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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2016

From insideHPC

Astronomers Using iRODS to Wrangle Massive Survey Data

Astronomers Using iRODS to Wrangle Massive Survey Data

Astronomers are using iRODs data technology to study the evolution of galaxies and the nature of dark matter. "By partnering with data specialists at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) who develop the integrated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing for Big Business

Crowdsourcing for Big Business

Interesting play for the enterprise.    Especially for consumer facing goods. " ... Crowdfunding platform Indiegogo has officially launched its Enterprise division to bring high-end products to market by allowing backers to "vote…

From insideHPC

Five Supercomputing Predictions from Cray’s Barry Bolding

Five Supercomputing Predictions from Cray’s Barry Bolding

"There are a number of exciting technologies we should see in 2016, and a leader will be Intel’s next-generation Xeon Phi coprocessor – a hybrid between an accelerator and general purpose processor. This new class of processors…

From insideHPC

Reserved Cores in the Intel Xeon Phi

Reserved Cores in the Intel Xeon Phi

"In the case of the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, although 60 cores are commonly used for computation, there is another core that is available, but not traditionally used as part of a simulation. Experiments using the 61st core…


A New Framework to Define K-12 Computer Science Education

A New Framework to Define K-12 Computer Science Education

Computing leaders ACM,, and CSTA are launching an effort to guide educators and state and district policy makers about K-12 computer science.

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Mapping of Machine Intelligence

A Mapping of Machine Intelligence

Thoughtful, visual, piece in O'Reilly:The current state of machine intelligence 2.0Autonomous systems and focused startups among major changes seen in past Shivon Zilis December 10, 2015Cartographical representation of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Induction and Data Science

Induction and Data Science

All business uses this method, if they know it or not.  But rarely systematically.   Good presentation:" .... Data science is about finding signals buried in the noise. It’s tough to do, but there is a certain way of thinking…

From Schneier on Security

Straight Talk about Terrorism

Straight Talk about Terrorism

Nice essay that lists ten "truths" about terrorism: We can't keep the bad guys out. Besides, the threat is already inside. More surveillance won't get rid of terrorism, either. Defeating the Islamic State won't make terrorism…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Wisdom

Data Wisdom

From CACM and Berkely Research:  Seeking data wisdom.  Somewhat of a squishy term.  But it implies data in context, here neuroscience,.    " .... “In computational neuroscience, it is important to gauge how much variation there…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Announcing a New Framework to Define K-12 Computer Science Education

Announcing a New Framework to Define K-12 Computer Science Education

Computing Leaders ACM,, and CSTA Launch Effort to Guide Educators and State and District Policy Makers About K-12 Computer Science For most states and school districts, the notion of computer science for every student…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Breakthrough Technologies of 2015

Breakthrough Technologies of 2015

In February, the MIT Technology Review published their list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2015. Recently they released their follow up list, detailing how those technologies have advanced since then. Some computing-related…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Looping as a Concept

Teaching Looping as a Concept

I’m introducing loops to my Freshmen this week. I’m trying a couple of new things. I thought I might put them out there in hopes of getting feedback but also possibly hearing how others introduce the concepts.

I’ve talked for…

From insideHPC

New Version of RDMA-Spark Runs Native InfiniBand and RoCE

New Version of RDMA-Spark Runs Native InfiniBand and RoCE

Fans of High Performance Data Analytics got a boost today with news that the High-Performance Big Data (HiBD) team at Ohio State University has released RDMA-Apache-Spark 0.9.1.

The post New Version of RDMA-Spark Runs NativeinsideHPC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner Quadrant Reports for Business Intelligence

Gartner Quadrant Reports for Business Intelligence

Just reread the 2015 Gartner reports on Business Intelligence for BI planning purposes, provided by a vendor, " ... Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms ... "   nicely done, largely concur.  I have…

From insideHPC

DDN Announces Winners of the 2015 Pioneer Awards

DDN Announces Winners of the 2015 Pioneer Awards

Today DDN announced the winners of the 2015 Pioneer User Awards. The awards recognize and celebrate visionary individuals, organizations and/or multiple people who are embracing leading-edge high performance computing technologies…

From Computational Complexity

Rūsiņš Freivalds (1942-2016)

Rūsiņš Mārtiņš Freivalds passed away on Monday from a heart attack at the age of 73. I met Freivalds several times often through Carl Smith, who passed away himself in 2004. Rūsiņš, Carl, Bill, myself and a couple of others…

From insideHPC

Iceotope Showcases ExaNeSt Cooling Technology for Exascale

Iceotope Showcases ExaNeSt Cooling Technology for Exascale

In this video from SC15, Peter Hopton from Iceotope describes the company's innovative liquid cooling technology for the European ExaNeSt project. “ExaNeSt will develop, evaluate, and prototype the physical platform and architectural…

From insideHPC

Interview: How is bringing the Student Cluster Competition to India

Interview: How is bringing the Student Cluster Competition to India

"HPC in India is getting noticed on a different scale today. Starting with lot of initiatives across, the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) gives clear HPC roadmap with assert confidence of dominating HPC in India. The student…

From insideHPC

How HPC is Helping Solve Climate and Weather Forecasting Challenges

How HPC is Helping Solve Climate and Weather Forecasting Challenges

Data accumulation is just one of the challenges facing today weather and climatology researchers and scientists. To understand and predict Earth’s weather and climate, they rely on increasingly complex computer models and simulations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Malice vs Competence in Real Worlds

Malice vs Competence in Real Worlds

In Engadget:   Stephen Hawking: 'The real risk with AI isn't malice but competence'.  For now, but malice can quickly follow.   As a physical scientist, what he studies is usually not trying to fool him.Not the case in the 'real'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Experience and Knowledge Management

Customer Experience and Knowledge Management

 Saw this recently interacting with cable company.  The answer I needed was embarrassingly simple and easy.   In fact they had all the data to predict I would have the problem.   Yet, it ended up in hours of delay and figuring…

From Putting People First

The power of the nudge to change our energy future

The power of the nudge to change our energy future

Sebastian Berger, Assistant Professor of Organization at the University of Bern, writes in the Scientific American how the default option, a simple change based on psychology, will increase use of renewable energy. In a recent…

From Schneier on Security

How the US Is Playing Both Ends on Data Privacy

How the US Is Playing Both Ends on Data Privacy

There's an excellent article in Foreign Affairs on how the European insistence on data privacy -- most recently illustrated by their invalidation of the "safe harbor" agreement -- is really about the US talking out of both sides…

From Putting People First

[Book] Service Design for Business

[Book] Service Design for Business

Service Design for Business: A Practical Guide to Optimizing the Customer Experience Ben Reason, Lavrans Løvlie, Melvin Brand Flu Wiley Publishers December 2015, 208 pages Abstract Service Design for Business helps you transform…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Pac-Man running at 1 million frames per second

Pac-Man running at 1 million frames per second

In What does technology want?, Kevin Kelly argued that technology is on an evolutionary path. In some real sense, technology is alive and growing. It seeks out to improve itself at an ever faster rate. And it seems that technology…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Robots For Teaching Programming

Robots For Teaching Programming

One of my most popular posts has been a collection of links to block programming (drag and drop programming) tools and languages. The other day it occurred to me that a similar list for programming with robots might be useful…

From Schneier on Security

1981 CIA Report on Deception

1981 CIA Report on Deception

Recently declassified: Deception Maxims: Fact and Folklore, Office of Research and Development, Central Intelligence Agency, June 1981. Research on deception and con games has advanced in the past 25 years, but this is still…

From insideHPC

SC16 Workshop Proposals Due Feb. 7

SC16 Workshop Proposals Due Feb. 7

SC16 is now accepting full- and half-day Workshop Proposals for SC16. "SC16 will include full- and half-day workshops that complement the overall Technical Program events, with the goal of expanding the knowledge base of practitioners…

From insideHPC

Gordon Supercomputer Aids Search for New Antibiotics

Gordon Supercomputer Aids Search for New Antibiotics

Researchers using the Gordon Supercomputer at SDSC have identified a class of possible antibiotics with the potential to disable previously drug-resistant bacteria. In essence, these new agents were found to attack the bacteria…

From insideHPC

Nimbix HPC Cloud Moves to 100 MW Dallas Datacenter

Nimbix HPC Cloud Moves to 100 MW Dallas Datacenter

Today Nimbix announced plans to use Infomart Dallas to support the infrastructure needs of its upgraded HPC cloud platform, JARVICE 2.0. Infomart Dallas provides Nimbix with a high-density data center complete with industry-leading…