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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2011

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Innovating without Permission

Innovating without Permission

Is open source software is better than closed-source software? Is wikipedia better than Britannica? Is NoSQL better than Oracle and SQL Server? Are blogs better than corporate news services? Do patents favor innovation? Do long…

From Wild WebMink

OpenIDM Design Summit Announced

OpenIDM Design Summit Announced

One of the key control points in enterprise software is the provisioning or IDM software. It’s the point all the threads of directory, authentication, authorisation and provisioning come together and it’s the part that the proprietary…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Happy New Year! Now What About the Summer?

Happy New Year! Now What About the Summer?

Now is the time for students (and teachers) to start thinking about their summer. I know the new year just began, but it's never to early to plan.

For the last several years I've have the tremendous opportunity to spend a month…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphone as a Dangerous Possession

Smartphone as a Dangerous Possession

In CNN Money, Your Smartphone as your most dangerous posssesson.  Overplayed, yes, but each of the cautions about the security of your data and devices is worth considering.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking at Business Intelligence

Looking at Business Intelligence

I continue to enjoy Doug Lautzenheiser's blog:  Business Intelligence Software, where he provides his insightful  " ... personal opinions on the Business Intelligence industry, product usage, and brands such as IBM Cognos, SAP…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Effectiveness of Distributed Teams

Effectiveness of Distributed Teams

This is something we wrestled with a number of times.  Experience did seem to show that a team should be co located to achieve the best effectiveness.  Though the team can often not be co located with all colleagues, customers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Literary Allusion and Google

Literary Allusion and Google

In Roughtype, a good piece on literary allusion and the effect of things like Google Search on communicating.  We live in a world where fewer and fewer of the classics are read.  Yet that is OK because we we can search for any…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata

New book on a favorite topic, Cellular Automata, by Thomas M. Li    The paradigm was used in the enterprise.   Too expensive to assure that I will acquire this, but if the publisher wants a review, send a copy along.  This edited…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-15

links for 2011-01-15


From The Eponymous Pickle

Private Data Analysis

Private Data Analysis

In the CACM: A Firm Foundation for Private Data Analysis.  What does it mean to preserve privacy? There is lots to do here.

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Deep-Sea Squid Video

Friday Squid Blogging: Deep-Sea Squid Video

"Anthology of Deep-Sea Squids," from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Sneaking Computer Science Into Physics

Sneaking Computer Science Into Physics

I have been trying to convince local participants in the Let's Talk Science program that I can connect almost any of their course material to computer science.  I would like more teachers to request computer science activities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sell to Your Customer's Buying Process

Sell to Your Customer's Buying Process

  Another book added to the stack: Slow Down, Sell Faster!: Understand Your Customer's Buying Process and Maximize Your Sales, by Kevin Davis.  We always tried to do this,  and see the recent post on selling to the customer's…

From Schneier on Security

Me on Airport Security

Me on Airport Security

Last week, I spoke at an airport security conference hosted by EPIC: The Stripping of Freedom: A Careful Scan of TSA Security Procedures. Here's the video of my half-hour talk.

From Schneier on Security

Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA

Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA

I'm not really worried about mistakes like this. Sure, a gun slips through occasionally, and a knife slips through even more often. (I'm sure the TSA doesn't catch 100% of all bombs in tests, either.) But these items are caught…


Big Data, Big Problems

Big Data, Big Problems

U.S. government agencies are spending boatloads of money on pushing the envelope of massive compute servers, but appear to be ignoring the fact that many research groups have serious data-management problems.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why of Buy, How of Buy

Why of Buy, How of Buy

IMedia Connections interviews Donna Sturgess of Buyology Inc. about what her company does to understand the non conscious interactions of consumer to media and marketing.  Very nicely put discussion of the issues involved.  This…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

What's Our "Brand"? Do We Need a New Promotional Plan?

What's Our "Brand"?  Do We Need a New Promotional Plan?

Almost every day I receive electronic newsletters with articles discussing STEM and robotics competitions, but I rarely see a mention of Computer Science. So, my business administration mentality has caused me to wonder, "Do…

From Schneier on Security

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack

Interesting reading, mostly for the probable effects of a terrorist-sized nuclear bomb.

A terrorist bomb is likely to be relatively small -- possibly only a fraction of the Hiroshima bomb's explosive power -- and likely exploded…

From Wild WebMink

? Indemnity

? Indemnity

A Walled Wide Web for Nervous Autocrats I have been making the core point that this good WSJ article makes in my discussions with governments all over the world for the last six years, and it always makes an impression. It also…

From Putting People First

Sherry Turkle, has been an ethnographer of our technological world for three decades, hosted all the while at one of its epicenters: MIT. A professor of the social studies of science and technology there, she also heads up its…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Economy in 2011

Global Economy in 2011

A good piece in Knowledge at Wharton about key aspects and directions of  of the global economy in countries  such as India and China.  Particularly useful for those that do not  follow those countries closely.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Watson Outpaces Jeopardy Wizards in Sneak Preview

Watson Outpaces Jeopardy Wizards in Sneak Preview

“What is Jericho?” Those were the first words from “Watson,” the IBM supercomputer system that’s taking on Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter — the two winningest players in “Jeopardy!” history — this week. Minutes later, with three…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Field Guide

Social Media Field Guide

I see that former colleague Krista Neher's new book:  The Social Media Field Guide, is now out.  Much more here and ordering information.  Also see her excellent Boot Camp Digital: Social Media Tips and tricks blog.

From Schneier on Security

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights

Johannesburg installed hundreds of networked traffic lights on its streets. The lights use a cellular modem and a SIM card to communicate.

Those lights introduced a security risk I'll bet no one gave a moment's thought to:what…

From Computational Complexity

Are you a Ringer? A Reverse Ringer?

A ringer is an impostor, especially one whose pretense is intended to gain an advantage in a competition. This definition is from Wikipedia and agrees with what I thought the term meant. (Wiktionary has a similar definition. Spellcheck…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Locating and Engaging the In-Store Shopper

Locating and Engaging  the In-Store Shopper

Newly alerted to ZuluTime,  they have an online video that is worth looking at, more exploration and comments  to follow: " ... Locate and Engage the In-Store Shopper ZuluTime

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Tools for Understanding the Brain

New Tools for Understanding the Brain

In Science Daily via Stan Dyck: " ... UCLA neuroscientists have now collaborated with physicists to develop a non-invasive, ultra-high-speed microscope that can record in real time the firing of thousands of individual neurons…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Fabrics are Now Washable

Smart Fabrics are Now Washable

Baseline article on the washability of smart fabrics.  This had always been a barrier for the broader us of this technology.

From Schneier on Security

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials

Here's a U.S. Army threat assessment of forged law-enforcement credentials.

The authors bought a bunch of fake badges:

Between November 2009 and March 2010, undercover investigators were able to purchase nearly perfect counterfeit…

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