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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018


The Power of Bisection Logic

The Power of Bisection Logic

Bisection or Binary logic is an example of a simple yet powerful idea in computer science that has today become an integral part of every computer scientist’s arsenal. It stands synonymous to logarithmic time complexity thatContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon on Private Label

Amazon on Private Label

Amazon has dabbled in this space already.   How will it be integrated with classic CPG marketing?

Is Amazon poised to dominate private-label products?

Amazon not only offers its AmazonBasics line of private-label products, but


From Schneier on Security

Yet Another FBI Proposal for Insecure Communications

Yet Another FBI Proposal for Insecure Communications

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein has given talks where he proposes that tech companies decrease their communications and device security for the benefit of the FBI. In a recent talk, his idea is that tech companies just save…

From Schneier on Security

Susan Landau's New Book: Listening In

Susan Landau's New Book: Listening In

Susan Landau has written a terrific book on cybersecurity threats and why we need strong crypto. Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age. It's based in part on her 2016 Congressional testimony in the Apple/FBI case; it…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Pragmatic-Pedagogic Value Alignment

Great Innovative Idea- Pragmatic-Pedagogic Value Alignment

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Jaime Fernandez Fisac, a Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department at the University of California, Berkeley, in the area of Control, Intelligent Systems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting Deception

Detecting Deception

Skeptical, like to see more.

A New AI That Detects 'Deception' May Bring an End to Lying as We Know It    Futurism   By Dom Galeon in Futurism in ACM News

Researchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have developed the Deception…

From insideHPC

ECP Launches “Let’s Talk Exascale” Podcast

ECP Launches “Let’s Talk Exascale” Podcast

The DOE's Exascale Computing Project has launched a new podcast channel. In this episode, Danny Perez from Los Alamos National Laboratory discusses The Exascale Atomistic Capability for Accuracy, Length, and Time (EXAALT) project…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Stops their M Assistant

Facebook Stops their M Assistant

Somewhat of a surprise.   I liked the fact that they had create a 'concierge' model that included some human expertise.   But indications are that too much of it was human driven and thus too expensive. As in our experiments,…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Brought to my attention, examining.


Pypestream brings the on-demand economy to enterprises, everywhere. Enterprises using Pypestream can now digitally transform and automate their customer experience resulting in cost…

From The Eponymous Pickle

LG on Robotics

LG on Robotics

Long and interesting piece on LG's work in robotics.   As always most interested in how consumers interact with robotics to provide value.  Nice to see an appliance company examining aspects of trust.

People don't want to talk…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA races to patch GPU Drivers for Spectre and Meltdown

NVIDIA races to patch GPU Drivers for Spectre and Meltdown

A new security bulletin from NVIDIA reveals that GPUs are not immune to the Spectre and Meltdown exploits that affect nearly every modern CPU. This is bad news for HPC, where the company's Tesla GPUs are widely deployed to accelerate…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Getting Better at Ruby for #AdventOfCode2017

Getting Better at Ruby for #AdventOfCode2017

Because I'm a computing educator, I don't write code every day. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. So when I heard about Advent of Code late 2017, I knew I wanted to participate.

In its third year, Advent of Code was created…

From insideHPC

Survey shows how AI Could Revolutionize Life Sciences

Survey shows how AI Could Revolutionize Life Sciences

Some 44 per cent of life science professionals are using or experimenting with AI and deep learning, while 94 per cent expect an increase in use of machine learning within two years. These are findings from a survey carried out…

From insideHPC

How AI is Reshaping HPC

How AI is Reshaping HPC

Karl Freund from Moore Insights gave this talk at SC17. "Researchers have begun putting Machine Learning to work solving problems that do not lend themselves well to traditional numerical analysis, or that require unaffordable…

From insideHPC

AI Hardware to Support the Artificial Intelligence Software Ecosystem

AI Hardware to Support the Artificial Intelligence Software Ecosystem

AI hardwareBalance ratios are key to understanding the plethora of AI hardware solutions that are being developed or are soon to become available. This post from an insideHPC Special Report explores AI hardware options to support the growing…

From Schneier on Security

Cybersecurity and the 2017 US National Security Strategy

Cybersecurity and the 2017 US National Security Strategy

Commentaries on the 2017 US national security strategy by Michael Sulmeyer and Ben Buchanan....

From Computational Complexity

Donald Knuth Turns Eighty

We've kept this blog going long enough that we start repeating our celebrations. Ten years ago Bill celebrated Don Knuth's 70th Birthday and today Donald Knuth turns 80. While he celebrates in Piteå, Sweden with its less than…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Statistical Techniques You Should Know

Statistical Techniques You Should Know

Beyond the data scientist, the manager who is using analytics should know the basics of these techniques.   Data Scientists as they are now called should know the details involved with data in their own areas of application and…

From My Biased Coin

Double-blind, ALENEX

Double-blind, ALENEX

I wanted to point people to a pair of blog posts (Part 1, Part 2) by Suresh Venkatasubramanian at the geomblog discussing the experience of having the ALENEX conference go double-blind for reviewing this year, from the perspective…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How fast can you bit-interleave 32-bit integers? (SIMD edition)

How fast can you bit-interleave 32-bit integers? (SIMD edition)

In a previous post, I asked how fast one could interleave the bits between two 32-bit integers. That is, given 0b1011 (11 in decimal) and 0b1100 (12 in decimal), I want the number 0b11011010. On recent (2013) Intel processors…

From Schneier on Security

Daniel Miessler on My Writings about IoT Security

Daniel Miessler on My Writings about IoT Security

Daniel Miessler criticizes my writings about IoT security: I know it's super cool to scream about how IoT is insecure, how it's dumb to hook up everyday objects like houses and cars and locks to the internet, how bad things can…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global City Teams Challenge Updates

Global City Teams Challenge Updates

The 2018 kickoff conference for the GCTC – Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (SC3) is February 6-7, 2018 in Washington, DC. You can see preliminary agenda and speakers list here. Event website here Free registration…

From The Eponymous Pickle

US, China Looking for an AI Stack

US, China Looking for an AI Stack

From O'Reilly.

The artificial intelligence computing stack
A look at why the U.S. and China are investing heavily in this new computing stack.  By Reza Zadeh

Reza Zadeh will be keynoting and speaking at the AI Conference in Beijing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Enabled AR Glasses

Alexa Enabled AR Glasses

I think there is a higher likelihood that something connected to a known and trusted assistant, like Alexa or Google Home will succeed.     But security and privacy, both to the user and the people around people using such glasses…

From insideHPC

Berkeley Lab-led Collaborations win HPC Innovation Awards

Berkeley Lab-led Collaborations win HPC Innovation Awards

Two Berkeley Lab-led projects—Celeste and Galactos—were honored with Hyperion Research’s 2017 HPC Innovation Excellence Awards for "the outstanding application of HPC for business and scientific achievements." The HPC Innovation…

From insideHPC

PEARC18 Conference Announces lineup of Keynote Speakers

PEARC18 Conference Announces lineup of Keynote Speakers

The PEARC18 Conference has announced its lineup of Keynote Speakers. The event takes place July 22-27 in Pittsburgh. "PEARC18 is for everyone who works to realize the promise of advanced computing as the enabler of seamless creativity…

From insideHPC

NOAA Looks to Dell for Massive Supercomputing Upgrade

NOAA Looks to Dell for Massive Supercomputing Upgrade

Today NOAA announced to plans for a major upgrade to its supercomputing capabilities. The upgrade adds 2.8 petaflops of computational power, enabling NOAA’s National Weather Service to implement the next generation Global Forecast…

From insideHPC

RAID Inc. Joins OpenSFS to Support the Lustre File System

RAID Inc. Joins OpenSFS to Support the Lustre File System

RAID Incorporated has joined OpenSFS (Open Scalable File Systems, Inc.). OpenSFS is a non-profit organization that supports the vendor-neutral development of Lustre. Since 2010, OpenSFS has utilized working groups, events, and…

From insideHPC

Steve Oberlin from NVIDIA Presents: HPC Exascale & AI

Steve Oberlin from NVIDIA Presents: HPC Exascale & AI

Steve Oberlin from NVIDIA gave this talk at SC17 in Denver. "HPC is a fundamental pillar of modern science. From predicting weather to discovering drugs to finding new energy sources, researchers use large computing systems …

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Institute for Business Value

IBM Institute for Business Value

Stating to follow the writing of:

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