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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2012

From Schneier on Security

Using Plant DNA for Authentication

Using Plant DNA for Authentication

Turns out you can create unique signatures from plant DNA. The idea is to spray this stuff on military components in order to verify authentic items and detect counterfeits, similar to SmartWater. It's a good idea in theory…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

One Option for How to Teach Kodu

One Option for How to Teach Kodu

I recently ran some workshops to prepare students to be peer mentors and to mentor younger students with Kodu. The method I suggest is to have mentors show students some small steps and then let the students try. The latest version…

From Michael Nielsen

If correlation doesn

If correlation doesn

That’s the question I address (very partially) in a new post on my data-driven intelligence blog. The post reviews some of the recent work on causal inference done by people such as Judea Pearl. In particular the post describes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Atlantic on Big Data

Atlantic on Big Data

A good, general article on the increasing use of big data in science.     In The Atlantic.   We can apply some of those same methods of transformation in science to business problems.   Good examples are visualization, pattern…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Branded Apps

Branded Apps

Consumers Don

From Wild WebMink

Blast from the past

Blast from the past

I found I still had a blog on, so I’ve posted a quick note about FOSDEM there!

From Apophenia

How Parents Normalized Teen Password Sharing

How Parents Normalized Teen Password Sharing

In 2005, I started asking teenagers about their password habits. My original set of questions focused on teens’ attitudes about giving their password to their parents, but I quickly became enamored with teens’ stories of sharing…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Should you boycott academic publishers?

Should you boycott academic publishers?

There is a growing list of famous scientists who have pledged to boycott Elsevier as a publisher. If I were in charge of Elsevier, I would be very nervous: academic publishers need famous authors more than the famous authors…

From Schneier on Security

Authentication by "Cognitive Footprint"

Authentication by "Cognitive Footprint"

DARPA is funding research into new forms of biometrics that authenticate people as they use their computer: things like keystroke patterns, eye movements, mouse behavior, reading speed, and surfing and e-mail response behavior…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Sourcing Wal-Mart Product Selection

Crowd Sourcing Wal-Mart Product Selection

In TechCrunch: How do you get you new product on Wal-Mart's shelf?  WalMart labs sponsors a contest to make it happen.  Get more people involved in the search for consumer rich products.    See their Getontheshelf site, which…

From Computational Complexity

What should we do?

Time for a post by tweet request.