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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From insideHPC

Seagate Unveils All-Flash and Hybrid Storage Arrays

Seagate Unveils All-Flash and Hybrid Storage Arrays

Today Seagate introduced two new additions to its RealStor 5 series of all-flash storage and hybrid arrays. According to Seagate, ReaslStor 5 gives businesses the kind of high-performance storage that has previously only been…

From insideHPC

Catalyst Grants Foster Innovative Projects in Computational Science

Catalyst Grants Foster Innovative Projects in Computational Science

The Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering has awarded its first round of Catalyst Grants, providing $75,000 each to four innovative projects in computational science. The proposals were judged on novelty…

From insideHPC

GEN-Z: An Overview and Use Cases

GEN-Z: An Overview and Use Cases

Greg Casey from Dell EMC presented this talk at the OpenFabrics Workshop. "This session will focus on the new Gen-Z memory-semantic fabric. The speaker will show the audience why Gen-Z is needed, how Gen-Z operates, what is expected…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU Speed AI Workloads in the IBM Cloud

NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU Speed AI Workloads in the IBM Cloud

Today IBM announced that it is the first major cloud provider to make the Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU accelerator available globally on the cloud. By combining NVIDIA’s acceleration technology with IBM’s Cloud platform, businesses …

From Putting People First

[Book chapter] Behavioral economics and health

[Book chapter] Behavioral economics and health

Behavioral Economics and Health Judd B. Kessler and C. Yiwei Zhang Oxford Textbook of Public Health 2014 Behavioral Economics combines the insights of Economics and Psychology to identify how individuals deviate from the standard…

From Putting People First

Designing for the circular economy

Designing for the circular economy

As reported by Knowledge@Wharton, the London-based Agency of Design (AoD) came up with three different approaches, “each of which embodies a different strategy to designing circularity from the outset”: They are (1) designing…

From Schneier on Security

Clever Physical ATM Attack

Clever Physical ATM Attack

This is an interesting combination of computer and physical attack: Researchers from the Russian security firm Kaspersky on Monday detailed a new ATM-emptying attack, one that mixes digital savvy with a very precise form of physical…

From Computational Complexity

Proving Langs not Regular using Comm Complexity

(My notes on this are at my course website: here They are notes for my ugrad students so they may be longer and more detailed than you want.)

While Teaching Regular langauges in the Formal Languages course I realized…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Report Now, Report Often: Overcoming the Challenges within Cybercrime Reporting

Great Innovative Idea- Report Now, Report Often: Overcoming the Challenges within Cybercrime Reporting

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Morvareed Bidgoli, a Ph.D. candidate in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Bidgoli presented her work at the Computing Community…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Does Captioning in Camera App

Microsoft Does Captioning in Camera App

I was involved in a project, and later a startup that looked at the process of 'captioning', or selectively describing what is on an image.  A difficult problem.  Microsoft is providing a camera app to this that would be interesting…

From Schneier on Security

Encryption Policy and Freedom of the Press

Encryption Policy and Freedom of the Press

Interesting law journal article: "Encryption and the Press Clause," by D. Victoria Barantetsky. Abstract: Almost twenty years ago, a hostile debate over whether government could regulate encryption -- later named the Crypto Wars…

From insideHPC

Raid Inc. Launches ARI-500 Flash Array

Raid Inc. Launches ARI-500 Flash Array

Today Raid Inc. announced the ARI-500 High Performance Low Cost All Flash Array. "The ASIC-based architecture of the ARI-500 Series has an enormous cost advantage over other all flash array solutions, that's a differentiator …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How much are elite universities worth?

How much are elite universities worth?

Will you do better if you attend a selective college? If you are Caucasian (white) and from a middle class or better background… you will not: “Our estimates of the return to college selectivity (…) are generally indistinguishable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fooling Video Classification

Fooling Video Classification

In the Verge ...

Google’s AI video classifiers are easily fooled by subliminal images  by James Vincent   @jjvincent

" ... A recent research paper, published by the University of Washington and spotted by Quartz, makes the problem…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things Driving Data

Internet of Things Driving Data

Via Computerweekly, New analysis points to increasing amounts of data.   Driving new opportunities every day:     " ....  Analytics, internet of things to drive data volumes to 163ZB by 2025 .... ". Interesting to just see the…

From insideHPC

Experiences with NVMe over Fabrics

Experiences with NVMe over Fabrics

"Using RDMA, NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) provides the high BW and low-latency characteristics of NVMe to remote devices. Moreover, these performance traits are delivered with negligible CPU overhead as the bulk of the data transfer…

From insideHPC

NYU Hosts Advanced Computing for Competitiveness Forum on April 13

NYU Hosts Advanced Computing for Competitiveness Forum on April 13

The New York University Center for Urban Science and Progress will host the Advanced Computing for Competitiveness Forum on April 13. Sponsored by the U.S. Council on Competitiveness, the day-long event will look at why "To out…

From insideHPC

Video: Thomas Schulthess on how HPC Propels the Global Enterprise of Science

Video: Thomas Schulthess on how HPC Propels the Global Enterprise of Science

In this video from the HPC Saudi Conference, Dr. Thomas Schulthess from the Swiss National Supercomputing Center discusses how CSCS approaches High Performance Computing. According to Schulthess, supporting legacy software is…

From insideHPC

Google becomes STEM-Trek Supporter for PEARC17 Student Program

Google becomes STEM-Trek Supporter for PEARC17 Student Program

Today STEM-Trek announced that Google, Inc. is a STEM-Trek Platinum supporter of the PEARC17 Student Program. The donation will increase the number of students who can participate in the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research…

From Schneier on Security

Acoustic Attack Against Accelerometers

Acoustic Attack Against Accelerometers

Interesting acoustic attack against the MEMS accelerometers in devices like FitBits. Millions of accelerometers reside inside smartphones, automobiles, medical devices, anti-theft devices, drones, IoT devices, and many other…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

What Should Europe’s Cybersecurity Policy Focus On?

What Should Europe’s Cybersecurity Policy Focus On?

A report on cybersecurity policy published by the European Commission’s top scientific advisers cites the ACM Europe Council Policy Committee’s White Paper on “Advancing Cybersecurity Research and Education in Europe” and the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nielsen Launches Everyday Analytics

Nielsen Launches Everyday Analytics

Another company launching into the power of analytics.     Here focusing on consumer goods applications.  

Nielsen makes science-based decision making more accessible with launch of Everyday Analytics

NEW YORK, March 30, 2017 /PRNewswire…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Artificial Intelligence is more than Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is more than Machine Learning

These days when you hear about AI,  it turns out to be is machine learning.    While ML and Deep learning are important components,  its like saying automobiles are all about tire technology.  Or Engine performance.  There is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

From Natural Language to AI

From Natural Language to AI

Reminds me of some of our own investigations of building more perceptive AIs and bots.  We still don't have a workable language model of our world.  Limited, focused models do exist,  and are called Ontologies.

The Two Paths from…

From insideHPC

Cal Poly Wins Silicon Mechanics Research Cluster Grant

Cal Poly Wins Silicon Mechanics Research Cluster Grant

Today Silicon Mechanics announced that California Polytechnic State University is the recipient of its sixth annual Research Cluster Grant. As a result of its successful application, Cal Poly will receive a High-Performance Computing…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

My review of ‘Ghost in the Shell’ (2017)

My review of ‘Ghost in the Shell’ (2017)

Ghost in the Shell was, in 1995, a forward-thinking science-fiction anime. It is said to have had a lasting influence on movies such as the Matrix. Hollywood offers us a remake featuring Scarlett Johansson. It is a beautifulContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics

Just saw a demonstration of SAS Visual Analytics.  Nicely done:    " ... See the big picture – and underlying connections. ... Visually explore critical drivers for making better decisions. Find out why something happened. Examine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Updates Deep Learning Toolkit

Microsoft Updates Deep Learning Toolkit

Good to see these advances, demonstrating the tools that will be needed for Cortana.  

Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blog
Microsoft Updates its Deep Learning Toolkit   ... " 

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Turning to Chemistry for New “Computing” Concepts

DARPA Turning to Chemistry for New “Computing” Concepts

The following is a press release from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  As the complexity and volume of global digital data grows, so too does the need for more capable and compact means of processing and storing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Dash

Amazon Dash

We tested the Amazon at-home instant replenishment system called the 'Dash Button'.  I have a half dozen on my refrigerator.   The idea implemented the common desire of any CPG company, put the ability to buy right next to where…