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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2021

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Money Moving into Autonomous Trucking

More Money Moving into Autonomous Trucking

Why?  More directly calculable ROI,  Less regulation. and more specific regulation. Less training of the users.  Leads towards simplification. 

Trucks Move Past Cars on the Road to Autonomy

By Wired, July 26, 2021, in CACM

The makers…

From insideHPC

NCSA Supports Virtual Girls’ Astronomy Summer Camp Run by UofI

NCSA Supports Virtual Girls’ Astronomy Summer Camp Run by UofI

High school students got first-hand experience studying space and the Universe last week through the Girls’ Astronomy Summer Camp run by the Department of Astronomy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and NCSA’s…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

President Biden’s FY 2022 Budget Summary

President Biden’s FY 2022 Budget Summary

On May 28th 2021, President Joe Biden released his $6 trillion request for the FY 2022 Federal Budget. A series of blogs analyzing the new budget was posted on the Computing Research Association’s Policy Blog. The budget reflects…

From insideHPC

Iceotope in OEM Agreement with HPE for Liquid Cooling at the Edge

Iceotope in OEM Agreement with HPE for Liquid Cooling at the Edge

Sheffield, UK – Iceotope Technologies Ltd., an immersion cooling company, has announced an OEM agreement with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to offer its liquid-cooled chassis with HPE ProLiant servers in its Ku:l Extreme Data…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Celebrating Technology Leaders – Tech Returnships for Women

Celebrating Technology Leaders – Tech Returnships for Women

Wednesday, August 18th at 3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT,  a panel discussion featuring Kristi Lamar: Managing Director | Monitor DeloitteMaryam Shabbir: Business Development Consultant | SybridMDChristine Winston: Vice President | Path…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Origami Comes to Robotic Life

Origami Comes to Robotic Life

Soft animated modeling built in origami.

Origami Comes to Life with Shape-Changing Materials

University of Colorado Boulder, Daniel Strain, July 20, 2021

University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) researchers have developed paper…

From Computational Complexity

I wish problems I have with computers really were my fault

 As you know, the website for out for a few days, as Lance explained here.

When I first could not get to the this blog  my thought was

OH, I must have changed some setting by accident. When Lance gets back (he was on vacation)When…

From The Eponymous Pickle

DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of Human Proteome

DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of Human Proteome

Was briefly involved in a discussion of protein folding structure prediction, so have an appreciation of the complexity the  Have been told this is a very big deal, and also future direction.  Good thing to watch, as I do.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Non Fungible Tokens

Non Fungible Tokens

I heard about NFTs perhaps a year ago.  Someone I know was pushing investment in them.  NFT's are blockchain style encrypted 'tags' for unique digital things.  The tag acts as a certification of uniqueness.  See Wikipedias description…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hiding Malware in Artificial Neurons

Hiding Malware in Artificial Neurons

 My areas of interest have always included machine learning, neural networks, steganography and security.    So I read this in interest. Not sure how it would work in practice.  Following up.

(When I say I am following up, I may…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Time AI

Real Time  AI

Thinking this. 

CoCoPIE: Enabling Real-Time AI on Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices via Compression-Compilation Co-Design   By Hui Guan, Shaoshan Liu, Xiaolong Ma, Wei Niu, Bin Ren, Xipeng Shen, Yanzhi Wang, Pu Zhao

Communications of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Power Shift to Employees?

Power Shift to Employees?

Tech Pay Survey Shows Power Shift to Employees, By The Information, July 23, 2021

The technology-business boom is giving white-collar workers more leverage with employers.

At tech companies, the traditional practice of allowing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Which Companies are Transforming Work?

Which Companies are Transforming Work?

Useful thoughts.    What have we really transformed to? 

Readers Ask: Which Companies Are Transforming Work?   by Kristen Senz  in HBSWK

Joseph Fuller answers readers' questions about automation, virtual internships, and the future…

From Putting People First

Videos online of “Humanizing technology through design” conference

Videos online of “Humanizing technology through design” conference

Curated by Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels and Sara Fortunati, director of the Torino Circle of Design, the conference dealt with the best international practices about the humanization of technology. It was structured…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Securing Industrial Operations at Scale

Securing Industrial Operations at Scale


Now is the time to secure industrial operations at scale!   Internet of Things (IoT)  

By Fabien Maisl   in Cisco.

Cyber attacks to industrial organizations and critical infrastructures are now making headlines regularly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding Behavior and What May Happen Next

Understanding Behavior and What May Happen Next

It is  good to know what is going to happen next.  Prediction though can be hard.

Metropolis Spotlight: Viisights Uses AI to Understand Behavior and Predict What Might Happen Next

By Shiri Gordon and Debraj Sinha   in NVIDIA Developer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Total Artificial Heart Implanted

Total Artificial Heart Implanted

 Seems quite a considerable coup. 

Total Artificial Heart Successfully Transplanted in U.S.

By Interesting Engineering, July 23, 2021

Duke University Hospital surgeons successfully transplanted a total artificial heart (TAH) developed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inside the Industry that Unmasks People at Scale

Inside the Industry that Unmasks People at Scale

Article on this brought to my attention by Bruce Schneier  ... 

Inside the Industry that Unmasks People at Scale

Unique IDs linked to phones are supposed to be anonymous. But there’s an entire industry that links them to real people…

From The Eponymous Pickle

5G Telemedicine and the Military

5G Telemedicine and the Military

Brought to my attention by Walter Riker.  Will ask for more comment from the VA, sure it is being looked at. 

Telemedicine with 5G could be a gamechanger for military health

FederalNewsNetwork, July 22, 2021

Telehealth became an…

From Computational Complexity

Technical Difficulties

After returning from vacation last weekend (hello North Dakota--my 49th state visited), all sorts of odd problems arose. This blog stopped working, a P v NP paper was published on the ACM Transactions of Computing website and…

From Schneier on Security

Disrupting Ransomware by Disrupting Bitcoin

Disrupting Ransomware by Disrupting Bitcoin

Ransomware isn’t new; the idea dates back to 1986 with the “Brain” computer virus. Now, it’s become the criminal business model of the internet for two reasons. The first is the realization that no one values data more than its…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scaling AI

Scaling AI

Good thoughts, intro below.

Scaling AI and data science – 10 smart ways to move from pilot to production

VB Staff by Venturebeat,  Presented by Intel

“Fantastic! How fast can we scale?” Perhaps you’ve been fortunate enough to hear…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Programming Theory a Waste of Time?

Is Programming Theory a Waste of Time?

Gave me a reminder of what PT was:  Its the theoretical introduction to coding,  and  not ONLY the specific, in context how-to of using a particular coding method. For hiring of course its usually seen that the specific practical…

From Schneier on Security

Commercial Location Data Used to Out Priest

Commercial Location Data Used to Out Priest

A Catholic priest was outed through commercially available surveillance data. Vice has a good analysis:

The news starkly demonstrates not only the inherent power of location data, but how the chance to wield that power has trickled…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Public Listening Sessions on Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking

Public Listening Sessions on Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking

As part of efforts to improve scientific integrity, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Scientific Integrity Task Force are organizing a series of three virtual listening sessions on July 28…

From insideHPC

Enhancing Security with High Performance AI Capability Deployed at the Rugged Edge

Enhancing Security with High Performance AI Capability Deployed at the Rugged Edge

In this sponsored post from One Stop Systems, we see that whether surviving in a fast-moving battlefield situation, protecting sensitive industrial or transportation hub assets, or ensuring uninterrupted operation of critical…

From insideHPC

NREL Scientists Find Synergy in PET Plastic-degrading Enzymes Using TACC, SDSC HPC Resources

NREL Scientists Find Synergy in PET Plastic-degrading Enzymes Using TACC, SDSC HPC Resources

Plastic waste is a big problem in the environment. About 300 million tons is produced every year, according to the United Nations. Much of that is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), used to make single-use plastic bottles, carpets…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Reach of Dichotomy

Congratulations on the 2021 Gödel Prize Composite including Richerby’s talk at STOC 2021 Andrey Bulatov, Martin Dyer and David Richerby, and Jin-Yi Cai and Xi Chen are the authors of three papers awarded the 2021 Gödel Prize.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sweat Powering Wearables

Sweat Powering Wearables

 Given current power needs, would be much less than a typical smartphone needs.  Perhaps a small IOT. 

Your Sweaty Fingertips Could Help Power the Next Generation of Wearable Electronics

By Science, July 19, 2021

The small beads…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital

Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital

I have been subscribing to this monthly report for some time, worth a look.  Below the most recent.

Your guide to AI,  By Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital

Monthly analysis of AI technology, geopolitics, research, and startups…