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Blogs Archive


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January 2009

From insideHPC

Assystem UK using

Assystem UK using

I’m only running it for the headline — no, it’s not a typo. Original PR at HPCwire, blurb below Altair Engineering, Inc., a leading global provider of technology and services that empowers client innovation and decision-making…

From insideHPC

HPC helps build crankshafts 80%

HPC helps build crankshafts 80%

UK HPC integrator OCF (one of the companies I wrote about in this article about the UK HPC market) has delivered an HPC system that really gets at the heart of why people are so excited about the potential of HPC far beyond research…

From insideHPC

AMD and Sun deliver small cluster to

AMD and Sun deliver small cluster to

Although neither Sun nor AMD are reporting this on their own primary (ie, US) sites, China Daily is reporting that oil exploration firm China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) is buying a small-ish cluster based on servers from…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Net Neutrality Connected to Broadband Stimulus

Net Neutrality Connected to Broadband Stimulus

Funds for broadband deployment are part of the economic stimulus package currently under construction on Capitol Hill. Worth noting is that this funding has at least one string attached - network neutrality. Of course, that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IEEE Computing Now: Search Viz

IEEE Computing Now: Search Viz

IEEE Computing Now is in Beta. Here is a current article on visualization. Pak Chung Wong of Pacific Northwest Laboratory gives us an overview of their work under way. Specifically about improved visualization in search.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd-Sourcing the World

Crowd-Sourcing the World

This is quite ambitious, I see that Nokia is involved. How do we know this will be used for good rather than evil? Even a bit less than evil?"Crowd-Sourcing the WorldA startup hopes to tap into the expertise of developing nations…

From insideHPC

Staying linked in to

Staying linked in to

I asked a question in several different places over the holidays about where people go to stay current about HPC, both in terms of technology and professional development. A lot of what I got back confirmed the kinds of things…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA is Looking Beyond the US

CSTA is Looking Beyond the US

CSTA has as its main objective "to support and promote the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines. CSTA provides opportunities for K-12 teachers and students to better understand the computing disciplines…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Peter and Trudy Johnson-Lenz are consultants who worked with Procter & Gamble while we were working with the Institute for the Future in the 90s. They did an excellent job helping is in topics like story telling. Unfortunately…

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2009-01-20 []

From The Eponymous Pickle

Comparing Google Knol and Wikipedia

Comparing Google Knol and Wikipedia

Not much competition so far. Also minimal editing in Knol has led to dropping quality. Can it survive? There is still not much critical mass or attempt at basic organization. My own quick look at some topics of interest to…

From CSDiary

Back from the Inauguration

Back from the Inauguration

Well, my attempts to live-blog from the Inauguration fizzled. The signal strength was usually very good but actually getting bits transmitted reliably from my iPhone was another matter. This hardly mattered, though. Today was…

From insideHPC

AMD to Cut 1,100 and Slash

AMD to Cut 1,100 and Slash

AMD announced last Friday that they will soon cut 1,100 positions in an effort to reduce costs.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Observations from New Zealand

Observations from New Zealand

My husband, Dr. Mark Guzdial, and I are at the ACSW 2009 conference in Wellington, New Zealand. Dr. Wayne Mapp, the Minister for Research, Science, and Technology opened the conference and announced that the government of New…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft IPhone Application a Success

Kraft IPhone Application a Success

It appears that the Kraft IFood Application, which I have used and reviewed, is a success, see this AdAge article: " ... One of the coolest apps on the iPhone isn't Pandora or Facebook: It's recipes and shopping lists for Kraft…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Emotions killing your intellectual productivity

Emotions killing your intellectual productivity

I have written much about intellectual productivity on this blog. If we were machines running mechanical tasks, our productivity would be high. Alas, we are human beings who get depressed or anxious. Even being excited about…

From insideHPC

Open Education Cup deadline draws

Open Education Cup deadline draws

Reader Terrence Liao emailed me with a reminder that the deadline for the Open Education Cup is drawing near The deadline (February 2, 2009) for submitting content to be included in the Open Education Cup 2008-2009 is soon here…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter World

Smarter World

IBM Video: Tale of a Smarter Planet on a smarter world, emphasizing global sensor interconnectivity and analytics to provide intelligence. Well done. Very high level, without covering any negative implications like cost, complexity…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Paying the Turk for a Post

Paying the Turk for a Post

In the news this weekend has been the enlistment of fake reviews for the electronics company Belkin. Similar to pay-per-post, but here the going in assumption was that the good reviews were completely made up. Doing this broadly…

From insideHPC

Mellanox IB Silicon on TYAN Server

Mellanox IB Silicon on TYAN Server

Mellanox has announced that its ConnectX 40Gb/s Infiniband adapters have been selected for Landed-on-Motherboard [LOM] applications across TYAN’s S7017 server motherboard line.

From insideHPC

Will NCSA be stiffed on state funds to house Blue

Will NCSA be stiffed on state funds to house Blue

Now, this is interesting, in a “gee I’m glad that’s not my problem” kind of way. Article on Friday of last week in the Chicago Sun-Times that gives broader voice to a question the University of Illinois trustees have been asking…

From insideHPC

Budget set for Japan

Budget set for Japan

The Cheer HPC blog (a new blog that covers HPC happenings in Japan) has news from the Asian Technology Information Program website about the budget for Japan’s next big supercomputer According to A-Tip news article (12 January…

From insideHPC

New HPC services, hosting firm announced in

New HPC services, hosting firm announced in

UK-based EigenForge Limited came out of the closet, press release in hand on Monday of this week. EigenForge will focus in three areas of business 1) Fully Managed HPC Service. Following a business and work-flow consultancy review…

From insideHPC

Digging into Data challenge announced, first deadline March

Digging into Data challenge announced, first deadline March

From HPCwire Friday Today, a new, international competition called the Digging into Data Challenge was announced by four leading research agencies: the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) from the United Kingdom, the National…

From insideHPC

UK Met Office super found to have a black

UK Met Office super found to have a black

The TimesOnline ran a story last week about the UK Met Office’s new

From CSDiary

Waiting in Line

Waiting in Line

First blog from the Inauguration. The crowds are HUGE. Even for those of us with seated tickets, the lines for security screening are more than a mile long. Despite the lines, everyone is all smiles and in a festive mood.…

From insideHPC

House Democrats have innovation on their

House Democrats have innovation on their

The outstanding Computing Research Policy Blog has an analysis of what the Democrats propose to do with respect to science and computing to stimulate the economy. You can read the full text of the draft legislation as well as…

From Putting People First

Palm provides a case study in user experience strategy

Palm provides a case study in user experience strategy

Very nice and in-depth review by Marek Pawlowski: Palm, which launched a new flagship device and platform earlier this month, is a company staring at the very real possibility of extinction. The pioneering user experience of…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA enlists CUDA services

NVIDIA enlists CUDA services

Last week NVIDIA announced a new partnership with India-based Wipro Technologies to provide CUDA professional services. “We are approached by customers and ISVs all the time that recognize the potential of GPUs to transform their…

From insideHPC

Use Twitter or Facebook? Partial to blogs? Now you can get your SC09 fix however you want

Use Twitter or Facebook? Partial to blogs? Now you can get your SC09 fix however you want

Fellow HPC blogger and Java chopper impresario Rich Brueckner from Sun is running social media for SC09, and already has things kicked off with a Twitter account, a Facebook group, and a blog.Three great ways to get the information…

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