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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Foresquare Introduces Hypertrending

Foresquare Introduces Hypertrending

Admit I have kind of lost track of Foursquare entirely since its launch ten years ago. , but the general kind of look at what groups are doing is still intriguing.   How might it have implications for retail behavior?  But do…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Power BI Capacities for Scalabe Solutions

Power BI Capacities for Scalabe Solutions

Newly brought to my attention:

Deploying and Managing Power BI Premium Capacities
 By Owen Duncan  Michael Blythe

Summary: Power BI Premium provides more consistent performance, support for large data volumes, and the flexibility…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Overview of Alexa for the Enterprise

Overview of Alexa for the Enterprise

Had been introduced to the concept some time ago, was recently asked my opinion.  It has advanced, but still have not seen any good examples in place.  Depends what you mean by it, and voice has issues in an open office.     But…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Reshaping Food Processing

AI Reshaping Food Processing

We worked in this space to address product reformulations under changing crops.

How AI is reshaping the food processing business ?
Hemendra Singh  in Customerthink

" .... The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sue Anyone with a Button Press

Sue Anyone with a Button Press

Seems this could get out of hand.  Not recommending this but pointing out how its easy to get oneself insert oneself.   Reminds me a little of Amazon Dash, which does one touch ordering.   Implications?

New App Lets You 'Sue Anyone…

From insideHPC

Video: Submer Technology for HPC Immersion Cooling

Video: Submer Technology for HPC Immersion Cooling

In this video, Diarmoid Daltun from Submer and Daniele Rispoli from ClusterVision describe how Immersion Cooling applies to a HPC installation, including the benefits, challenges, economics, practicality, and more. "We are a …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (March 9th 2019)

Science and Technology links (March 9th 2019)

In 2007-2008, the recipient of a bone-marrow therapy (Timothy Brown) was cured of HIV. Another person was cured following a bone marrow transplant. And then yet another. The trick to it seems that some of us are naturally immune…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Computer Engineer at NREL

Job of the Week: Computer Engineer at NREL

The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado is seeking a Computer Engineer in our Job of the Week. "At NREL, we focus on creative answers to today's energy challenges. From breakthroughs in fundamental…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Assistants at Work

Digital Assistants at Work

Not unexpected that we will see these kinds of capabilities to augment people in the workplace.

Digital workplace technologies promise a personal digital assistant for all employees PRNewswire

ISG Provider Lens™ Digital Workplace…

From Putting People First

Innovation is about understanding culture

Innovation is about understanding culture

Jay Hasbrouck, Founder of Filament Insight & Innovation, argues that ethnographic thinking is an overall innovation strategy that can strategically guide large organisations in how they innovate, can drive their efforts to build…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins Can Be an Alternative to Plastic

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins Can Be an Alternative to Plastic

Is there anything squids aren't good for? Academic paper. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From Schneier on Security

Videos and Links from the Public-Interest Technology Track at the RSA Conference

Videos and Links from the Public-Interest Technology Track at the RSA Conference

Yesterday at the RSA Conference, I gave a keynote talk about the role of public-interest technologists in cybersecurity. (Video here). I also hosted a one-day mini-track on the topic. We had six panels, and they were all great…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Engaging Voice-First Games

Engaging Voice-First Games

In the Alexa Dev Blog, a number of downloads on the creation and delivery and monetizing of online games.    While some may think this is not serious enough, the exercise can be rewarding, in that games have well defined goals…

From insideHPC

Nvidia Certifies Colovore As DGX-Ready Data Center Partner

Nvidia Certifies Colovore As DGX-Ready Data Center Partner

NVIDIA has gained traction in datacenter Machine Learning with their DGX platforms. Now Bay Area provider Colovore has signed up as a colocation partner supporting NVIDIA DGX deployments. “NVIDIA’s DGX-1 and DGX-2 platforms are…

From insideHPC

How Supercomputing could help save newborn babies with LungMap

How Supercomputing could help save newborn babies with LungMap

Over at TACC, Faith Singer-Villalobos writes that researchers are using supercomputers to better understand the lung development of premature babies. The insight derived from large datasets could help save lives. In 2016, over…

From insideHPC

DOE powers Aluminum and Steelmaking Research through HPC4Manufacturing Program

DOE powers Aluminum and Steelmaking Research through HPC4Manufacturing Program

Today the HPC4Manufacturing Program announced four federal funding awards for solving key manufacturing challenges in steelmaking and aluminum production through supercomputing. "Primary metals industries are significant energy…

From insideHPC

Scalable Machine Learning: The Role of Stratified Data Sharding

Scalable Machine Learning: The Role of Stratified Data Sharding

Srinivasan Parthasarathy from Ohio State University gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "With the increasing popularity of structured data stores, social networks and Web 2.0 and 3.0 applications, complex data formats…

From Computational Complexity


Via Scott, John Horgan wrote a blog post following on his 1993 Scientific American article The Death of Proof. The article talked about computer-generated proofs, experimental mathematics and even mentioned some of our work on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Assistant adds Continued Conversations

Google Assistant adds Continued Conversations

An important and expected part of human interactions is the 'continued conversation'.  That is how we use information from previous conversations we have had with a person, or in a particular context,  to interpret the current…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Making Projects More Interesting With More Data

Making Projects More Interesting With More Data

My students are working on the palindrome project. You probably know it – enter a string and report if it is a palindrome or not. In my case, I have them create a method to “clean” the string by stripping out all of the characters…


Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

What SIGCSE's Top 10 Lists tell us about the growing field of Computer Science Education (and computer science more broadly).

From The Eponymous Pickle

Manufacturing and Blockchain

Manufacturing and Blockchain

Article has useful comments on areas to consider a pilot.

Blockchain can be transformative for manufacturers  from PWC Blog

Industrial companies can use blockchain to curb common pain points like counterfeiting, supply chain visibility…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Nature of Strategy

Changing Nature of Strategy

Useful thoughts on the concepts based on long experience.    How is creativity combined with strategy?

The Changing Nature of Strategy: Reflections on Thirty Years
Over the past three decades, gradual shifts have led to an explosion…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using VR to Train for Hostage type Situations

Using VR to Train for Hostage type Situations

A good example of possible scenarios for VR use. .  Similar to simulations in general, where we can construct situations that are too uncommon to see in real life, yet still crucial to be ready for.  Already commonly used in


From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobility's Second Inflection Point

Mobility's Second Inflection Point

Historically interesting view.  What will it mean to have the automobile a major source of data that comes from human behavior?

Mobility’s Second Great inflection Point  in McKinsey

Radically new dynamics in the early 20th century…

From Schneier on Security

Cybersecurity Insurance Not Paying for NotPetya Losses

Cybersecurity Insurance Not Paying for NotPetya Losses

This will complicate things: To complicate matters, having cyber insurance might not cover everyone's losses. Zurich American Insurance Company refused to pay out a $100 million claim from Mondelez, saying that since the U.S.…

From Schneier on Security

Detecting Shoplifting Behavior

Detecting Shoplifting Behavior

This system claims to detect suspicious behavior that indicates shoplifting: Vaak, a Japanese startup, has developed artificial intelligence software that hunts for potential shoplifters, using footage from security cameras for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cybernetics and the Human Use of Human Beings

Cybernetics and the Human Use of Human Beings

Cybernetics is not a much used term these days,  probably its closest term today is 'Computer Science',  but that implies a colder, technical aspect than we are dealing with today, when we introduce cognitive methods as sensors…

From insideHPC

Announcing Google’s New TPU Dev Board for Machine Learning on the Edge

Announcing Google’s New TPU Dev Board for Machine Learning on the Edge

Google just launched Coral, a Beta platform for building intelligent devices with local AI. To enable this initiative, Google is making an edge version of its TensorFlow Processing Unit available for sale for the first time. …

From insideHPC

LANL Upgrades to D-Wave 2000Q Quantum Computer

LANL Upgrades to D-Wave 2000Q Quantum Computer

Today D-Wave Systems announced that Los Alamos National Laboratory has upgraded their D-Wave quantum computer to the D-Wave 2000Q system. Los Alamos is investing in D-Wave quantum technology to expand its foundational quantum…