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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2021

From The Eponymous Pickle

Spy Agencies look to Science

Spy Agencies look to Science

When there are no direct solutions, look to emerging tech.  But do they have the same goals?   Same limitations? 

Spy Agencies Turn to Scientists as They Wrestle With Mysteries

By The New York Times via CACM   July 9, 2021

The nation's…

From Computational Complexity

Would you take this bet (Part 2) ?

 Recall from my last post (here)

I offer you the following bet: 

I will flip a coin.

If  HEADS you get 1 dollar and we end there.

If TAILS I flip again

If  HEADS you get 2 dollars and we end there.

If  TAILS I flip again

If HEADS you…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bio Neurons versus Computational

Bio Neurons versus Computational

When we first learned of the use of the patterns of brain neurons to potentially use as reasoning devices, we took a course from actual neuroscientists.  We very quickly learned that human bio neurons were very much more complex…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolving Bio Intelligence

Evolving Bio Intelligence

Can this kind of generalized AI take us towards more generalized AI?   A new shift in direction? 

Potcast:  Bio Eats World: Evolving Embodied Intelligence    

by Li Fei-Fei, Surya Ganguli, Vijay Pande, and Lauren Richardson  By…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Rise in Smart-Cities

China Rise in Smart-Cities

Are we too regulated, too cautious of uses of automation?  Interesting smart city stats. 

A Global Smart-City Competition Highlights China's Rise in AI,

By Wired, July 9, 2021  in ACM/Wired

Four years ago, organizers created the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Document Data Model

Document Data Model

Good overview .... and reminder of usefulness.


Why the Document Data Model

Built around JSON-like documents, document databases are both natural and flexible for developers to work with. They promise higher developer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Twins

Digital Twins

Useful piece on Digital Twins and their definition and use.   Adds to my current examination and use cases.

The Multiple Faces of Digital Twins   By Alex Woodie  in Datanami

Digital twins are emerging as a hot technology, particularly…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 10th 2021)

Science and Technology links (July 10th 2021)

We use CRISPR, a state-of-the-art gene editing technique, to edit the genes of live human patients in a clinical trials. A clinical trial has begun concerning an HIV vaccine. Drinking alcohol could extend or reduce your lifeContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey: Trends in Tech

McKinsey: Trends in Tech

Well done overview:

The top trends in tech

Which technologies have the most momentum in an accelerating world? We identified the trends that matter most

The top trends in tech

Which technologies have the most momentum in an accelerating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Security for Payment Processing

Data Security for Payment Processing

A space I worked in for a while.  There is a lot of security that is required.  

Data Security Rules Instituted for U.S. Payment Processing System  By ZDNet  July 9, 2021

New data security rules governing the payment system that…

From insideHPC

HPC Integral to DoD’s Post-JEDI Cloud Strategy; Early Co-favorites: AWS and Azure

HPC Integral to DoD’s Post-JEDI Cloud Strategy; Early Co-favorites: AWS and Azure

The Pentagon’s cancellation of the $10 billion JEDI cloud computing contract won in 2019 by Microsoft – the biggest tech story of the week and surely one of the biggest of the year – has major implications for the HPC and Big…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Need of Advances for Electric Trucks

Need of Advances for Electric Trucks

 On the use of electric trucks, and what they will need to make them broadly viable.

Electric trucks can go the (short) distance

To electrify the entire industry, battery technology and charging infrastructure would have to improve…

From insideHPC

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: WDMAPP—XGC, GENE, GEM

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: WDMAPP—XGC, GENE, GEM

This is episode 82 of the Let’s Talk Exascale podcast, provided by the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project, exploring the expected impacts of exascale-class supercomputing. This is the third in a series on sharing…

From insideHPC

Announcing the Winners of the 2021 ISC Student Cluster Competition

Announcing the Winners of the 2021 ISC Student Cluster Competition

The 2021 ISC Student Cluster Competition (SCC) has wrapped up, and now it’s time to honor the students who participated from around the world, as well as provide a little background on what transpired during the 10th Annual ISC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Building a Better Wallet

Building a Better Wallet

 Digital wallets in the past have been insecure on some systems, and they are the primary user interface into cryptocurrency. 

Square is building a hardware crypto wallet and service with the goal of making bitcoin 'more mainstream'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Identification Improvements Using Blurred Fingerprints

Identification Improvements Using Blurred Fingerprints

Fingerprint clear up analysis.    An example of the use of Generative Adversarial Networks.  But note the comment on auditing the results in court.

AI Clears Up Images of Fingerprints to Help with Identification

New Scientist,West…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenge for Learning from Human Feedback using Minecraft

Challenge for Learning from Human Feedback using Minecraft

Berkeley Bair challenge competition here using a common gaming environment.   Been a long time since I looked at Minecraft.  Short extract of the idea below, more complete look at the link.   Seems a novel look at a broader look…

From insideHPC

OCP Announces Leadership Changes

OCP Announces Leadership Changes

July 8, 2021 — The OCP Foundation and board of directors is excited to announce that Rebecca Weekly was elected to the position of chairperson of the Open Compute Project on July 1. Rebecca Weekly is Vice President, General Manager…

From insideHPC

Strangeworks Launches Early Access to Qiskit Runtime from IBM Quantum

Strangeworks Launches Early Access to Qiskit Runtime from IBM Quantum

July 8, 2021 – Austin-based quantum computing software company Strangeworks has announced it’s the first IBM partner to offer early preview access to Qiskit Runtime, a new IBM Quantum service designed to streamline computations…

From insideHPC

DOE Awards $15.6M for Climate Modeling

DOE Awards $15.6M for Climate Modeling

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today awarded $15.6 million for new research studying the properties, formation, and interactions between atmospheric clouds and the aerosols that form them. These projects will help scientists…

From insideHPC

TACC’s Stampede2 HPC Helps ID New RNA Molecules for Disease Study

TACC’s Stampede2 HPC Helps ID New RNA Molecules for Disease Study

Researchers at Ghent University, Amsterdam University of Medicine, National Chiao Tung University, UNSW Sydney, Illumina, and the Baylor College of Medicine have built one of the most comprehensive catalogs of the human transcriptome…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithmic Impact Assessments

Algorithmic Impact Assessments

Welcome  to Algorithmic Impact Assessments.  I should note that I have done optimization and statistical models for decades, and this has very, very rarely come up.   And then only when included in a risk analysis that indicated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Using Blockchain for Validation

IBM Using Blockchain for Validation

A trust/validation type of application for blockchain.     In Coindesk

IBM, Heifer International to Assist Honduras Farmers Access Global Markets Using Blockchain

IBM's Food Trust network will help coffee and cocoa farmers and…

From insideHPC

Lenovo ThinkSystem SE350 Edge Servers Certified to Run Sunlight NexVisor for IoT and AI

Lenovo ThinkSystem SE350 Edge Servers Certified to Run Sunlight NexVisor for IoT and AI

July 08, 2021, Cambridge, England —, the edge infrastructure company, today announced that it has certified Lenovo’s compact edge compute server — the ThinkSystem SE350 — for use with Sunlight’s hyperconverged infrastructure…

From insideHPC

ColdQuanta Claims ‘Cold Atom’ Quantum Milestone 

ColdQuanta Claims ‘Cold Atom’ Quantum Milestone 

ColdQuanta said it has achieved a quantum computing milestone by trapping and addressing 100 qubits in a large, dense 2-D cold atom array. Scheduled for availability later this year, the digital gate-based quantum computer (“Hilbert…


How Does One Calculate With A Circular Slide Rule?

How Does One Calculate With A Circular Slide Rule?

The circular slide rule was widely used until the 1970s.

From Schneier on Security

Details of the REvil Ransomware Attack

Details of the REvil Ransomware Attack

ArsTechnica has a good story on the REvil ransomware attack of last weekend, with technical details:

This weekend’s attack was carried out with almost surgical precision. According to Cybereason, the REvil affiliates first gained…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will AI Rewrite Coding?

Will AI Rewrite Coding?

Inclined to think so. Increase efficiency, prevent errors and better ensure secure practices. Below intro describes the current progress and direction.  Starting with assistant approaches and code checking.  Note the mentionWill…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automotive Cybersecurity

Automotive Cybersecurity

Vehicles in particular will require specialized cybersecurity as their autonomy increases.

Keeping Control of the Wheel   By David Geer   in ACM

The rising need for cybersecurity will trigger investments over the next few years…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Victims Unaware

Victims Unaware

Surprising given todays world. 

Data Breaches: Most Victims Unaware When Shown Evidence of Multiple Compromised Accounts

By University of Michigan News, June 23, 2021

Most of the 413 people asked by researchers about breaches that…