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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2009

From The Eponymous Pickle

HEMA Product Page

HEMA Product Page

A colleague sends along a link to the Dutch department store HEMA. A fun bit of flash. Wait for it to develop.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Scifi book recommendations from my summer list: Reynolds, Hamilton and Weber

Scifi book recommendations from my summer list: Reynolds, Hamilton and Weber

Currently, I am finishing off

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Worlds for Training

Virtual Worlds for Training

An area that I always thought made lots of sense, yet I have yet to see an example of where it works effectively. Using Virtual worlds for training, a case study. Makes sense to have something remotely deliverable and that can…

From Putting People First

Paint me a picture: empowering the consumer

Paint me a picture: empowering the consumer

Montparnasse, a UX boutique firm, tries to imagine what empowering the user experience of the customer really means: “When people consider buying anything, whether it be clothes, a gadget, or home, they often spend a lot of time…

From Putting People First

Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet

Johannah Cornblatt argues on Newsweek that despite our inter-connectedness, we’re now more alone than ever. “Between 1985 and 2004, the number of people who said there was no one with whom they discussed important matters tripled…

From Putting People First

European Commission sets new information society challenge: Becoming literate in new media

European Commission sets new information society challenge: Becoming literate in new media

The European Commission warned last week that Europeans young and old could miss out on the benefits of today’s high-tech information society unless more is done to make them ‘media literate’ enough to access, analyse and evaluate…

From Putting People First

The iPhone is not easy to use: a new direction for UX Design

The iPhone is not easy to use: a new direction for UX Design

Fred Beecher argues on Johnny Holland that “the iPhone is surprisingly difficult to use, but it sure is fun! And that is why it

From Putting People First

The augmented reality avalanche

The augmented reality avalanche

The last few weeks we have witnessed an avalanche of posts about augmented reality. To begin with there is Bruce – Bruce Sterling that is. He has been following the trend for months now, all culminating at his excellent keynote…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Health Information Technology Inches Forward

Health Information Technology Inches Forward

While health care legislation is stalled, movement continues on increasing the use of both health information technology and electronic health records. The National Coordinator for Health IT is coordinating this effort. Created…

From Putting People First

How phones emerged as main computing devices, and why user interface will improve

How phones emerged as main computing devices, and why user interface will improve

Andrew Hsu, technology strategist at Synaptics, reflects on the recent revolution in the user interface for the mobile phone to enable cloud computing. “Newer touchscreen features such as proximity and force sensing, in addition…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Capturing Students' Interest in Computer Science

Capturing Students' Interest in Computer Science

Hardly a day goes by without one of my e-newsletters posting a feature about special programs designed to interest students (particularly young students) in pursuing a career in Computer Science and/or the STEM (Science, Technology…

From Putting People First

Microsoft brings Twitter and Facebook to the emerging world with OneApp

Microsoft brings Twitter and Facebook to the emerging world with OneApp

Today, Microsoft is launching OneApp, an app for people running Windows Mobile phones with slow processors and not a lot of memory. Basically, it

From Putting People First

The Brooklyn Dollar

The Brooklyn Dollar

Fast Company explores what neighbourhood currency would look like: “Hyper-localized currencies have been popping ever since the economy went sour–not surprising, since local currencies also gained popularity during the Great…

From Putting People First

Steve McCallion on customer experience

Steve McCallion on customer experience

Steve McCallion, the executive creative director at Ziba Design, is a bright man whom I had the pleasure of meeting during a service design event in Brussels in December 2007 — we got along immediately. As part of his introduction…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Open Access: just for articles!

Open Access: just for articles!

Many funding agencies and some universities now require researchers to publish their articles as open access. That is, research articles must be available to all, freely. The main argument in favor of these policies is social…

From Putting People First

Physical interaction

Physical interaction

Rob Tannen, chair of the Human Factors Professional Interest Section of the Industrial Designers Society of America, has published two thoughtful posts – i.e. recommended reading – on physical interaction: Physical interaction…

From The Eponymous Pickle

DotSpot and the Wisdom of Crowds

DotSpot and the Wisdom of Crowds

Interesting Piece out of Knowledge@Wharton:Innovation and Entrepreneurship Farhad Mohit: DotSpots and the Wisdom of Crowds Entrepreneur Farhad Mohit is hardly resting on his laurels, although he could. In 1996, he launched BizRate…

From Putting People First

Your next cell phone

Your next cell phone

This MIT Technology Review special report on the future of telephony contains more articles than you can possibly read: A smart phone built on web tools Palm’s new smart phone targets Web developers as well as a loyal fan base…

From Putting People First

Book: Designing services with innovative methods

Book: Designing services with innovative methods

Designing Services with Innovative Methods Miettinen, Koivisto (eds.) 272 pages, colour illustration, soft cover, 2009 This book presents the emerging and increasingly important field of service design. Birgit Mager, K

From Putting People First

Wallet of the future? Your mobile phone

Wallet of the future? Your mobile phone

According to CNN, mobile phones in the United States will be able – within five (5!) years – to make electronic payments, open doors, access subways, clip coupons and possibly act as another form of identification. But there…

From Putting People First

LG launches Islamic Phone

LG launches Islamic Phone

LG Electronics (LG) launched two new handsets exclusively equipped with Islamic features. “Launching across the region this August, pan-Arab consumers will benefit from a number of special features, including a Qiblah indicator…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-08-24

links for 2009-08-24

It used to be said that what's good for IBM is good for America. This article looks at the way more and more of the skilled roles needed by companies like IBM are leaving…

From Putting People First

How smartphones are transforming our lives

How smartphones are transforming our lives

Richard Fisher reflects in the New Scientist on how mobile applications are changing the way we live. “While gaming still accounts for the lion’s share of app activity, it is beyond doubt that apps, and the new wave of phones…

From Putting People First

Augmented reality in Africa

Augmented reality in Africa

Jonathan Gosier, a software developer, writer and social entrepreneur in Kampala, Uganda, shares his ideas on what augmented reality could mean for Africa. “Already people are recording audio, video, and blogging to keep donors…

From Putting People First

Automakers bring the future into focus

Automakers bring the future into focus

Don Hammonds of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on the use of market research and ethnographic observations by car manufacturers: “The tool that most people associate with automotive market research is the focus group but…

From Putting People First

BBC Online shares its usability and accessibility methodologies

BBC Online shares its usability and accessibility methodologies

The User Experience Design blog reports that Jonathan Hassell of BBC online shared a presentation on the challenges and methodologies of the company

From Putting People First

Opinion piece on the value of mobile phones in schools

Opinion piece on the value of mobile phones in schools

Juliette LaMontagne argues on the Design Observer that mobile devices aren’t distractions in schools; they’re machines for learning. “When it comes to technology integration, you need to meet students (and teachers) where they…

From Putting People First

Observations on poor people using mobile financial services

Observations on poor people using mobile financial services

CGAP has published a brief entitled “Poor People Using Mobile Financial Services: Observations on Customer Usage and Impact from M-PESA”. “Despite growing agreement on the potential of technology to expand access to finance,…

From Putting People First

Mobile phones drive health IT innovation in developing countries

Mobile phones drive health IT innovation in developing countries

Paula Fortner, iHealthBeat senior staff writer, reports on how innovative mobile technologies are helping to fundamentally transform health care in many developing countries. “Last month, the Rockefeller Foundation announced…

From Putting People First



Millions of Africans are using mobile phones to pay bills, move cash and buy basic everyday items. So why, asks the BBC, has a form of banking that has proved a dead duck in the West been such a hit across the continent? “However…