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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2020

From Putting People First

Experientia supports Interaction 20 conference in Milan

Experientia supports Interaction 20 conference in Milan

Next week the major Interaction 20 conference will take place at the Zaha Hadid-designed Milano Convention Center (MiCo). Experientia supports this huge conference on a multitude of levels.

From Schneier on Security

Smartphone Election in Washington State

Smartphone Election in Washington State

This year: King County voters will be able to use their name and birthdate to log in to a Web portal through the Internet browser on their phones, says Bryan Finney, the CEO of Democracy Live, the Seattle-based voting company…

From Putting People First

Experientia workshop at Interaction20 conference in Milan

Experientia workshop at Interaction20 conference in Milan

On Tuesday 4 February Experientia will run a half day workshop on netnography and digital ethnography for Interaction20 participants.

From The Eponymous Pickle

When can you Selectively look at Less than all of the Data?

When can you Selectively look at Less than all of the Data?

I pass along Jason Brownlee's links from time to time, have found them very useful.   Subscribe to his stream, buy his books.  Here its about sampling and when you can look at less than all of the data. 

Jason @ ML Mastery jason…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Numba: Speeding up Python

Numba: Speeding up Python

Just brought to my attention.  Python use for numerical algorithms can be an issue when speed is required.  Technical.

Accelerate Python Functions
Numba translates Python functions to optimized machine code at runtime using the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Networks in the Enterprise

Networks in the Enterprise

Podcast and more about the use of internal networks.   Talking the podcast side we established some internal podcasts channels to talk to people about how emergent tech was being used.  Talked and experimented with automating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Taiwan Improves Manufacturing with AI

Taiwan Improves Manufacturing with AI

Some good details here about what is going on in Taiwan, notably integration with big data and AI capabilities.

From plastic toys to Industry 4.0: How Taiwan is using science to upgrade its manufacturing
The island is turning to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Frontier in AI Training

Frontier in AI Training

We always need to consider the outlier case.      Its often in current and future training.... I like the idea of thinking about broadening the training to include 'nothing'.

The Next Frontier in AI: Nothing
How an overlooked feature…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: SCALE 2020 Scalable Computing Challenge for Cash Prizes

Call for Papers: SCALE 2020 Scalable Computing Challenge for Cash Prizes

The IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2020) has issued its Call for Papers. "Are you doing real-world problem-solving using computing that scales? Want to win $1000 or $500? Submit a whitepaper to 13th IEEE…

From insideHPC

Video: Reasoning About Biology With Data-Driven Approaches

Video: Reasoning About Biology With Data-Driven Approaches

Adam Riesselman from Insitro gave this talk at DOE CSGF 2019. "Biology is quickly becoming a data-driven discipline, in which thousands of biological hypotheses can be answered in a single test tube. I will first highlight the…

From Putting People First

Design thinking in the future of cities: what approach to use for better services?

Design thinking in the future of cities: what approach to use for better services?

The design thinking approach offers many tools to design creative solutions to solve the most pressing problems affecting complex ecosystems such as cities. That's why it is important that policy makers are properly trained.

From Putting People First

Three narratives that stymie social change and what we can do about it

Three narratives that stymie social change and what we can do about it

Nat Kendall-Taylor studied nearly 40 different social issues and the cultural models people use to understand them. He found three cultural models that stymie social change—and three research-based messaging strategies that can…

From Putting People First

A brief history of UX design and its evolution

A brief history of UX design and its evolution

When you think about user experience design it is a term that we instantly associate with apps and websites. And especially when considering a typical job description of a UX designer, it can trick you into thinking that it’s…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Halting No Go Theorem

Using the halting problem to prove positive theorems. Cropped from “Turing’s Lost Letters” source Alan Turing proved the undecidability of the Halting Problem in 1936. Under a slight tweak to history he could thereby have refuted…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (January 25th 2020)

Science and Technology links (January 25th 2020)

Scientists found a way to increase the production of new neurons in the brains of mice, effectively rejuvenating the brains of old mice. (Source: Nature) How many people died during accidents at nuclear power plants? In North…

From insideHPC

Jack Dongarra presents: Adaptive Linear Solvers and Eigensolvers

Jack Dongarra presents: Adaptive Linear Solvers and Eigensolvers

Jack Dongarra from UT Knoxville gave this talk at ATPESC 2019. "Success in large-scale scientific computations often depends on algorithm design. Even the fastest machine may prove to be inadequate if insufficient attention is…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC User Support Technician at NREL

Job of the Week: HPC User Support Technician at NREL

NREL is seeking an HPC User Support Technician in our Job of the Week. "Your job will be front-line support for the High Performance Computing user community which includes scientists, researchers, and students at many levels…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sim Swapping Insecurity

Sim Swapping Insecurity

Had read about this.   The details here are that those responsible for the most minimal security are not taking it seriously. Poor security is not the right term,  nonexistent was too often the case.

SIM Swapping, Poor Web Security…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Electronic Skin

Electronic Skin

 Note the long history of this kind of effort.

Integrate Microchips for Electronic Skin
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (Germany)
January 22, 2020

German and Japanese researchers have developed an active-matrix…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: More on the Giant Squid's DNA

Friday Squid Blogging: More on the Giant Squid's DNA

Following on from last week's post, here's more information on sequencing the DNA of the giant squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Putting Humans in the AI Loop

Putting Humans in the AI Loop

I argue that they are always in the loop.  Just how effectively are they placed there. Always a very useful question. Starting with existing process helps.

Can AI Put Humans Back in the Loop?
Tiernan Ray

Scientists at Germany's…

From insideHPC

OpenFabrics Alliance to Expand Hands-On Tutorial Offerings at Its 2020 Workshop

OpenFabrics Alliance to Expand Hands-On Tutorial Offerings at Its 2020 Workshop

In this special guest feature, Paul Grun from the OpenFabrics Alliance provides a preview of the upcoming OFA Workshop. "We are especially excited about how this year’s program is coming together. At the OFA Workshop 2019, we…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Show Devices Can Now Recognize

Show Devices Can Now Recognize

Just brought to my attention, Alexa 'Show' devices, that is,  those that have an embedded camera,  can now be asked to recognize things.   Apparently only in the domain of' 'pantry items'.  Designed as an assist for the blind…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search

Worth another, closer look. In Flowingdata.  

Over a year ago, Google released Dataset Search in public beta. The goal was to index datasets across the internets to make them easier to find. It came out of beta:

Based on what we…

From insideHPC

ANSYS Student Software Surpasses One Million Downloads

ANSYS Student Software Surpasses One Million Downloads

ANSYS is lowering the barrier of adoption for simulation software through its growing academic program. Free student software — a key component of the program — recently surpassed more than one million downloads since its launch…

From insideHPC

UMass Dartmouth Speeds Research with Hybrid Supercomputer from Microway

UMass Dartmouth Speeds Research with Hybrid Supercomputer from Microway

UMass Dartmouth’s powerful new cluster from Microway affords the university five times the compute performance its researchers enjoyed previously, with over 85% more total memory and over four times the aggregate memory bandwidth…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Update on Samsung Bixby

Update on Samsung Bixby

Took early looks at Bixby, was not impressed.  Has huge appliance exposure, IOT connections.  What's new and interesting

Bixby was quiet in 2019, but don't sleep on Samsung's assistant
It's not all bad news for Bixby.

Chris Velazco…

From insideHPC

Liquid Cooling Trends in HPC

Liquid Cooling Trends in HPC

In this special guest feature, Bob Fletcher from Verne Global reflects on how liquid cooling technologies on display at SC19 represent more than just a wave. "My intuition suggests that the larger established water-cooling users…

From Schneier on Security

Technical Report of the Bezos Phone Hack

Technical Report of the Bezos Phone Hack

Motherboard obtained and published the technical report on the hack of Jeff Bezos's phone, which is being attributed to Saudi Arabia, specifically to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. ...investigators set up a secure lab to examine…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The System Knows Who You Are

The System Knows Who You Are

True confession – give me an app that plays with interesting and personal data and I’ll play for a while. The amount of data available to us today is astounding and computer programming lets us do some really amazing things.Guessing…