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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

White Castle Fast Food Using Flippy Robot

White Castle Fast Food Using Flippy Robot

Inevitable to see more of these robotic solutions for food preparation, here the most common example. 

White Castle Plans to Use Robot in More Locations

Forbes, By Lana Bandoim

The White Castle restaurant chain said it is expanding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Things that Quantum Computing will be Useful For

Things that Quantum Computing will be Useful For

Thoughtful, but non-technical look at the question.

6 Things Quantum Computers Will Be Incredibly Useful For  By Mark Jackson in SIngularity Hub

Computers don’t exist in a vacuum. They serve to solve problems, and the type of problems…

From insideHPC

Optical I/O Specialist Ayar Labs Secures $35 Million in Series B Funding

Optical I/O Specialist Ayar Labs Secures $35 Million in Series B Funding

Santa Clara, Calif.– Nov. 5, 2020 –Ayar Labs has announced the completion of a $35M Series B financing co-led by Downing Ventures and BlueSky Capital. New investors include Applied Ventures, LLC, Castor Ventures, Downing Ventures…

From The Eponymous Pickle

App Analyzes Coronavirus Genome on Smartphone

App Analyzes Coronavirus Genome on Smartphone

Amazing how we can get advanced bioinformatics on a handheld. Open source too.

App Analyzes Coronavirus Genome on Smartphone

Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Australia)

Researchers at Australia's Garvan Institute of Medical…


Here's Why Resentment is the Key to Happiness

Here's Why Resentment is the Key to Happiness

Do you find happiness to be fleeting? That shiny new car or big job promotion makes you happy for a few weeks but quickly turns into the same old same old? Maybe resentment is the key to happiness... Let me explain why.

From insideHPC

UberCloud Releases Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud HPC Application Platform

UberCloud Releases Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud HPC Application Platform

SUNNYVALE, Calif. — UberCloud has announced its next-generation HPC Application Platform, designed to support the way enterprises run HPC applications today. With cloud providers offering improved security, better cost/performance…

From insideHPC

DHI Group Picks Bright Cluster Manager for Supercomputer Capacity Planning 

DHI Group Picks Bright Cluster Manager for Supercomputer Capacity Planning 

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – Today, Bright Computing, maker of Linux cluster automation and management software for HPC and machine learning, announced that DHI Group has upgraded its supercomputer, …

From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Contact Tracing Apps Talk to Each Other

UK Contact Tracing Apps Talk to Each Other

Interesting look at these and comparison to other Tracing Apps in europe. Clear contribution to decrease in spread?

UK contact-tracing apps start to talk to each other in the BBC

The United Kingdom's various contact-tracing apps…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Battery Free Ocean Exploration?

Battery Free Ocean Exploration?

Towards automation and empowering sensors in varying environments.  Piezoelectronics always an interest too.

An Underwater Navigation System Powered by Sound,  MIT News, Daniel Ackerman

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky at AAAI HCOMP 2020

Blue Sky at AAAI HCOMP 2020

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2020), October 25-29th, 2020, online.  The emphasis of this track…

From The Eponymous Pickle

End-to-End Encrypted Messaging

End-to-End Encrypted Messaging

 Just started to read, excellent overview. Will follow with more comments as it applies to my work.

End-to-End Encrypted Messaging Hardcover – April 30, 2020   by Rolf Oppliger  (Author)

This exciting resource introduces the core…

From insideHPC

Child’s Play: Kid’s Book Author Named Q-CTLR Quantum Education Advisor

Child’s Play: Kid’s Book Author Named Q-CTLR Quantum Education Advisor

Call it counterintuitive reverse psychology. Q-CTRL, a startup that applies control engineering to development of quantum technology, today announced that its quantum education advisor will be Chris Ferrie, a writer of children…

From Schneier on Security

Detecting Phishing Emails

Detecting Phishing Emails

Research paper: Rick Wash, “How Experts Detect Phishing Scam Emails“:

Abstract: Phishing scam emails are emails that pretend to be something they are not in order to get the recipient of the email to undertake some action they…

From Schneier on Security

California Proposition 24 Passes

California Proposition 24 Passes

California’s Proposition 24, aimed at improving the California Consumer Privacy Act, passed this week. Analyses are very mixed. I was very mixed on the proposition, but on the whole I supported it. The proposition has some serious…

From insideHPC

Gigabyte Launches Embedded mini-ITX Motherboard for the AMD EPYC Embedded 3151

Gigabyte Launches Embedded mini-ITX Motherboard for the AMD EPYC Embedded 3151

Taipei, Taiwan, November 5th 2020 – Gigabyte Technology, (TWSE: 2376), maker of high-performance servers and workstations, today announced the Gigabyte MJ11-EC0 for the power-efficient embedded market. Real-time computing in …

From insideHPC

Wrapping Up a Big Year for HPC at SC20

Wrapping Up a Big Year for HPC at SC20

In this Sponsored Post, our friends over at Altair discuss how for those of us in high-performance computing, fall means gearing up for the annual SC conference — the biggest supercomputing event of the year. SC has gone virtual…

From insideHPC

ISC 2021 Will Be Virtual

ISC 2021 Will Be Virtual

In the run-up to SC2020, the HPC industry’s other major conference coming up next year, ISC 2021, announced today that the confab will be a virtual event. “The Covid19 pandemic continues to pose great uncertainty to conference…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Research's Lifelike Robotic Gaze

Disney Research's Lifelike Robotic Gaze

Will Disney push forward Lifelike Robotics and Vision.  A very uncanny valley?

Disney Research Makes Robotic Gaze Interaction Eerily Lifelike

IEEE Spectrum Evan Ackerman

 A team of researchers from Disney Research, the California…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Novel Inventory Tagging System using Molecular Bits

Novel Inventory Tagging System using Molecular Bits

 Interesting use of molecular tagging.   Could this be used beyond retail inventory? What is the speed and accuracy of reading the tags?  Note use of machine learning integration.

Porcupine Molecular Tagging Scheme Offers Sharp…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Machine Learning for Law and Compliance

Examples of Machine Learning for Law and Compliance

Good general overview of a space we have worked for a while,  yes good opportunities. But beyond ML methods.

AI/ML Applications in Law and Compliance    Posted by William Vorhies in DSC

Summary:  Some industries are a clear slam…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Choosing Antibiotics

Choosing Antibiotics

Narrow example of applicaation of recommendation in healthcare

MIT CSAIL researchers claim their algorithm helps doctors pick the right antibiotics

Kyle Wiggers@Kyle_L_Wiggers in Venturebeat

Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science…

From Schneier on Security

Determining What Video Conference Participants Are Typing from Watching Shoulder Movements

Determining What Video Conference Participants Are Typing from Watching Shoulder Movements

Accuracy isn’t great, but that it can be done at all is impressive.

Murtuza Jadiwala, a computer science professor heading the research project, said his team was able to identify the contents of texts by examining body movement…

From insideHPC

Cambridge Quantum Computing Joins Exclusive Group of Companies with Access to Honeywell’s Newly Launched Quantum Computer

Cambridge Quantum Computing Joins Exclusive Group of Companies with Access to Honeywell’s Newly Launched Quantum Computer

Cambridge, UK, Nov. 4, 2020 – Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) today announced an agreement with Honeywell Quantum Solutions establishing access to Honeywell’s recently announced premium quantum computer – the System Model H1…

From insideHPC

A Checklist For Artificial Intelligence On Workstations

A Checklist For Artificial Intelligence On Workstations

The results of a recent survey commissioned by Dell and executed by Forrester summarized in this white paper, "A Checklist For Artificial Intelligence On Workstations," have indicated a quarter of firms are actually using workstations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Further Personalizes AI?

Alexa Further Personalizes AI?

 Considering what this means for me and other users.  A step towards an assistant that can aid and nudge in new ways?  Well no, not that I can see yet in any assistants.    I have been itching for something more proactive, that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coupa Acquires AI-Powered Supply Chain Design

Coupa Acquires AI-Powered Supply Chain Design

 Looks to be a step forward.  Notably looking more towards risk detection and mitigation.   Automation of key aspects of supply chains?  Ultimately needs to happen in the design of supply chains.   If so a powerful direction.…

From insideHPC

AMD-Supermicro-Cornelis (Omni-Path) ‘Mammoth’ Cluster at LLNL Targets COVID-19

AMD-Supermicro-Cornelis (Omni-Path) ‘Mammoth’ Cluster at LLNL Targets COVID-19

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and partners AMD, Supermicro and Cornelis Networks have installed a high performance computing cluster with memory and data storage capabilities targeting data-intensive COVID-19 research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Eldercare

AI and Eldercare

 During a visit to Japan we saw presentations of how they were using AI, assistance and robotic methods for improving eldercare.   The below article, though thin in detail, provides an outline of examples being pursued.  Many…

From insideHPC

DOE to Provide $32M for Advanced Chemical Sciences Software

DOE to Provide $32M for Advanced Chemical Sciences Software

Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced plans to provide up to $32 million for research to advance the development of sophisticated software for the chemical sciences. The effort aims to take advantage…

From insideHPC

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Receives NSF Grant for Nerve Cell Research

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Receives NSF Grant for Nerve Cell Research

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, a joint research effort by the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, recently received a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, which will continue a lab-computer…