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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2017

From insideHPC

Intel to Open Source All Lustre Code as Brent Gorda Leaves the Company

Intel to Open Source All Lustre Code as Brent Gorda Leaves the Company

"Starting today, Intel will contribute all Lustre features and enhancements to the open source community. This will mean that we will no longer provide Intel-branded releases of Lustre, and instead align our efforts and support…

From insideHPC

PSSC Labs Updates CBeST Cluster Management Software

PSSC Labs Updates CBeST Cluster Management Software

Today PSSC Labs announced it has refreshed its CBeST (Complete Beowulf Software Toolkit) cluster management package. CBeST is already a proven platform deployed on over 2200 PowerWulf Clusters to date and with this refresh PSSC…

From insideHPC

Update on the Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

Update on the Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

Paul Messina from Argonne presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Santa Fe. "The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) was established with the goals of maximizing the benefits of HPC for the United States and accelerating the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

End of Brand Loyalty?

End of Brand Loyalty?

Of much importance to my former employer and all of CPG.  Still don't see its involved with culture. just the channels that cultures currently use for information.   Those channels can be selected by marketing.  In Forbes: 


From The Eponymous Pickle

Oracle and Moat for Measurement and Analytics

Oracle and Moat for Measurement and Analytics

Its all about accurate and universal measurement, directly and indirectly through the results of analytics.  So this is not surprising.

Oracle buys Moat
Creates the World's Most Comprehensive Cloud Platform for Marketing Data and…

From insideHPC

Rock Stars of HPC: John Stone

Rock Stars of HPC: John Stone

This Rock Stars of HPC series is about the men and women who are changing the way the HPC community develops, deploys, and operates the supercomputers and social and economic impact of their discoveries. "As the lead developer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook using Augmented Reality

Facebook using Augmented Reality

Zuckerberg talking how AR will play in Facebook.    And suggests that it will first play through the cameras in people's phones.   Less cumbersome than a headset,  but less stability too.  In VRFocus:

The Camera To Be ‘The First…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: Artificial Intelligence in the Car

Talk: Artificial Intelligence in the Car

Upcoming CSIG Talk this week.  

" ... This a reminder about our Cognitive Systems Institute Speaker Series on Thursday, April 20, 2016 at 10:30 am ET US (7:30 am PT).  Our speakers are Roberto Sicconi and Maggie Styś, Founders…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Robotics Expert to Lead Engineering Directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Robotics Expert to Lead Engineering Directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dawn Tilbury, professor of mechanical engineering and former associate dean for research at the University of Michigan‘s College of Engineering, will become the Assistant Director for Engineering (ENG) at the National Science…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Flow and Buttons

Microsoft Flow and Buttons

In SiliconAngle: 

" ... (Microsoft) The company has also introduced something it calls Flow-compatible hardware buttons. They’re somewhat reminiscent of Inc.’s Dash buttons, which allow consumers to restock their supplies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using AR To Transfer Images

Using AR To Transfer Images

If you can't draw well, or precisely, perhaps you can trace images from a phone App using Augmented Reality.   Clever idea for the right kind of application.  Warns that this is best done with the aid of a tripod.  Available


From insideHPC

High Performance Interconnects – Assessments, Rankings and Landscape

High Performance Interconnects – Assessments, Rankings and Landscape

Dan Olds from presented this talk at the Switzerland HPC Conference. "Dan Olds will present recent research into the history of High Performance Interconnects (HPI), the current state of the HPI market, where HPIs …

From insideHPC

Rescale Announces ScaleX Labs with Intel Xeon Phi and Omni-Path

Rescale Announces ScaleX Labs with Intel Xeon Phi and Omni-Path

Today the Rescale HPC Cloud introduced the ScaleX Labs with Intel Xeon Phi processors and Intel Omni-Path Fabric managed by R Systems. The collaboration brings lightning-fast, next-generation computation to Rescale’s cloud platform…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simplified Hearth Rate Sensor Tech

Simplified Hearth Rate Sensor Tech

In Engadget.   Another interesting breakthrough in health sensor technology.  Possible use for other emotion sensing applications.

Panasonic can read your heart rate by looking at your face
The sensor tech will be used to show…

From insideHPC

Rambus Collaborates with Microsoft on Cryogenic Memory

Rambus Collaborates with Microsoft on Cryogenic Memory

"With the increasing challenges in conventional approaches to improving memory capacity and power efficiency, our early research indicates that a significant change in the operating temperature of DRAM using cryogenic techniques…

From insideHPC

Call for Proposals reflects magnitude of PRACE 2

Call for Proposals reflects magnitude of PRACE 2

Today the European PRACE initiative announced that their 14th Call for Proposals yielded 113 eligible proposals of which 59 were awarded a total of close to 2 thousand million core hours. This brings the total number of projects…

From My Biased Coin

STOC Theory Fest Announcements

STOC Theory Fest Announcements

There's a lot of new information up at the STOC web page about the amazing theory fest June 19-23 in Montreal.  In particular, most importantly --

Conference Registration is OPEN

- The STOC program…

From insideHPC

Open CAPI: A New Standard for High Performance Attachment of Memory, Acceleration, and Networks

Open CAPI: A New Standard for High Performance Attachment of Memory, Acceleration, and Networks

In this video from the Switzerland HPC Conference, Jeffrey Stuecheli from IBM presents: Open CAPI, A New Standard for High Performance Attachment of Memory, Acceleration, and Networks. "OpenCAPI sets a new standard for the industry…

From Schneier on Security

Covert Channel via Two VMs

Covert Channel via Two VMs

Researchers build a covert channel between two virtual machines using a shared cache....

From The Eponymous Pickle

How to Mislead with Data

How to Mislead with Data

Misleading most often.  I have seen it often in the enterprise and elsewhere.  Good points made in article below, and always worth repeating.    But missing is the current tendency to dress the results. Aka 'Tell a Story', or…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Next Data Science Education Meetings on May 1-3 in Washington DC

Next Data Science Education Meetings on May 1-3 in Washington DC

The next public forum on data science postsecondary education convened by the National Academies of Sciences will be on May 1-3 in Washington, D.C. The roundtable on Monday, May 1, will explore data science in the workplace and…

From Computational Complexity

Understanding Machine Learning

Today Georgia Tech had the launch event for our new Machine Learning Center. A panel discussion talked about different challenges in machine learning across the whole university but one common theme emerged: Many machine learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

DeepMind Outsources Sonnet

DeepMind Outsources Sonnet

DeepMind, now part of Alphabet, has outsourced Sonnet, a TensorFlow library for constructing neural network modules that allows variable sharing.  Another win for broader experiments with machine learning.

About Deepmind, now…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Updates Flow and PowerApps

Microsoft Updates Flow and PowerApps

Been waiting for more about this.   This interests me because it addresses workflow and thus business process.  IFTTT does that as well, but in a somewhat restricted approach.  Still instructive.  Looking to dig deeper here in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shrinking Deep Learning Neural Networks

Shrinking Deep Learning Neural Networks

Via O'Reilly.  As these tasks take on tougher problems,  efficient architecture will be important.   Even more important as these tasks become real-time.

Excerpt video:
Shrinking and accelerating deep neural networks    Song Han…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

“I have read all of your papers”

“I have read all of your papers”

There is a common movie quote where one (often the hero) says to an academic: “I have read all of your papers”. This does not happen. If you are an academic and someone says something of the sort, you just know that they are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning by Sketching with CogSketch

Learning by Sketching with CogSketch

Quite interesting idea.  I remember looking at the CogSketch platform.  Had not of thought of it as a learning method.  But many of us do learn visually, can this be a means to fill the learning gaps?   Does it work in contexts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chrome Secure by Default?

Chrome Secure by Default?

Recently pointed to this in the Google blog.  Which claims that Chrome is secure by default.  Is this a reasonable claim?   Am a long time Chrome browser user.  Even used a Chromebook for a test.   Have seen no reason to move…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Resolving Conflict in Self-Managed Teams

Resolving Conflict in Self-Managed Teams

Further, perhaps more important, when should a team be self managed?   In the HBR:

How Self-Managed Teams Can Resolve Conflict   by Amit Maimon

In a traditional team structure, conflicts can be escalated to the boss to resolve.…

From insideHPC

SPACK: A Package Manager for Supercomputers, Linux, and MacOS

SPACK: A Package Manager for Supercomputers, Linux, and MacOS

"HPC software is becoming increasingly complex. The space of possible build configurations is combinatorial, and existing package management tools do not handle these complexities well. Because of this, most HPC software is built…

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