

    In CACM: Developing Robots for the hospital emergency room.  I have worked on simulations of an operating room, which would be a good first step for this.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Neuromarketing Daily

    Neuromarketing Daily

    Newly discovered: The Neuromarketing Daily.-

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    What Networks Can Tell us About the World

    What Networks Can Tell us About the World

    Good overview video about using networks to understand systems they describe.   Talk given at the Santa Fe Institute.   The 2010 Ulam Lecture.Networks and the World by Mark Newman  2010-09-15 Our Small World: How Networks ofNetworks…

    From Wild WebMink

    Giving Up Yahoo

    Giving Up Yahoo

    Yahoo Messenger is the only IM network I use where I am bothered daily by spam-porn-bots attempting to add me to their contact lists. Some days there are as many as 10 requests waiting when I log in. I don’t know what it is about…

    From Wild WebMink

    2010 in review

    2010 in review

    The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter

    From Wild WebMink

    links for 2011-01-02

    links for 2011-01-02

    Facebook Close To Naming Sun Microsystems Campus As New Headquarters The new "you've got no privacy, get over it" moves in. I wonder who will get my old offices? (tags: Facebook Sun Privacy MenloPark) Twitter Reports 300 DMCA…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    100 Things to Watch

    100 Things to Watch

    The Global Advertising Agency Jay Walter Thompson has put out a slide show on the 100 things to watch in 2011.   Provocative and interesting.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Custom QR Codes

    Custom QR Codes

    An explosion of interest in using QR codes this past year.  A Mashable piece on how to create your own custom QR codes.  In the comment there is a good point about relying on a thrid part to redirect a code.  Makes sense to think…

    From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

    My Most Read Posts of 2010

    My Most Read Posts of 2010

    For the most part I want to focus on the future and not the past. But I did want to take one look back at traffic to this blog over the course of 2010. I have rough metrics for both web traffic and RSS/subscriber traffic. I hope…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Real Time Analytics Surge

    Real Time Analytics Surge

    My UK colleague sends along a link to a note about the increasing use of in memory data management, and it's implications to data infrastructure and center design.  The demands of real time analytics and even the new dimension…

    From Daniel Lemire's Blog

    Five surprising changes in 2010

    Five surprising changes in 2010

    I was among the first Canadians to own a Kindle. I justified my purchase as “research”. The Kindle was not satisfying for anything but fiction and I predicted it would be obsolete within a few years. Then I got an iPad and everything…

    From Wild WebMink

    ? Crossing Over

    ? Crossing Over

    2010 was a year of change for me, with many things I’m glad are past and with the roots of new things I am looking forward to exploring and growing. For 2011 I am full of hope: that we will see successful new ways of doing business…

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