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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2015

From Schneier on Security

Smart Pipe

Smart Pipe

Pretty impressive surveillance-economy satire....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sports Tactics and Conversion Rates

Sports Tactics and Conversion Rates

In Conversioner:  Nicely done short piece that brings together a number of data and behavioral process  methods to address selling.    " ... Surprisingly, competitive sports are much like conversion optimization. Whether you’re…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Criticizing Neuromarketing

Criticizing Neuromarketing

I have been connected to two startups in the neuromarketing domain.  Is the hype fading for non conscious interaction applications of the neural kind?   Have seen large enterprises making investments. Interesting research results…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Projector Interfaces

Augmented Reality Projector Interfaces

In Computing Now   An example of new approaches to collaborative interface.  Haptic (touch) included.Spatial User Interfaces for Large-Scale Projector-Based Augmented RealityMichael R. Marner, University of South AustraliaRoss…

From Schneier on Security

Further Evidence Pointing to North Korea as Sony Hacker

Further Evidence Pointing to North Korea as Sony Hacker

The FBI has provided more evidence: Speaking at a Fordham Law School cybersecurity conference Wednesday, Comey said that he has "very high confidence" in the FBI's attribution of the attack to North Korea. And he named several…

From Putting People First

Quali-quantitative experiments in a Big Data world

Quali-quantitative experiments in a Big Data world

Complementary social science? Quali-quantitative experiments in a Big Data world Anders Blok and Morten Axel Pedersen University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Big Data & Society – August 6, 2014 The rise of Big Data in the…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

There Are Many Primes

Various senses of ‘many’ from proofs of the infinitude of primes 2008 Bowen Lectures source Hillel Furstenberg is entering his 50th years as a professor of mathematics at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He shared the 2006-07…

From Schneier on Security

How Browsers Store Passwords

How Browsers Store Passwords

Good information on how Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox store user passwords....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Third Party Sellers Set Record

Third Party Sellers Set Record

In Retailwire: Have been involved with a third party seller on Amazon for some time.  The process and dynamics are interesting to watch.   The data use claim is interesting, had not heard that:" ... Despite concerns raised about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forbes on Watson Analytics

Forbes on Watson Analytics

An overview of the idea.  Continuing to follow.  Have mentioned I think there are some useful integrated visualizations here that are quite good.  Still unclear how much these analytical approaches are completely general, early…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Attack Causes Physical Damage at German Steel Mill

Hacking Attack Causes Physical Damage at German Steel Mill

This sort of thing is still very rare, but I fear it will become more common: ...hackers had struck an unnamed steel mill in Germany. They did so by manipulating and disrupting control systems to such a degree that a blast furnace…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hidden Costs of Manual Data Collection

Hidden Costs of Manual Data Collection

The RFCode site blog was just brought to my attention.  My investigation into data costs and data asset value led me to this. They have an Infographic on the cost of manual data collection. Also need information about the rsk…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications to 2015 LiSPI now accepted till January 23rd

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications to 2015 LiSPI now accepted till January 23rd

The following is a Computing Research Policy Blog post by Brian Mosley, CRA Policy Analyst.  Just wanted to put up a quick post that due to extra availability we are extending the deadline for nominations and applications to      …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Fast unary decoding

Fast unary decoding

Computers store numbers in binary form using a fixed number of bits. For example, Java will store integers using 32 bits (when using the int type). This can be wasteful when you expect most integers to be small. For example,…


The NIPS Experiment

The NIPS Experiment

In the NIPS experiment, 10% of papers submitted to the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation went through its review process twice, with results compared.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Classic Computer Chip at age 40: The 8080

Classic Computer Chip at age 40: The 8080

In CWorld: I did some direct programming on this chip, so the milestone is historic for me. Where is the microprocessor going?   Good background and directional innovations.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Concerns of Internet of Things Device Data

Security Concerns of Internet of Things Device Data

In CWorld:  FTC describes the concerns of how such data can be used against you.  " ... Will 2015 be the year when smart home hacking is a real threat? At CES 2015, the FTC chairwoman mentioned the security warning during her…

From The Eponymous Pickle

FuturICT World Model

FuturICT World Model

Brought to my attention:The goal of FuturICT is to understand and manage complex, global, socially interactive systems, with a focus on sustainability and resilience. ... "    Policy: FuturICT will build a Living Earth Platform…

From Computational Complexity

The History of the History of the History of Computer Science

In 2007, the science historian Martin Campbell-Kelly wrote an article The History of the History of Software, where he writes about how he initially wrote histories of the technical aspects of computer software back in the 70's…

From Schneier on Security

Attack Attribution in Cyberspace

Attack Attribution in Cyberspace

When you're attacked by a missile, you can follow its trajectory back to where it was launched from. When you're attacked in cyberspace, figuring out who did it is much harder. The reality of international aggression in cyberspace…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Your Knowledge Assets

Mapping Your Knowledge Assets

In the HBR.  An idea we attempted to do in more detail, with partial success.  I like the idea of using a simpler template, rather than a full blown concept model.   Then building detail downward, as needed. using the filter"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retrain Your Brain: Think like a Freak

Retrain Your Brain: Think like a Freak

In Knowledge@Wharton " ... Are you sure it is a bad idea to quit a job? In Think Like a Freak, Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt  (of Freakonomics fame) argue that we are often overly confident about what we think we know…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Neural and Cognitive Systems Deadline Approaching

NSF Neural and Cognitive Systems Deadline Approaching

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently released a new multi-directorate program called Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (NSF-NCS), which describes the first phase of NSF’s broader     …

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

U.S. Copyright Office Considers DMCA Exemptions

U.S. Copyright Office Considers DMCA Exemptions

The U.S. Copyright Office is accepting public input on proposed exemptions to the prohibitions against circumvention under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This process takes place every three years. The deadline…

From The Eponymous Pickle

MOOCs and Hype

MOOCs and Hype

In Knowledge@Wharton: " ... Today, though the hype has died down, the world’s largest provider of MOOCs – Coursera – keeps on innovating and developing its online platform to serve millions of learners. Coursera co-founder Daphne…

From Schneier on Security

Attributing the Sony Attack

Attributing the Sony Attack

No one has admitted taking down North Korea's Internet. It could have been an act of retaliation by the US government, but it could just as well have been an ordinary DDoS attack. The follow-on attack against Sony PlayStation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon in the Bathroom

Amazon in the Bathroom

In Retailwire:   The next frontier, the bathroom, in all its functionality.  In the Smart home we examined many aspects of this, most notably the testing of 'smart mirrors' for both augmentation using approaches like virtual"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Overfitting in Analytics

Overfitting in Analytics

Very good piece in KDNuggets on overfitting:  A Technical concern for any kind of analytics, but increasingly important as Big Data is being explored.  Although this is a technical piece, even novice practitioners need to understand…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Theory lags practice

Theory lags practice

Schools teach us theory so that we can be more productive workers. You learn grammar so that you can be a better writer. You learn about computer science, so that you may be a better programmer. You learn about electromagnetism…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Video Ads and Viewability

Google Video Ads and Viewability

In Adage: A pointer to the fact that Google is providing more services to indicate how well ads on Youtube are playing.   I recall hearing of another example where they were tracking Ad play and providing new kinds of analytics…