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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From insideHPC

Max Planck Institute Adopts ScaleMP Cluster Virtualization Software

Max Planck Institute Adopts ScaleMP Cluster Virtualization Software

"We selected vSMP Foundation from ScaleMP as the sole available solution turning cluster hardware into an SMP; as a single machine, it allows us to distribute the jobs without using any batch/queuing system, and we only need …

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Initial Look at Samsung Bixby

An Initial Look at Samsung Bixby

The plan is to include Bixby on other Samsung appliances.  Also its not the same thing as 'S Voice', which had been announced earlier.  Notable capabilities are translation, image recognition,  learning about users, voice commands…

From insideHPC

Adaptive Computing Releases Moab HPC Suite 9.1.1

Adaptive Computing Releases Moab HPC Suite 9.1.1

Today Adaptive Computing announces the latest release of Moab HPC Suite and related add-ons. The new release extends ease-of-use submission and workload management to new platforms by delivering a release of Viewpoint that can…

From insideHPC

Video: Omni-Path Status, Upstreaming, and Ongoing Work

Video: Omni-Path Status, Upstreaming, and Ongoing Work

Todd Rimmer from Intel presented this talk at the OpenFabrics Workshop. “Intel Omni-Path was first released in early 2016. Omni-Path host and management software is all open sourced. This session will provide an overview of Omni…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at Quantum Startup Rigetti Computing

Radio Free HPC Looks at Quantum Startup Rigetti Computing

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the week's top stories: Quantum Startup Rigetti Computing Raises $64 Million in Funding, Rex Computing has their low-power chip, and Intel is shipping their Optane SSDs.

The post…

From Schneier on Security

Soon You'll Be Able to Hijack Weaponized Police Drones in Connecticut

Soon You'll Be Able to Hijack Weaponized Police Drones in Connecticut

Not content with having a fleet of insecure surveillance drones, the state of Connecticut wants a fleet of insecure weaponized drones. What could possibly go wrong?...

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – April 2017

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – April 2017

ACM PUBLIC POLICY HIGHLIGHTS ACM provides independent, nonpartisan, and technology-neutral research and resources to policy leaders, stakeholders, and the public about public policy issues, as drawn from the deep technical expertise…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Shuts Down

Amazon Shuts Down

Does this mean that Amazon cannot compete with directly with certain kinds of CPG plays?   In Recode: 

Amazon is shutting down — whose founder is now at war with Amazon
The site was part of Amazon’s fourth-largest acquisition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumer Neuroscience at Nielsen

Consumer Neuroscience at Nielsen

Had reason to look at what Nielsen was now doing in the area,  and revisited their site.  They have assembled an impressive  number of technologies to gather biometric data  and map it to decisions. .  No mention of  the term…

From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Quick links

A carefully picked list of some of the tech news I enjoyed recently:

  • So, you know that prototype we showed you? Turns out AI in real world conditions is hard. ([1] [2] [3])

  • Artificial intelligence expert Yann LeCun says,…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Neuroscience, Buying and Selling

    Neuroscience, Buying and Selling

    New thoughts from Neuroscience and Zaltman.  Obvious? :    In Customerthink:

    Neuroscience Confirms We Buy on Emotion & Justify with Logic & yet We Sell to Mr. Rational & Ignore Mr. Intuitive     by Michael Harris  

    Harvard Business…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Guide to Blending Bots

    Guide to Blending Bots

    Good thoughts about all the different options for delivering and sharing information.  I like the fact that it includes thinking about how this 'AI' stuff can be integrated with people and crowd-style knowledge. Ultimately we…

    From insideHPC

    Call for Papers: International Conference on HPC & Simulation in Genoa

    Call for Papers: International Conference on HPC & Simulation in Genoa

    The International Conference on HPC & Simulation has issued its Call for Papers. Also known as HPBench, the event place in July 17-21 in Genoa, Italy. "Benchmarking is an essential aspect of modern computational science, and …

    From insideHPC

    Accelerating Apache Spark with RDMA

    Accelerating Apache Spark with RDMA

    Yuval Degani from Mellanox presented this talk at the OpenFabrics Workshop. "In this talk, we present a Java-based, RDMA network layer for Apache Spark. The implementation optimized both the RPC and the Shuffle mechanisms for…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Retiree Discovers Elusive Math Proof

    Retiree Discovers Elusive Math Proof

    I like this because is shows that retirees make real discoveries.  And recall hearing about this challenge long ago, it has real use.  Problem is well described in the paper, but is math-technical.  In Wired: 

    A Retiree Discovers…

    From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

    ACM U.S. Public Policy Council Submits Comments on Internet of Things

    ACM U.S. Public Policy Council Submits Comments on Internet of Things

    The ACM U.S. Public Policy Council submitted comments in response to a green paper on “Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things,” issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force and Digital Economy…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Flying-Rolling Drone

    Flying-Rolling Drone

    Makes perfect sense,  and has been mentioned before.  Would make delivery of things more point to point.   But things rolling about will get even more in the way than flying things.   In Engadget: An example being tested.  Specifications…

    From Geeking with Greg

    Book review: Radical Candor

    Book review: Radical Candor

    This just came out, the book Radical Candor by Kim Scott. It's a good read on managing and focused on people. I'd recommend it if you are a manager or help others manage people.

    I'd summarize it by saying it takes a teaching…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    CPG Manufacturing

    CPG Manufacturing

    Excellent points made.  Lots of legacy, lack of complete standards.  Where are the ontologies?

    CPG manufacturers need a comprehensive strategy for digitization
    By Luis Benavides, Marnix Hollander, Frédéric Lefort, and Julian Salguero…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    PC Mag Rates Watson Analytics

    PC Mag Rates Watson Analytics

    A good fairly technical review of the Watson Analytics package.  I was a beta user a couple of years ago.    I concur its not everything, but can see it as an 75% autonomous solution.  Still requires some statistical, data and…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Target Ignores the Obvious

    Target Ignores the Obvious

    Former colleague Bob Herbold writes about Target in his intriguing blog about gutsy retail readership.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Fract for Geospatial Patterns

    Fract for Geospatial Patterns

    Intriguing concept have not heard of this being used.  More at the link.

    What is Fract?

    We provide actionable prescriptive geospatial intelligence to businesses and help them make all the right choices based on their data.


    From insideHPC

    Eurotech Unveils Aurora Tigon V4 System with Intel Xeon Phi

    Eurotech Unveils Aurora Tigon V4 System with Intel Xeon Phi

    Today Eurotech announced the Eurotech Aurora Tigon v4, the flagship product of the Eurotech hybrid HPC systems line that adds support for the second generation Intel Xeon Phi Processor. With up to 72 cores (288 threads) per CPU…

    From insideHPC

    Calyos Launches Kickstarter for Fanless Gaming PC

    Calyos Launches Kickstarter for Fanless Gaming PC

    Today French Startup Calyos launched a kickstarter funding project for the NSG S0, "the World's First Fanless Chassis for High Performing PC." The secret behind the Calyos fanless gaming PC chassis is phase-change cooling through…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Top Algorithms

    Top Algorithms

    Nice piece in KDNuggets.  Good starting place for inquisitive managers and decision places.  Nice statements too about the nature of algorithms.  I have found  widespread misunderstanding of the term in industry.

    In KDNuggets:

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Aristotle and the Computer

    Aristotle and the Computer

    In my earliest day working with computer science we were taught about logic and constructing circuits that could add, and that lead ultimately lead to today's devices.    It was influenced by some very early philosophers.

    From updated sporadically at best

    Techniques for Protecting Comey's Twitter: A Taxonomy

    Techniques for Protecting Comey's Twitter: A Taxonomy

    Person in the know calling me out.
    After my post about how the Comey Twitter leak was the most exciting thing ever for information flow security researchers, I had some conversations with people wanting to know how to tell…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Automation and Selling Floor Jobs

    Automation and Selling Floor Jobs

    In Retailwire:  Will automation like robotics replace selling floor jobs? An interesting question.  Despite experiments by companies like Lowes, am still not seeing much out there.  If a consumer goes to a store, they still prefer…

    From Computational Complexity

    William Rowan Hamilton- The Musical!

    With the success of Hamilton,the musical on broadway (for all of the songs and the lyrics to them see here- I wonder who would buy the CD since its here for free)  Lin-Manuel Miranda looked around for other famous figures he…

    From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

    The End Of Human Science?

    Could we go the way of telegraph operators? Pixabay source Lofa Polir has sent us some new information that will have widespread ramifications for math and theory and science in general. Today Ken and I wish to comment on this…

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