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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From insideHPC

Video: 2016 HPC Market Results, Growth Projections, and Trends

Video: 2016 HPC Market Results, Growth Projections, and Trends

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Santa Fe, Earl Joseph from Hyperion Research provides an HPC Market Update. "Formerly the IDC HPC Research Group, Hyperion Research tracks the high performance market."

The post Video:…

From insideHPC

Mellanox InfiniBand Delivers up to 250 Percent Higher ROI for HPC

Mellanox InfiniBand Delivers up to 250 Percent Higher ROI for HPC

Today Mellanox announced that EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand solutions have demonstrated from 30 to 250 percent higher HPC applications performance versus Omni-Path. These performance tests were conducted at end-user installations and…

From insideHPC

OCF Builds POWER8 Supercomputer for Atomic Weapons Establishment in the UK

OCF Builds POWER8 Supercomputer for Atomic Weapons Establishment in the UK

High Performance Computing integrator OCF is supporting scientific research at the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), with the design, testing and implementation of a new HPC cluster and a separate big data storage system…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Driven Clothes Shopping

AI Driven Clothes Shopping

I think I have seen at least three recommender-engine driven apparel selection systems pitched to me, none have survived.  This is a tough sell.  Touch and 3D would help.  Another mirror like idea utilizing machine vision.  In…


Fact Over Fiction

Fact Over Fiction

Given a choice between the right to mass-disinform and democracy, I choose democracy.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensor Filled Gloves

Sensor Filled Gloves

A prototype for gloves that contain health sensors

Sensor-filled glove could help doctors take guesswork out of physical exams

" .... Now, an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of California San Diego and Rady…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UPS Using Beacons for Accuracy

UPS Using Beacons for Accuracy

It sounds like the beacons are being used to get indoor accuracy to affirm location.  And alert the system to misplacement. Reducing error.   In ChainstoreAge: 

UPS uses beacons to quell shipping errors,   By Deena M Amato-McCoy…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The real lesson of the human genome project

The real lesson of the human genome project

When I was pursuing my PhD, the human genome project was often both regarded as overly ambitious (maybe even impossible) and full of possibilities. To many people’s surprise, the project was declared complete back in 2003, much…


Evaluating Computer Science ­Undergraduate Teaching: Why Student Evaluations Are Likely Biased

Evaluating Computer Science ­Undergraduate Teaching: Why Student Evaluations Are Likely Biased

Unconscious bias is pervasive in computing, and training is our best remedy, how can untrained students evaluate their CS teachers without bias?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Editing Photos with Neural Networks

Editing Photos with Neural Networks

In NVidia Blog, quite interesting piece on generating new photos from collections of photos.  In other words editing them.   The article is quite technical, but outlines  how new problems are being solved this way.  Also offers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Broad View of Amazon

A Broad View of Amazon

Interesting view from CBInsights about Amazon.  Pointer to a further strategy document.  I agree, quite a breadth of directions by a former book seller.

Amazon Strategy Teardown: Building New Business Pillars In AI, Next-Gen


From The Eponymous Pickle

PC Magazine Reviews Watson Analytics

PC Magazine Reviews Watson Analytics

A review in PC Magazine that much likes Watson Analytics, describing it as a self-service analytics tool rather than cognitive.

From insideHPC

PBS Works will Power New Supercomputer at BASF

PBS Works will Power New Supercomputer at BASF

Over at the Altair Blog, Jochen Krebs writes that the new HPC cluster at BASF will run PBS Works workload management software. "What does it take to go from months to mere days in gaining results when conducting research? Supercomputing…

From insideHPC

OpenStack for Research Computing

OpenStack for Research Computing

"This talk will present the motivating factors for considering OpenStack for the management of research computing infrastructure. Stig Telfer will give an overview of the differences in design criteria between cloud, HPC and …

From Mostafa Dehghani

Beating the Teacher: Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision

Beating the Teacher: Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision

Our paper "Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision", with Hamed Zamani, Aliaksei Severyn, Jaap Kamps, and W. Bruce Croft, has been accepted as a long paper at The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Building its Own Quantum Chip

Google Building its Own Quantum Chip

Have followed quantum computing from the beginning.  Even offered some industrial test problems for potential solution.  Followed  NASA and Google Tests of research and startup efforts. Good to see real solutions approaching.…

From insideHPC

The Computer That Could Be Smarter than Us – Cognitive Computing

The Computer That Could Be Smarter than Us – Cognitive Computing

Ingolf Wittmann from IBM presented this talk for the Switzerland HPC Conference. "This presentation will point out based on real examples how HPC environments can benefit from such solutions and technologies to drive cognitive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards an Era of Mass Collaboration

Towards an Era of Mass Collaboration

Good overview of the idea, and players that are helping to make it happen.  with similar challenges to any kind of group work measurement.

We're Entering A New Era of Mass Collaboration    By Greg Satell @Digitaltonto  In Inc:

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Linux Infrastructure Engineer at 10X Genomics

Job of the Week: Linux Infrastructure Engineer at 10X Genomics

Bay Area Startup 10x Genomics is seeking a Linux / Infrastructure Engineer in our Job of the Week. "We are looking for an exceptional engineer with a solid understanding of Linux, storage, and infrastructure to join our IT team…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (April 21st, 2017)

Science and Technology links (April 21st, 2017)

Can we trust software? Lance Fortnow, a famous computer scientist, answers… Sometimes I feel we put to much pressure on the machines. When we deal with humans, for example when we hire people, we have to trust them, assume they…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Rolls Out Lex Chatbot Tools

Amazon Rolls Out Lex Chatbot Tools

Amazon rolls out conversational Chatbot interface 'Lex'.  Am looking for better yet conversational and memory capabilities for Lex.   Good technical overview at the link.

Amazon Lex – Build Conversational Voice & Text Interfaces…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Earth is Updated

Google Earth is Updated

We were much impressed with Google Earth,  even used it for things like showing where our plants were worldwide, and providing 'tours' to their locations.  Seems not that much has been done to it in some time, but the Verge reports…

From Putting People First

An anthropologist in the boardroom

An anthropologist in the boardroom

“It is often tempting to think that the 21st-century world is so closely integrated and digitised that the issue of culture is becoming irrelevant,” writes Gillian Tett in the Financial Times. “But behind the scenes, a growing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology and Societal Change

Technology and Societal Change

How Technology Can Help Solve Societal Problems

The Network Revolution

In the next article of the series, “The Network Revolution: Creating Value through Platforms, People and Technology,” authors Barry Libert, Megan Beck, Brian…

From Putting People First

Boston’s human-centered research to design middle-income housing

Boston’s human-centered research to design middle-income housing

In Boston, the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics is conducting ethnographic, human-centered research to design middle-income housing that reflects people’s lived experiences, reports the Stanford Social Innovation Review.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Selfie Drones

Selfie Drones

Drones that can follow you around to take pictures and perhaps provide security?    In Engadget:

" ... The term "selfie drones" may suggest an added level of convenience, but in reality, these machines still share one common pain…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Squid Attacking Another Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Squid Attacking Another Squid

Wow, is this cool. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Retailers can Cope with Slowing Growth

How Retailers can Cope with Slowing Growth

In  Knowledge@Wharton,  Non -Technical, but quite strategic these days.  Recall talking to Marshall Fisher while in the enterprise.   (See his book)

How Retailers can Cope with Slowing Growth

Wharton's Marshall Fisher discusses…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mercedes Connecting to Amazon Echo and Google Assistants

Mercedes Connecting to Amazon Echo and Google Assistants

The breadth of this is most interesting.  All their new cars can link to both of the most common  assistants.  Seems an indicator of popularity of the assistant idea as yet not seen.   A first true link between Smart Home and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Home Recognizes Distinct Voices

Google Home Recognizes Distinct Voices

A major issue with home assistants, that they cannot distinguish between members of a household, is being remedied this week.  The Google Home assistant, which I have had under test since its inception, can now distinguish up…