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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From insideHPC

Introduction to Parallel Programming with OpenACC

Introduction to Parallel Programming with OpenACC

"This is the first in a series of short videos to introduce you to parallel programming with OpenACC and the PGI compilers, using C++ or Fortran. You will learn by example how to build a simple example program, how to add OpenACC…

From insideHPC

Advanced Clustering Installs New Supercomputer at Clarkson University

Advanced Clustering Installs New Supercomputer at Clarkson University

This week Advanced Clustering installed a new supercomputer at Clarkson University in New York. "Our project is a small-scale super computer with a lot of horsepower for computation ability,” Liu said. “It has many servers, interconnected…

From Putting People First

ONE Design: a portal on Adaptive Path’s work with Capital One Bank

ONE Design: a portal on Adaptive Path’s work with Capital One Bank

ONE Design is a content portal where Capital One, the eighth-largest bank in the United States shares (many) inspiring stories of how their Adaptive Path designers “impact lives with humanity, simplicity, ingenuity – and empower…

From insideHPC

Cedar Supercomputer Comes to Canada

Cedar Supercomputer Comes to Canada

Simon Fraser University (SFU), Compute Canada and WestGrid were all part of the major new update to Canada's HPC resources with the recent announcement of the launch of the most powerful academic supercomputer in Canada, Cedar…

From insideHPC

HPC Workflows Using Containers

HPC Workflows Using Containers

"In this talk we will discuss a workflow for building and testing Docker containers and their deployment on an HPC system using Shifter. Docker is widely used by developers as a powerful tool for standardizing the packaging of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Kinds of Assistant Magic Mirrors

New Kinds of Assistant Magic Mirrors

We examined the Mirror idea under many conditions.  For cosmetics, eye-ware, clothing.  At home and in the store.  The somewhat new idea then is having trained associates guide its use.  A Virtual assistant.  Does not save the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Do Deep AI Methods Work?

Why Do Deep AI Methods Work?

Gets back to transparency, and can we actually explain how advanced AI methods work?  This issue was known years ago during early methods with neural network methods.   Our own work in the area was criticized for this.  Does


From Schneier on Security

Tracing Spam from E-mail Headers

Tracing Spam from E-mail Headers

Interesting article from Brian Krebs....

From Putting People First

[Book] The Stuff of Bits – An Essay on the Materialities of Information

[Book] The Stuff of Bits – An Essay on the Materialities of Information

The Stuff of Bits: An Essay on the Materialities of Information by Paul Dourish MIT Press, May 2017 264 pages Virtual entities that populate our digital experience, like e-books, virtual worlds, and online stores, are backed …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats Interesting in Your Data?

Whats Interesting in Your Data?

In MapR they pose the question: Cognitive Analytics Answers the question: What's Interesting in Your Data?

Good general thought.  But I would suggest it depends what your definition of interesting is. Measurably valuable in current…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Singapore Plans its Future City

Singapore Plans its Future City

BBC take an overview look.   Very impressive plans, but there needs to be much more detail.  For example how will security be handled? Privacy of data?  Lots of challenges here, but this is very likely the future.

Tomorrow's Cities…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Theory Fest—Should You Go?

Theory Fest—Should You Go? Boaz Barak and Michael Mitzenmacher are well known for many great results. They are currently working not on a theory paper, but on a joint “experiment” called Theory Fest. Today Ken and I want to discuss…

From Computational Complexity

Will talk about Harry Lewis 70th bday conference later but for now- that was then/this is now

On Wed April 19 I was at the Harry Lewis 70th birthday celebration!

I will blog on that later.

Harry Lewis was my thesis adviser. Odd to use the past tense- I DID finish my thesis with him

and so he IS my adviser? Anyway, I

From Schneier on Security

The DEA Is Buying Cyberweapons from Hacking Team

The DEA Is Buying Cyberweapons from Hacking Team

The US Drug Enforcement Agency has purchased zero-day exploits from the cyberweapons arms manufacturer Hacking Team. BoingBoing post....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Demographics

Social Media Demographics

A view of most major social media their demographics and buying habits in 2017.  Interesting, but overly infographic.  Could be done in a single visual page.   Useful information.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bain on the Firm of the Future

Bain on the Firm of the Future

Not so much technology oriented, but about the basic notion of the firm.  Good, broad view.   Especially for technologists, who often believe it is all about tech advances.  Its also about business process and how to deliver


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Community Updates

Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Community Updates

The registration of 2017 Global City Teams Challenge Expo (GCTC) is now open. The Expo will take place at Walter E. Washington Convention Center on August 28-29, 2017 in Washington, DC. It will bring together over 100 cities…

From insideHPC

MIT Professor Runs Record Google Compute Engine job with 220K Cores

MIT Professor Runs Record Google Compute Engine job with 220K Cores

Over at the Google Blog, Alex Barrett writes that an MIT math professor recently broke the record for the largest-ever Compute Engine cluster, with 220,000 cores on Preemptible VMs. According to Google, this is the largest known…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Digital Approach to Digital Transformation

GE Digital Approach to Digital Transformation

Doing work with GE Digital on an upcoming Analytics Summit.

They send along this Webinar, reviewing their approaches:

" ... Gain insights into the five pillars of digital industrial transformation based on GE’s own playbook. .…

From insideHPC

Michael Resch Named Chairman of GCS in Germany

Michael Resch Named Chairman of GCS in Germany

Today the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing in Germany announced that Prof. Dr. Michael M. Resch is the new chairman of the GCS Board of Directors. “Over the coming years, GCS is devoted to keeping its leading European position…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Viruses Spread

How Viruses Spread

An impressive visual and description of of how viruses spread.  In Quartz   " ... A new genetic tool maps how deadly viruses spread around the world in real time ... ".   Recall a recent post on Kellogg work in using cell data…

From insideHPC

Dr. Eng Lim Goh presents: HPC Technology Trends

Dr. Eng Lim Goh presents: HPC Technology Trends

Dr. Eng Lim Goh from Hewlett Packard Enterprise gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "SGI’s highly complementary portfolio, including its in-memory high-performance data analytics technology and leading high-performance computing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Newsletter

Robotics Newsletter

Konrad Holubek writes:
" ... I wanted to let you know that I collect and send out a weekly email on robotics, a subject I am very passionate about. 

You can see an example of the latest newsletter here :


From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Analytics Trends

Retail Analytics Trends

Fairly general look at retail analytics and their future.

In Bridge2i
Categories Analytics, Blogs Customer Intelligence, Retail
Retail Analytics Trends 2017 and Beyond .... 

From insideHPC

Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzer for Faster Graphics Performance

Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzer for Faster Graphics Performance

"Just as developers need tools to understand the performance of a CPU intensive application in order to modify the code for higher performance, so do those that develop interactive 3D computer graphics applications. An excellent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Introduction to Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

A good, largely non technical guide to the basics of machine learning.  Useful for the interested and motivated decision maker or executive.   Part I here, others apparently to follow.

From Schneier on Security

Smart TV Hack via the Broadcast Signal

Smart TV Hack via the Broadcast Signal

This is impressive: The proof-of-concept exploit uses a low-cost transmitter to embed malicious commands into a rogue TV signal. That signal is then broadcast to nearby devices. It worked against two fully updated TV models made…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Program Solicitation for the CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII)

New Program Solicitation for the CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a new program solicitation for the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII). The CRII program aims to award grants that support…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter Singapore Supply Chain Center

Procter Singapore Supply Chain Center

In Business Journal, about Procter&Gamble:

" ... The Singapore E-Center will be the Cincinnati-based company’s (NYSE: PG) first of its kind outside the U.S. and is designed to fuel end-to-end digital innovation across its supply…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Expands Cognitive Services

Microsoft Expands Cognitive Services

I remain disappointed by the integration level of Cortana assistant with other MS services, but at least now Microsoft seems to be advancing on cognitive services.  Now developers can take the capabilities further.  Includes'Build…

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