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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2016

From insideHPC

China Develops Darwin Neuromorphic Chip

China Develops Darwin Neuromorphic Chip

Researchers from Zhejiang University and Hangzhou Dianzi University in China have developed the Darwin Neural Processing Unit (NPU), a neuromorphic hardware co-processor based on Spiking Neural Networks, fabricated by standard…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Changing HPC Economics with the Intel Omni-Path Architecture

Podcast: Changing HPC Economics with the Intel Omni-Path Architecture

In this Chip Chat Podcast, Intel's Barry Davis describes how today’s requirements for high performance computing fabrics are outstripping the capabilities of traditional fabric technologies in performance, reliability, and economic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Field Guide to Data Science

Free Field Guide to Data Science

Very nicely done, 126 page, free and shareable introduction to Data Science by Booz Allen Hamilton.  Starts very simply, fine for an executive intro.  Takes you much further, but never gets very technical.   Lots of useful practical…

From Putting People First

[Book] Holistic Retail Design

[Book] Holistic Retail Design

Holistic Retail Design – Reshaping Shopping for the Digital Era By Prof. Philipp Teufel and Prof. Rainer Zimmermann (Peter Behrens School of Arts, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf) Frame Publishers September 2015 – 400…

From The Eponymous Pickle

HBR on the Future of Cars

HBR on the Future of Cars

In the HBR:  How should we think about the future of cars?  Autonomous,   Intelligent.  As a service?  Regulatory?   Liability?   Beyond?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Building VR Cities

Building VR Cities

An interesting example that reminds me of Second Life.   But of course now using headgear rather than on screen.  Is the difference in 3D quality important for this kind of experience?   " .... Imageen has launched a new virtual…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

When Blogging Works For Educators

When Blogging Works For Educators

It seems like there is a regular stream of articles, often on blogs, talking about blogging going away. Or changing for the worse. Or other negative comments. But I find that there is a real place for blogging. I think this is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Suggests Large Frig Touchscreens

Samsung Suggests Large Frig Touchscreens

We experimented with having 'smart screens' on the frig,  Samsung and LG made them, but was unclear how many they sold. With the advent of the tablet, you could just hang one on the door.  Now Samsung has put a very large touchscreen…

From Geeking with Greg

SwipeLingo and Javascript Notebook

SwipeLingo and Javascript Notebook

I've been working on a couple educational projects since Google, SwipeLingo and Javascript Notebook. SwipeLingo is a quick matching game for touchscreens. Javascript Notebook is a tool for writing coding tutorials, exercises,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simulating Inexact Spreadsheet Numbers

Simulating Inexact Spreadsheet Numbers

A free, open source package called Guesstimate was just brought to my attention.  In Beta.  Overview article here.  Essentially a means for modeling uncertain values in your models.  We used a similar, commercial approach that…

From insideHPC

Penguin Computing is now Platinum Member of Open Compute Project (OCP)

Penguin Computing is now Platinum Member of Open Compute Project (OCP)

Penguin Computing has renewed as a Platinum Member of Open Compute Project (OCP). Leading with the OCP-based Tundra Extreme Scale (ES) Series, Penguin was recently awarded the CTS-1 contract with the NNSA to bolster computing…

From insideHPC

Video: IBM Panel Discussion on Machine Learning

Video: IBM Panel Discussion on Machine Learning

In this video, Dr. Michael Karasick from IBM moderates a panel discussion on Machine Learning. "The success of cognitive computing will not be measured by Turing tests or a computer’s ability to mimic humans. It will be measured…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Apple Deal gets to 100th App

IBM Apple Deal gets to 100th App

IBM-Apple deal reaches key milestone with 100th enterprise appCompetitors may find it hard to match this pace, one analyst suggestsby Katherine Noyes   Via Simon PorterWhen IBM and Apple forged their partnership last year toIBM…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI in the Everyday World

AI in the Everyday World

In Wired:  Which starts by describing work that Chinese group Baidu is doing in this space, still in early prototype:   " ... one of the company’s latest prototypes. It’s called DuLight. The device contains a tiny camera that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sloan on the Emergence of the IOT

Sloan on the Emergence of the  IOT

Sloan Review on the Internet of Things.   Many implications and risks:  " ... Yes, the potential insights from IoT are enticing. For example, it’s fun to think about the potential personal and even societal benefits from self…

From Writing

Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect

Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect

I can print mostly. My wifi works often. The Xbox usually recognises me. Siri sometimes works. But my self driving car will be *perfect*.

From Writing

Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect

Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect

I can print mostly. My wifi works often. The Xbox usually recognises me. Siri sometimes works. But my self driving car will be *perfect*.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education Things to Watch in 2016

Computer Science Education Things to Watch in 2016

“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” I was thinking about writing a post with predictions but realized that I’m not smart enough for that. What I do have are some things I think are worth keeping…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SmartThinQ Sensor from LG

SmartThinQ Sensor from LG

How do you connect older home appliance devices to new networks?  I was pointed to LG's SmartThinQ sensor.  This was mentioned this past September in CNet:  " ..... LG's new SmartThingQ sensor smartens up your old appliancesLG…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Live Giant Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Live Giant Squid

Giant squid filmed swimming through a harbor in Japan: Reports in Japanese say that the creature was filmed on December 24, seen by an underwater camera swimming near boat moorings. It was reportedly about 13 feet long and 3…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Hacking of the Internet of Things

The Hacking of the Internet of Things

In Wired:   An overview of how the Internet of Things is being hacked.   Bottom line, it is being hacked in many places." ... And this year has made clearer than ever before that this Internet of Things introduces all the vulnerabilities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at last Years HPC Conference

A Look at last Years HPC Conference

In the CACM:   I used to cover High Performance Computing (HPC), topics for the enterprise.   Now the topic has seemed to be overtaken by volume rather than performance.  But no,  Torsten Hoefler overviews the recent conference…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Senior HPC Engineer at Quantlab Financial

Job of the Week: Senior HPC Engineer at Quantlab Financial

Quantlab Financial in Houston is seeking a Senior HPC Engineer in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: Senior HPC Engineer at Quantlab Financial appeared first on insideHPC.

From insideHPC

Video: Why Wouldn’t You Use Public Cloud for HPC?

Video: Why Wouldn’t You Use Public Cloud for HPC?

Rob Futrick presented this talk at SC15. "Cycle Computing’s CycleCloud software suite is the leading cloud orchestration, provisioning, and data management platform for Big Compute, Big Data, and large technical computing applications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Systems for Manufacturing Supply Chains

Cognitive Systems for Manufacturing Supply Chains

 Enterra’s CEO, Stephen DeAngelis, Discusses Cognitive Computing in MD MagazineIn the Spring 2015 issue of Manufacturing and Distribution Executive (MD) magazine, Enterra’s President & CEO, Stephen DeAngelis, discusses how artificial…

From Putting People First

Uday Dandavate: “stupidity wrapped in ignorance” underlies Facebook’s Free Basics program

Uday Dandavate: “stupidity wrapped in ignorance” underlies Facebook’s Free Basics program

Uday Dandavate, co-founder and CEO of design research company SonicRim, is appalled about Facebook pushing its Free Basics program in India, which he think is driven by “an attitude that represents stupidity wrapped in ignorance”…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Audi Telepresence Robotics

Audi Telepresence Robotics

Maintenance was an area we looked at for tele presence and augmented reality.  Overlay blueprints and manuals over a machine for making update and repair more efficient.  Audi is doing this for repair.   In CWorld.

From Putting People First

For when things get personal…

For when things get personal…

The post For when things get personal… appeared first on Putting people first.

From Wild WebMink

Meshed Again In 2016

Meshed Again In 2016

As of January 1st 2016, my main work focus is once again Meshed Insights Ltd., which we’ve kept ticking over during 2015.  Working at Wipro was an interesting experiment, but frankly I did not enjoy it at all. I could have probably…

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