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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2017

From Putting People First

Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for Patient Engagement

Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for Patient Engagement

Future Agenda, a non-for-profit UK-based foresight initiative, has just published a new 38-page paper entitled Future of Healthcare Provision: Opportunities for Patient Engagement. Many believe the healthcare sector is ripe for…

From Computational Complexity

What was the first result in complexity theory?

Let Z_d[x] be the set of polynomials of degree d over the integers.

Let ALG_d be the set of roots of polys in Z_d.

One can easily show that

ALG_1 is a proper subset ALG_2is a proper subset ...

and that there are numbers not…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Testing D-Wave Quantum Computing

Google Testing D-Wave Quantum Computing

A recent article led me to this paper abstract.  (Technical)  Using the D-Wave hardware.  Are the methods being shown real quantum computing?   Points to how Google is testing it.  This relates to some of our own experimentation…

From insideHPC

Deep Learning in HPC – Using Data to Go Far Beyond Automation in Pathology

Deep Learning in HPC – Using Data to Go Far Beyond Automation in Pathology

Dr. Amit Seti from IIT-Gauwhati presented this talk at GTCx in India. "This talk will cover how medical imaging data can be used to train computer vision systems that automate diagnostic analysis in current clinical practice.…

From insideHPC

Intel FPGAs Break Record for Deep Learning Facial Recognition

Intel FPGAs Break Record for Deep Learning Facial Recognition

The test took place in Nanjing City, China, where ZTE’s engineers used Intel’s midrange Arria 10 FPGA for a cloud inferencing application using a CNN algorithm. "ZTE has achieved a new record – beyond a thousand images per second…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics Professional

Watson Analytics Professional

Watson Analytics Professional: 3 reasons to go pro   by Karen Galiger

Watson Analytics Professional Edition was just the right solution for Mears Group, LLC. With the heavy responsibility of servicing and maintaining 1 million…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning and Bayesian updating in long cycle made-to-order production

Learning and Bayesian updating in long cycle made-to-order production

My colleague Jeff Camm writes in a recent paper. The Bayesian learning aspect of parameters is interesting.  Technical.  Abstract.

Learning and Bayesian updating in long cycle made-to-order(MTO) production
K. Womer, H.Li, J. Camm…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Let Alexa Scan Paper Abstracts for You

Let Alexa Scan Paper Abstracts for You

Alexa gets Meta, finds you the latest AI research
The Echo bot can find the 50 latest papers and read you the summaries.
Steve Dent, @stevetdent  in Endgadget. 

I examined this.  Simply and nicely done.  If you want to scan theMachine…


The Work and Inspiration of the Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing

The Work and Inspiration of the Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing

The international organization HaPoC promotes and sponsors research that brings together the history and the philosophy of computing.

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Wind Energy Research Engineer at NREL

Job of the Week: Wind Energy Research Engineer at NREL

"The National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL), located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado, is the nation’s primary laboratory for research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies…

From insideHPC

A Look at the CODAR Co-Design Center for Online Data Analysis and Reduction at Exascale

A Look at the CODAR Co-Design Center for Online Data Analysis and Reduction at Exascale

Ian Foster and other researchers in CODAR are working to overcome the gap between computation speed and the limitations in the speed and capacity of storage by developing smarter, more selective ways of reducing data without …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting and Identifying Images

Detecting and Identifying Images

Home/News/Air Force Tests IBM's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter

ACM Tech News
Air Force Tests IBM's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter.   Neuromorphic chips.
In Technology Review

From The Eponymous Pickle

Beyond Big Data to Complex Systems

Beyond Big Data to Complex Systems

Well written challenge to when big data doesn't work, and an intro to complex systems.

When Big Data Isn’t Enough    Alex Woodie

The big data paradigm has changed how we make decisions. Armed with sophisticated machine learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Machines to Boost Emotional Intelligence

Smart Machines to Boost Emotional Intelligence

Intriguing premise.  As an engineer I don't think I fully understand it.  Link to podcast.

Author Edward Hess discusses his new book, Humility is the New Smart: Rethinking Human Excellence in the Smart Machine Age ....   In Knowledge…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fossils from the Early Jurassic

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fossils from the Early Jurassic

New fossil bed discovered in Alberta: The finds at the site include 16 vampyropods, a relative of the vampire squid with its ink sac and fine details of its muscles still preserved in exquisite detail. As usual, you can also…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mr Clean Goes to the Superbowl

Mr Clean Goes to the Superbowl

Have been a participant in the Mr Clean brand equity, and especially how it has been enhanced by technology.    Lately there has not been much technical enhancement, but at least he is going to the US Superbowl.  He has alsoIn…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How expensive are the union and intersection of two unordered_set in C++?

How expensive are the union and intersection of two unordered_set in C++?

If you are using a modern C++ (C++11 or better), you have access to set data structures (unordered_set) which have the characteristics of a hash set. The standard does not provide us with built-in functions to compute the union…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Newly brought to my attention:  Virtualitics.  Bringing VR to Analytics. In Beta:

" ... We have built the first platform to merge Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Virtual/Augmented Reality.

Next generation data analytics .…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Better Wisdom from Crowds

Getting Better Wisdom from Crowds

Like the quantifying aspect of this.  We experimented with WOC choices and how they linked with actual commercial decisions.   Would like to see it tested with  consumer as well as expert groups.

Better wisdom from crowds
MIT scholars…

From insideHPC

UberCloud Obtains $1.7 Million in Pre-A Funding Round

UberCloud Obtains $1.7 Million in Pre-A Funding Round

“UberCloud has created an entire cloud computing ecosystem for complex technical simulations, leveraging cloud infrastructure providers, developing and utilizing middleware container technology, and bringing on board established…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

Nominations Due in 1 Week! Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research directions for the field. To do so, the…

From Apophenia

The Information War Has Begun

The Information War Has Begun

Yesterday, Steve Bannon clearly articulated what many people have felt and known for quite some time when he told journalists, “You’re the opposition party. Not the Democratic Party… The media’s the opposition party.” This builds…

From insideHPC

RCE Podcast Looks at iRODS Data Management Software

RCE Podcast Looks at iRODS Data Management Software

In this RCE Podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with the creators of iRODS: Jason Coposky and Terrell Russell. Also known as the Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System, iRODS open source data management software is used…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Allowing End Users to Build Models

Allowing End Users to Build Models

Very good general question that we have been discussing for years, well, really decades.   Started way back in the spreadsheet era, when you empowered users to build 'models' of any kind.    Afterwards we were sometimes brought…

From insideHPC

PASC17 to Feature Talk by Gordon Bell Prize Winner Haohuan Fu

PASC17 to Feature Talk by Gordon Bell Prize Winner Haohuan Fu

"This talk reports efforts on refactoring and optimizing the climate and weather forecasting programs – CAM and WRF – on Sunway TaihuLight. To map the large code base to the millions of cores on the Sunway system, OpenACC-based…

From insideHPC

Beyond Exascale: Emerging Devices and Architectures for Computing

Beyond Exascale: Emerging Devices and Architectures for Computing

"Nanomagnetic devices may allow memory and logic functions to be combined in novel ways. And newer, perhaps more promising device concepts continue to emerge. At the same time, research in new architectures has also grown. Indeed…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Deep learning: the silver bullet?

Deep learning: the silver bullet?

In 2016, we saw a wide range of breakthroughs having to do with artificial intelligence and deep learning in particular. Google, Facebook, and Baidu announced several breakthroughs using deep learning. Google also defeated Go…

From insideHPC

Intel Xeon Phi Processor Programming in a Nutshell

Intel Xeon Phi Processor Programming in a Nutshell

In this special guest feature, James Reinders looks at Intel Xeon Phi processors from a programmer's perspective. "How does a programmer think of Intel Xeon Phi processors? In this brief article, I will convey how I, as a programmer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Adding AI to Raspberry Pi

Adding AI to Raspberry Pi

Could be quite  a way to add AI experience for students.  In CWorld: 

Google wants to add A.I. to Raspberry Pi gadgets
Google plans to bring open source machine-learning tools to board makers later this year
By Agam Shah .... "

From Schneier on Security

Research into Twitter Bots

Research into Twitter Bots

There are a lot of them. In a world where the number of fans, friends, followers, and likers are social currency -- and where the number of reposts is a measure of popularity -- this kind of gaming the system is inevitable...…