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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inflated Iluminated Wind Turbines

Inflated Iluminated Wind Turbines

I would not have noticed this piece in Engadget if it were not about a Dean Kamen,  famously the inventor of the Segway. And yes I know it is about a patent, not a buyable invention.  Still it intrigues me, as a combination of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Learning Resources

Online Learning Resources

A good list of online learning resources from Mashable.   The Web continues to be a good resource for learning.   Here several things I have not heard of.  These are broad rather than focused, but augment ordinary search.

From Putting People First

Low2No project wins Holcim acknowledgement prize

Low2No project wins Holcim acknowledgement prize

The Low2No design team of Sauerbruch-Hutton, ARUP and Epxperientia has won an acknowledgment prize in the Holcim award for sustainable construction for the design of a medium rise timber office building in low-to-no carbon emissions…

From Putting People First

Can Patagonia convince consumers to

Can Patagonia convince consumers to

What happens when one of America

From Putting People First

Book: In Studio

Book: In Studio

In Studio: Recipes for Systemic Change by Bryan Boyer, Justin W. Cook, Marco Steinberg Helsinki Design Lab (HDL) / Sitra 2011, 337 pages > Free download > Blog post This book explores the HDL Studio Model, a unique way of bringing…

From Putting People First

How tech is changing the museum experience

How tech is changing the museum experience

Museums are exploring digital and mobile technologies to enhance visitor experience. Initiatives go beyond technology within exhibits and installations, but also include more pervasive uses of tech to create interactive experiences…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

PCAST Reviews Health IT Progress

PCAST Reviews Health IT Progress

Rounding out a busy Friday in Washington, the President

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Influencing Storytelling

Crowd Influencing Storytelling

Can crowds do this effectively?   Or is it much better for markets to do it? Content selection perhaps, but will it destroy the creativity of storytelling?" ... Crowdsourcing fundamentally alters the process of content selection…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-09-17

links for 2011-09-17

Sony asks gamers to sign new terms or face PSN ban Sony demonstrates it still has no respect for its customers. This is the same company that installed an exploitable rootkit on its customers computers. Surely the ability to…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Street Art

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Street Art


From The Eponymous Pickle

Jumping the Shark

Jumping the Shark

I had not known the origin of the term  'jumping the shark',   a perceived instantaneous loss of significance, which has been increasingly used of late.  Discovered its origins in mindless network TV in this Wikipedia article

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Four Dimensional Tic Tac Toe

Four Dimensional Tic Tac Toe

Back in my college days we had a computer program that played three-dimensional tic tac toe. The game was played in a four space by four space four level cube. The object of the game was to get four of you pieces in a row.  Ever…

From Schneier on Security

Identifying Speakers in Encrypted Voice Communication

Identifying Speakers in Encrypted Voice Communication

I've already written how it is possible to detect words and phrases in encrypted VoIP calls. Turns out it's possible to detect speakers as well:

Abstract: Most of the voice over IP (VoIP) traffic is encrypted prior to its…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New World of Vending

New World of Vending

In USA Today:   Good overview look at how vending is changing with the increasing use of alternative methods of payment beyond coins and bills.  Broad phone-as-wallet implications.    A good place to test the idea.   Using the vending…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

On our vacation to Canada's maritime provinces, my husband and I embarked on a four day journey which has since become known as The Hardest Thing We've Ever Done

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blogs Bringing in Investors and Clients

Blogs Bringing in Investors and Clients

There has been some writing about how blogging is dead.  I disagree, I often read company or analyst blogs to better understand their methods and directions.  It takes it beyond just the web site About page.   In Incan article…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House Launches

White House Launches

(This post has been updated; please scroll down for the latest.) Moments ago at the White House,

From Wild WebMink

? Government In Action

? Government In Action

Facebook and Cisco back IT skills drive for kids RIM has started up BlackBerry Hands-On Workshops, in which students will take apart BlackBerry smartphones to see how they work.” Free hoodie with every class?

From My Biased Coin

Travels and Teaching

Travels and Teaching

I'll be at the Beyond Worst Case Analysis workshop next week, and Allerton the week after.  For each, I'll have to miss a class.  I also have some other travels that may involve missing classes this semester as well -- I'll be…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-09-16

links for 2011-09-16

Facebook and Cisco back IT skills drive for kids "RIM has started up BlackBerry Hands-On Workshops, in which students will take apart BlackBerry smartphones to see how they work." — Free hoodie with every class? Seriously, we…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Feds Launch Technology Fellows Program; Deadline Sept. 25

Feds Launch Technology Fellows Program; Deadline Sept. 25

The Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC), working closely with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), has just launched the

From Computational Complexity

Happy Constitution Day

September 17th officially is known in the United States as "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day" but is celebrated today because the 17th this year falls on a weekend. I  have nothing but love for the our Constitution. Not only…

From Schneier on Security

Domain-in-the-Middle Attacks

Domain-in-the-Middle Attacks

It's an easy attack. Register a domain that's like your target except for a typo. So it would be instead of, or instead of Then, when someone mistypes…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Your Chance to Learn Windows Phone Development for Free

Your Chance to Learn Windows Phone Development for Free

Microsoft is offering a number of FREE Phone Camps around the US. These are fun and interesting workshops

From Michael Nielsen

Berlin, New York, Boston

Berlin, New York, Boston

I’ll be speaking about open science at events in Berlin, New York and Boston over the next week. Here’s my current schedule of public and semi-public events: Berlin, Friday 16 September, 5pm, event at the Freie Universit

From The Eponymous Pickle

TagWhat Launched

TagWhat Launched

Tagwhat has been launched.   Tagwhat Publishing at  Places is here.  We're excited to announce Tagwhat location-based publishing! Beginning today, you can easily place your videos, images, audio, and text stories anywhere on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Manufacturing

Social Manufacturing

When I saw this term I did not understand what it was about.  Check out this post for more about the details, players in the space and what it is meant to do.  It is better described as in the cloud and mobile sharing of process…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Deconstruct the iPad with the Task Force on American Innovation

Deconstruct the iPad with the Task Force on American Innovation

Those in the Washington, D.C. area next Wednesday, September 21, may want to attend a Congressional briefing hosted by the Task Force on American Innovation (ACM and USACM have participated in Task Force efforts in the past).…

From Schneier on Security

Sharing Security Information and the Prisoner's Dilemma

Sharing Security Information and the Prisoner's Dilemma

New paper: Dengpan Liu, Yonghua Ji, and Vijay Mookerjee (2011), "Knowledge Sharing and Investment Decisions in Information Security," Decision Support Systems, in press.

Abstract: We study the relationship between decisions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

WellPoint Meet Watson

WellPoint Meet Watson

More on the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques for medical diagnosis.  I happen to be visiting the offices of WellPoint this afternoon.  Note the mention of evidence-based health care.  That is good.  I also want to hear…

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