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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2016

From insideHPC

ProphetStor Leverages Mellanox Tech for Next-Gen Cloud Computing

ProphetStor Leverages Mellanox Tech for Next-Gen Cloud Computing

Today ProphetStor Data Services rolled out a reference cloud computing platform with Mellanox based on the open-source projects OpenStack and Ceph. The solution leverages each company's respective strength in software-defined…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

WeDo 2.0–LEGO Robot for Teaching Science and Coding

WeDo 2.0–LEGO Robot for Teaching Science and Coding

This week at the big Consumer Electronics Show LEGO Education announced a new product - WeDo 2.0. In the press release they called it a “New wireless, tablet-ready robot-based learning system for elementary science curriculum…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Transatlantic Data Science Workshop

Transatlantic Data Science Workshop

Stanford University, in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Research Councils of the United Kingdom (RCUK) with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), is hosting a Transatlantic Data…

From insideHPC

PASC16 Seeks Your Paper Submissions by Jan. 15

PASC16 Seeks Your Paper Submissions by Jan. 15

There are just two weeks left to submit papers to PASC16. The event takes place June 8-10, 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The post PASC16 Seeks Your Paper Submissions by Jan. 15 appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ford Thinking of Linking to Wink and Echo

Ford Thinking of Linking to Wink and Echo

Link your automobile to the Smart Home? A kind of increased reach that may include hub technology and voice control.  An interesting play here. " .... Ford is exploring linking smart devices like Amazon Echo and Wink to its vehicles…

From insideHPC

HPC People on the Move – New Year’s Edition

HPC People on the Move – New Year’s Edition

Dr. Lewey Anton reports on who's moving on up in High Peformance Computing. Familiar names in this edition include: Sharan Kalwani, John Lee, Jay Muelhoefer, Brian Sparks, and Ed Turkel.

The post HPC People on the Move – NewinsideHPC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Papers from 2015

Neuromarketing Papers from 2015

From Warc, survey of 'best papers' from 2015 on neuromarketing.  With claims taking neuromarketing mainstream.  I disagree, it is still experimental, worth testing especially for advertising analysis.  See no evidence of clear…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

International Blog Delurking Week 2016

International Blog Delurking Week 2016

OK this is the first I have heard of this but it is a great idea. Comments are a huge thing for bloggers. I get a few comments now and again and they add great value to the conversations. Along with that they let me know people…

From Schneier on Security

NSA Spies on Israeli Prime Minister

NSA Spies on Israeli Prime Minister

The Wall Street Journal has a story that the NSA spied on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli government officials, and incidentally collected conversations between US citizens -- including lawmakers -…

From Putting People First

Consumers are bored with today’s tech and nervous about tomorrow’s

Consumers are bored with today’s tech and nervous about tomorrow’s

Accenture just launched (press release) the results of its Igniting Growth in Consumer Technology survey where it polled 28,000 consumers in 28 countries on their use of consumer technology. Matt Rosoff of the Business Insider…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Realty as Next Frontier of Retail

Virtual Realty as Next Frontier of Retail

Is Virtual Reality really practical in retail?   A next frontier.  For engagement, or for exploring complicated product use  in context?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gathering in Random Forests

Gathering in Random Forests

Random Forests. A notable ensemble-style method for analytic classification.  Particularly interesting to me because it uses more easily understood decision trees.     Some relationship to other clustering methods like K Means…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Twitter vs Facebook

Twitter vs Facebook

In Knowledge@Wharton:" ... Twitter’s effort to find a new CEO is the latest struggle in a long list of challenges that the micro-blogging site has faced over the years. When the company launched its IPO in late 2013, Wall Street…

From Schneier on Security

Windows 10 Whole-Disk Encryption without Key Escrow

Windows 10 Whole-Disk Encryption without Key Escrow

On the Intercept, Micah Lee has a good article that talks about how Microsoft is collecting the hard-drive encryption keys of Windows 10 users, and how to disable that "feature."...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Privacy-Preserving Inference of Social Relationships from Location Data

Great Innovative Idea- Privacy-Preserving Inference of Social Relationships from Location Data

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Cyrus Shahabi, Liyue Fan, and Luciano Nocera from theUniversity of Southern California, Li Xiong from Emory University, and Ming Li from Utah State University. Their Privacy-Preserving…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

How I use CSTA

How I use CSTA

It is a wonderful time to teach computer science. Almost every day, there is a new tool or website or resource available to teachers for use in the computer science classroom. Sometimes teachers like me can feel overwhelmed.Continue…

From insideHPC

Video: How Argonne Simulated the Evolution of the Universe

Video: How Argonne Simulated the Evolution of the Universe

"What we want to do now with these simulations is exactly create this universe in our lab. So we build this model and we put it on a computer and evolve it forward, and now we have created a universe that we can look at and compare…

From Schneier on Security

De-Anonymizing Users from their Coding Styles

De-Anonymizing Users from their Coding Styles

Interesting blog post: We are able to de-anonymize executable binaries of 20 programmers with 96% correct classification accuracy. In the de-anonymization process, the machine learning classifier trains on 8 executable binaries…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 4 January 2016

Interesting Links 4 January 2016

Happy New Year! Happy 11111100000! Today is forst day back at school. I didn’t get to everything I wanted to do over the break but I did start playing with some wi-fi enabled light bulbs. Hoping this will be the start of getting…

From insideHPC

NCSA Private Sector Program

NCSA Private Sector Program

National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has a private sector program (PSP) which works with the smaller companies to help them adopt HPC technologies based on the expertise acquired over the past quarter century…

From Putting People First

[Reports] Shaping the Library to the Life of the User

[Reports] Shaping the Library to the Life of the User

Shaping the Library to the Life of the User: Adapting, Empowering, Partnering, Engaging by Merrilee Proffitt, James Michalko and Melissa Renspie OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. December 2015, 15 pages This report provides…

From Putting People First

How focus on UX helped win design of the year

How focus on UX helped win design of the year

The goal of self-service sites is to help users find answers themselves, forestalling the need to contact a real person. When such a site is done right, it leads you straight from symptoms to diagnosis to cure. However, if self…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Whirlpool Builds in the Dash Buy Button

Whirlpool Builds in the Dash Buy Button

The general idea has been around for more than a decade .  I have been testing the Amazon Dash button since last year.    Finally it is being integrated for replenishment directly in appliances:In The Verge:Whirlpool's new smart…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics at Adidas

Robotics at Adidas

Addidas. An example of a company in transition to the use of robots to do manufacturing.  In Reuters: Adidas Robotics

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Value of Getting it Wrong

The Value of Getting it Wrong

Being willing to get it wrong, and doing that a number of times to calibrate the inexactness of our methods and models, can be a useful means of both understanding the problem well, and figuring out how to improve its solution…

From Writing

A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

An interview I did with Hakin9 Magazine on startups, agility, security, and more: A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

From Writing

A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

An interview I did with Hakin9 Magazine on startups, agility, security, and more: A startup is a company that spends most of its time searching

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Optimization

Business Optimization

Working at business process from the point of view of optimization.  Or, at least the improvement of  an understood system.   Understanding it can be hard, but we can start with a process model.  Some resources about the space…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Cognitive Era

The Cognitive Era

Recently at the Gartner Conference, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty explained the Cognitive Era in very simple language: " .... “It’s an era of technology and it’s an era of business,” she said. “As an era, think of this, these are systems…

From Computational Complexity

Predictions for 2016

This is the first post of 2016! (that is not a factorial). Hence I will make some predictions and at the end of the year I'll see how I did 1)  The USA Prez election will have two main candidates: Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz…