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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2019

From insideHPC

Call for Submissions: OpenMPCon and IWOMP 2019 in New Zealand

Call for Submissions: OpenMPCon and IWOMP 2019 in New Zealand

The OpenMP community has issued its Call for Submissions for OpenMPCon 2019 and IWOMP 2019. The events take place September 9-13 in Auckland, New Zealand. "OpenMPCon is the annual conference for OpenMP developers to discuss of…

From insideHPC

Simulation Driven Design at the Altair Technology Conference

Simulation Driven Design at the Altair Technology Conference

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Robert Roe reports on developments in multiphysics simulation at the Global Altair Technology Conference. "This year’s event focused on sharing applications of simulation…

From insideHPC

Pioneering and Democratizing Scalable HPC+AI at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Pioneering and Democratizing Scalable HPC+AI at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Nick Nystrom from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "To address the demand for scalable AI, PSC recently introduced Bridges-AI, which adds transformative new AI capability. In…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Stops Selling Dash Buttons

Amazon Stops Selling Dash Buttons

Was an early tester,  and still know many people that use them.  Note the indication below that they had been declared illegal, at least in parts of the EU for not directly providing prices.  They had even been used as simple…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Contracts : Addressing Legalese

Digital Contracts : Addressing Legalese

A kind of smart contract, but with interpretive rather than governance goals.    This was an early goal of 'hypertext' within our enterprise.  You could define terms with a link as much as you wanted within a document.   But


From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Addresses Counterfeiting

Amazon Addresses Counterfeiting

In the enterprise we spent much time in detecting and addressing, challenging counterfeit product,  it was one of the earliest places we implemented machine learning, well before the idea was commonly used, so this effort is


From The Eponymous Pickle

HoloLens 2 Open for Preorder

HoloLens 2 Open for Preorder

Early reviews seem to say it is a considerable improvement.    Targeted towards business rather than games.  Still quite expensive for the consumer,  $3500 per device.   How much directly usable off the shelf applications are…

From Schneier on Security

Data Leakage from Encrypted Databases

Data Leakage from Encrypted Databases

Matthew Green has a super-interesting blog post about information leakage from encrypted databases. It describes the recent work by Paul Grubbs, Marie-Sarah Lacharité, Brice Minaud, and Kenneth G. Paterson. Even the summary is…

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