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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphone with Augmented Reality

Smartphone with Augmented Reality

A concept we played with for some time.   Is it a better wat to engage, to buy?  How does it change the very nature of advertising?   Overlaying marketing with your mobile reality.  We primarily studied it on venues like cart…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Benchmarking Principal Engineer at Dell in Austin

Job of the Week: HPC Benchmarking Principal Engineer at Dell in Austin

Dell in Austin is seeking an HPC Benchmarking Principal Engineer in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: HPC Benchmarking Principal Engineer at Dell in Austin appeared first on insideHPC.

From Putting People First

Why we need better UI in patient-used medical devices

Why we need better UI in patient-used medical devices

With patients increasingly treating themselves at home, often using specialist equipment, the chance of use errors increases, and the ensuing results can be deadly. User Interfaces (UI) have a key role to play in reducing the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Robots Wash the Dishes

Can Robots Wash the Dishes

What is going on at MIT's CSAIL?  Long after we visited during the AI explosion.   Moving towards  a better understanding of the real world, and using that to forward simulate what decisions will result in.  And knowing the forecasting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Quantum Computing

Explaining Quantum Computing

I have been challenged several times recently to explain the how and why of quantum computing. Just discovered this video that is useful.  Also from a TEDX talk.  All from a broader piece in the Guardian.   But no mention of…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink Pasta

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink Pasta

Squid ink pasta is not hard to make, and is a really good side for a wide variety of fish recipes. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Schneier on Security

Podcast Interview with Me

Podcast Interview with Me

The Technoskeptic has posted a good interview with me on its website. Normally it charges for its content, but this interview is available for free....

From insideHPC

NSF’s iPlant Rebrands to CyVerse, Provides Data Management and Computation Across Scientific Disciplines

NSF’s iPlant Rebrands to CyVerse, Provides Data Management and Computation Across Scientific Disciplines

The National Science Foundation’s premier data management platform for the life sciences has rebranded, shedding the project’s original label of iPlant Collaborative and donning the new name CyVerse. The rebrand emphasizes the…

From Schneier on Security

"How Stories Deceive"

"How Stories Deceive"

Fascinating New Yorker article about Samantha Azzopardi, serial con artist and deceiver. The article is really about how our brains allow stories to deceive us: Stories bring us together. We can talk about them and bond over…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2016 AP Computer Science Principles Scholarship Programs

2016 AP Computer Science Principles Scholarship Programs

A lot of people are looking for help getting professional development. I saw this on the CSTA mailing list and thought I should post it for people who have have missed it. Or who go searching for things like it later as they …

From insideHPC

Video: Intersect360 Research Describes HPC Market Trends at SC15

Video: Intersect360 Research Describes HPC Market Trends at SC15

In this video from the Dell booth at SC15, Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research discusses why HPC is now important to a broader group of use cases, and dug deep into overviews of HPC for research, life sciences and manufacturing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Predix for Big Data and Analytics

GE Predix for Big Data and Analytics

Starting to get an introduction to Predix.  Impressive so far.  Look forward to see its broad availability.  See my other posts this year on Predix development and how it relates to analytic methods.Connect. Optimize. Win.A Software…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: 2016 Optical Interconnects Conference

Call for Papers: 2016 Optical Interconnects Conference

The fifth annual Optical Interconnects Conference has issued its Call for Papers. Hosted by the IEEE Photonics Society, the event takes place May 9-11 in San Diego. "Optical interconnect strategies can only be fully realized …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Snickers Data Mined for Impulse Targets

Snickers Data Mined for Impulse Targets

In Digiday:  Snickers mines behavioral data to find 'windows of impulsivity'.   .... " .... Ad targeting is moving into a new area: moods. Snickers maker Mars is mining behavioral data to pinpoint people at their weakest moments…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gershenfeld Discusses Fab Labs

Gershenfeld Discusses Fab Labs

  Via CACM:  Neil Gershenfeld talks about Fab Labs.   We met him in the early establishment of the idea of the Center for Bits and Atoms.In MIT News" ... Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's…

From insideHPC

The Impact of HPC on Music

The Impact of HPC on Music

Many will be familiar with HPC and industrial or scientific applications, but now HPC is making its impact on something that touches the soul of millions and millions of people every day — music. In an interview with the inventor…

From Blog@Ubiquity

How Much Higher Can ICT Rise? On the Final Limits of ICT

How Much Higher Can ICT Rise? On the Final Limits of ICT

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the most distinctive cultural accomplishment of the last half century. It is unprecedented in sophistication and transformative power. Presumably there’s no limit to sophistication…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Known Discoveries in Data

Known Discoveries in Data

Was just informed of the below.  Exploring, will have further commentsKnown Discoveries in Data, Powered by IBM Watson AnalyticsThis is a place for the curious. Where hidden data insights around some of today’s most provocative…

From insideHPC

Students: Apply Now for Summer of HPC in Europe

Students: Apply Now for Summer of HPC in Europe

PRACE is seeking students interested in spending the summer working abroad. Consisting of a training week and two months at a European High Performance Computing Center, the program affords participants the opportunity to learn…

From insideHPC

Barbara Chapman Named Head of Brookhaven Lab’s Computer Science and Mathematics Group

Barbara Chapman Named Head of Brookhaven Lab’s Computer Science and Mathematics Group

Barbara Chapman, a leading researcher in programming languages, programming models, and compilers, has been named head of the Computer Science and Mathematics Group (CSM) under the new Computational Science Initiative at the …

From Schneier on Security

Replacing Judgment with Algorithms

Replacing Judgment with Algorithms

China is considering a new "social credit" system, designed to rate everyone's trustworthiness. Many fear that it will become a tool of social control -- but in reality it has a lot in common with the algorithms and systems that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Organizing for the Future

Organizing for the Future

McKinsey writes about how organizations will change as talent market squeeze capabilities: " ... Platform-based talent markets help put the emphasis in human-capital management back where it belongs—on humans. ... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Does the Physical Internet look Like?

What Does the Physical Internet look Like?

Not what does it looks like schematically, fascinating as well, but what does the wiring look like?  An article in the Atlantic shows some pictures.  Having had access to some associated secure wiring cabinets in the early days…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wirearchy of the Future of Work

Wirearchy of the Future of Work

An interesting short e-Book was brought to my attention via the Watson Predictioneers group on Slack:Wirearchy - The eBook - Wirearchy  (Sketches for the Future of Work) While the Internet, the Web and hyperlinks are having a…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Comments on Regulations Governing Protection of Research Participants

USACM Comments on Regulations Governing Protection of Research Participants

USACM submitted comments on the proposed updates to the federal regulations for research involving human subjects. These regulations, known as the Common Rule, are used by multiple federal agencies. They have significance for…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

You Think We Have Problems

Some hard problems in philosophy Wikimedia Commons source Loki is a Jötunn or ss in Norse mythology, who, legend has it, once made a bet with some dwarves. He bet his head, then lost the bet, and almost really lost his head—-more…

From insideHPC

Video: Machine Learning Possibilities with HPC

Video: Machine Learning Possibilities with HPC

In this video, Baidu Chief Scientist Andrew Ng discusses what machine learning is, how it relies on high performance computing, and touches on the many ways that machine learning will advance commercial and scientific applications…

From My Biased Coin

Graduating Bits Announcement

Graduating Bits Announcement

Boaz asked me to remind people about ITCS, and in particular the Graduating Bits Event.  Just in time for those of us reading application folders....ITCS 2016 will be held at MIT this year Jan 14-16. As in past years, we will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Related Research in FlipBoard

Data Related Research in FlipBoard

Colleague Walter Riker has set up a flipboard site called 'Data Related Research'.  In part to test the reach of Flipboard.  My blog is also being mirrored on Flipboard.  Let me know if you want access or have other ideas about…

From insideHPC

OCF Deploys Fujitsu HPC Cluster at University of East Anglia

OCF Deploys Fujitsu HPC Cluster at University of East Anglia

OCF in the U.K. recently deployed a new Fujitsu HPC cluster at the University of East Anglia. As the University’s second new HPC system in 4-years, the cluster can be easily scaled and expanded in the coming months through a …