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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2011


Again: The One Sure Way to Advance Software Engineering

Again: The One Sure Way to Advance Software Engineering

There is one proven way to improve the state of software, following the the airline industry's spectacular improvements of safety. The IT industry ignores it. Why?

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-13

links for 2011-01-13

The Document Foundation joins OpenDoc Society

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition

Registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition

I told you it was coming. Yes, Bliink the web design competition is now open across the US. With registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition you can now:

Register for online training and virtual labs…

From Putting People First

UX design in the financial services industry

UX design in the financial services industry

Harald Felgner alerts us to a presentation by Amir Dotan of LAB49 where he shares his experiences working as a user experience architect in the financial services industry in London. The talk is structured in three parts: 1.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Speed Dating at Kimberly Clark

Innovation Speed Dating at Kimberly Clark

In Consumer Goods Technology (CGT):  A major competitor of my former enterprise is doing some intriguing innovative work:  " ... Kimberly-Clark recently used an innovative approach to market research called Rapid Innovation Sessions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploring Intersections Between Semantics and the Cloud

Exploring Intersections Between Semantics and the Cloud

Forging an interesting relationship between an SAP supported research institute and semantic data management and search.  How the Cloud is specifically brought in,  except in the most obvious sense, is still unclear.  Still this…

From Michael Nielsen

What should a reasonable person believe about the Singularity?

What should a reasonable person believe about the Singularity?

In 1993, the science fiction author Vernor Vinge wrote a short essay proposing what he called the Technological Singularity. Here’s the sequence of events Vinge outlines: A: We will build computers of at least human intelligence…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why Experience Matters

Why Experience Matters

A recent Dilbert cartoon had a man saying

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Leroy Hood wins NAE Fritz J. and Delores H. Russ Prize

Leroy Hood wins NAE Fritz J. and Delores H. Russ Prize

Leroy Hood, President of Seattle

From Wild WebMink

? Google, Chrome and H.264

? Google, Chrome and H.264

When Google announced yesterday that they were withdrawing from their Chrome browser embedded support in the HTML5 <video> tag for the H.264 encoding standard, there was immediate reaction. While some of it was either badly informed…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

A Joint Call for Research Why Computer Science Education is Important for K-12

A Joint Call for Research Why Computer Science Education is Important for K-12

A joint blog post by Chris Stephenson of CSTA, Alfred Thompson of Microsoft, and Mark Guzdial of Georgia Tech

As much as we believe and try to make the case that studying computer science is good for all students, there is a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail and Smartphones

Retail and Smartphones

Short local piece on the increasing use of linking smartphone Apps and coupons in retail.  Nothing new here, except that people and the press are starting to take notice.  I have seen more examples in recent weeks of people scanning with…

From Wild WebMink

? Hudson and Jenkins

? Hudson and Jenkins

Hudson’s future | Hudson Labs After making a valiant attempt to negotiate an amicable outcome with Oracle, the Hudson community may well decide to rename itself Jenkins, move off Oracle infrastructure and build open governance…

From Schneier on Security

Attacking High-Frequency Trading Networks

Attacking High-Frequency Trading Networks

Turns out you can make money by manipulating the network latency.

cPacket has developed a proof of concept showing that these side-channel attacks can be used to create tiny delays in the transmission of market data and trades…

From Putting People First

Distance Lab closed down

Distance Lab closed down

The BBC reports that the Distance Lab closed down. Distance Lab was a Scottish creative research initiative for digital media technology and design innovation, focused on addressing the many problems and opportunities found in…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

A Joint Call for Research on Why Computer Science Education is Important for K-12

A Joint Call for Research on Why Computer Science Education is Important for K-12

As much as we believe and try to make the case that studying computer science is good for all students, there is a profound lack of research to actually support this contention. With the movement to data driven decision making…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sell to Their Shopping Lists

Sell to Their Shopping Lists

Good piece from Herb Sorensen's Views site.  Read the whole thing.Sell to Their "Shopping Lists" (Tell'em Which to Buy!)December 20, 2010 - by Herb Sorensen, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, TNS Retail and ShopperThis issue of theTo…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Taking Advantage of Emotion with Augmented Reality

Taking Advantage of Emotion with Augmented Reality

I've been thinking about how augmented reality can take advantage of emotion to help people complete their tasks more efficiently. These musings were originally for a potential paper, but since this particular paper concept is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wharton Consumer Analytics Initiative

Wharton Consumer Analytics Initiative

This is good news, I was impressed by what I saw the Interactive Media Initiative doing.  Very empirically data based. They ask for the data!  Certainly the previous emphasis on interactive media  is important, but the not all…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Demarchy and probabilistic algorithms

Demarchy and probabilistic algorithms

Demarchy are political systems built using randomness. Demarchy has been used to designate political leaders in Ancient Greece and in France (during the French revolution).

From The Eponymous Pickle

Improved Google Goggles

Improved Google Goggles

The mouthful of a smartphone App called Google Goggles has been improved.  It now recognizes print ads. More here. " ... With the new version of Google Goggles, consumers barely need to lift a finger to compare prices or getTesting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Tests New Fujitsu Checkout

Kroger Tests New Fujitsu Checkout

Kroger is testing a new Fujitsu Advantage self checkout system that is said to improve interaction with consumers and decrease checkout times. We extensively tested earlier systems in laboratory retail environments. More here…

From Putting People First

Design research and innovation: an interview with Don Norman

Design research and innovation: an interview with Don Norman

Jeroen Van Geel of Johnny Holland interviewed Donald Norman about innovation, design research, and emotional design. Earlier this year you wrote that design research doesn

From Schneier on Security

"Homeland Security Hasn't Made Us Safer"

"Homeland Security Hasn't Made Us Safer"

This will be nothing new to readers of this blog, but it's nice to read other people saying it too.

From Wild WebMink

Public Information

Public Information

OpenAM Book and eBook – Packt Publishing The first book about OpenAM is due for publication any day now. I hope they send me a review copy! Java/DevJam/2011/Fosdem/TalkSchedule I'm on the agenda for the Java dev-room at FOSDEM…

From Putting People First

Mobile youth around the world

Mobile youth around the world


From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

GiveCamp Across America

GiveCamp Across America

GiveCamp Across America

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Interfaces

Future of Interfaces

From CES, in Technology Review: On the Future of Interfaces. " ... The mouse and keyboard have been how nearly everyone has interacted with computers since Apple and Microsoft brought them to the mainstream in the mid 1980s.Agree…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Zest at Procter

Zest at Procter

Procter & Gamble has sold the soap brand Zest, which has an interesting ad history, nicely written about in AdAge.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

New Year, New You?

New Year, New You?

Yep, it's that time of year. The time where we start to reflect on all the good from last year and all the things we want to accomplish in the new year. Typically in our work environment, this happens in August. But my challenge…