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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Berkely AI Research

Berkely AI Research

Newly brought to my attention:

Berkely AI Research
Overview and Blog Purpose

The BAIR Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for BAIR researchers to communicate research findings, perspectives on the field, and various…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Spotlight on Acm-W Networking Award Winners!

Spotlight on Acm-W Networking Award Winners!

Our networking grant helps pay for events that bring our chapters together! Here are a couple of our favorite recent winners! The officers from the ACM-W chapter at Clayton State came to Georgia State to help encourage the newly…

From Putting People First

Google Design on “human-Centered Machine Learning”

Google Design on “human-Centered Machine Learning”

As was the case with the mobile revolution, and the web before that, machine learning will cause us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually every experience we build, writes Josh Lovejoy, UX Designer…

From Putting People First

Google Design on “human-centered machine learning”

Google Design on “human-centered machine learning”

As was the case with the mobile revolution, and the web before that, machine learning will cause us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually every experience we build, writes Josh Lovejoy, UX Designer…

From Putting People First

How Patient Stories Can Improve Intensive Care

How Patient Stories Can Improve Intensive Care

The hospital intensive care unit (ICU) has traditionally been a closed environment, where patient, nurse, doctor and family stories are lost. Christiane Job McIntosh, Sean Bagshaw and Tom Stelfox are Canadian researchers in intensive…

From Putting People First

How patient stories can improve intensive care

How patient stories can improve intensive care

The hospital intensive care unit (ICU) has traditionally been a closed environment, where patient, nurse, doctor and family stories are lost. Christiane Job McIntosh, Sean Bagshaw and Tom Stelfox are Canadian researchers in intensive…

From Putting People First

[book] The Age of Surge

[book] The Age of Surge

The Age of Surge: A Human Centered Framework for Scaling Company Wide Agility and Navigating the Tsunami of Digital By Brad Murphy and Carol Mase Reinvent Press January 2018, 272 pages > Q&A on the book The global forces of digital…

From Putting People First

[Book] The Age of Surge

[Book] The Age of Surge

The Age of Surge: A Human Centered Framework for Scaling Company Wide Agility and Navigating the Tsunami of Digital By Brad Murphy and Carol Mase Reinvent Press January 2018, 272 pages > Q&A on the book The global forces of digital…

From Putting People First

[book] The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development

[book] The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development

The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development By Andy Swann Kogan Page Publishing October 2017, 232 pages Companies spend time and effort developing their employees – their most important asset – but they often…

From Putting People First

[Book] The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development

[Book] The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development

The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development By Andy Swann Kogan Page Publishing October 2017, 232 pages Companies spend time and effort developing their employees – their most important asset – but they often…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid that Mate, Die, and Then Sink

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid that Mate, Die, and Then Sink

The mating and death characteristics of some squid are fascinating. Research paper. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Acm-W Networking Award Cfp – Spring

Acm-W Networking Award Cfp – Spring

Apply now for funding ($300 max) to support existing ACM-W chapters networking with other chapters with an March 1st deadline for events happening from March through the end of June … ACM-W is accepting applications for funding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Picking Your Own Produce

Picking Your Own Produce

This has always been brought up as an issue for online grocery ordering, being unable to pick your own produce like you could in the store.   First I have heard of this approach.  I do wonder if the majority of people want that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI in the Enterprise

AI in the Enterprise

AI Begins to Infiltrate the Enterprise  in InformationWeek

Enterprise adoption of AI is slow today, but experts expect it to increase very rapidly. So far, tech giants are leading the charge.

Despite a flood of publicity and product…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sketching Out Your Ui Code

Sketching Out Your Ui Code

Something we always wanted to do.  At least for quick prototyping and demonstration.  But at what level of precision?   And can it easily link to existing code, data and resources?      Will take a look.  Looking forward to it…

From insideHPC

Sc17 Keynote Looks at the Ska Telescope: Life, the Universe, and Computing

Sc17 Keynote Looks at the Ska Telescope: Life, the Universe, and Computing

In this special guest feature, Robert Roe reports from the SC17 conference keynote. "Philip Diamond, director general of SKA and Rosie Bolton, SKA regional centre project scientist and project scientist for the international …

From insideHPC

Video: Enterprise Ready Deep Learning from Ibm

Video: Enterprise Ready Deep Learning from Ibm

Adel El-Hallack from IBM gave this talk at SC17 in Denver. "The era of AI is here, but realizing business value with deep learning can have its challenges. See how IBM is making it easy to have enterprise-ready deep learning…

From insideHPC

Czech Republic Joins Eurohpc Initiative

Czech Republic Joins Eurohpc Initiative

Today the European Union announced that the Czech Republic is the 14th country to sign the European declaration on high-performance computing. The initiative aims at building European supercomputers that would rank among the …

From insideHPC

Video: Deep Learning For Real-Time Gravitational Wave Discovery

Video: Deep Learning For Real-Time Gravitational Wave Discovery

Scientists at NCSA have pioneered the use of GPU-accelerated deep learning for rapid detection and characterization of gravitational waves. This new approach will enable astronomers to study gravitational waves using minimal …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought For New Ccc Council Members

Nominations Sought For New Ccc Council Members

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research directions for the field. To do so, the CCC needs truly visionary…

From Computational Complexity

From Art to Science

Q: Why did the neural net cross the road?

A: Who cares along as it got to the other side.

Whit Diffie and Martin Hellman in their classic 1976 paper talk about the transition of cryptography:

Theoretical developments in information…

From Schneier on Security

The Effects of the Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities

The Effects of the Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities

On January 3, the world learned about a series of major security vulnerabilities in modern microprocessors. Called Spectre and Meltdown, these vulnerabilities were discovered by several different researchers last summer, disclosed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Wants to Build AI Chips For Any Gadget

China Wants to Build AI Chips For Any Gadget

China Wants to Make the Chips That Will Add AI to Any Gadget 
In Technology Review  By Yiting Sun

China's technology industry is exploring innovative processor designs for the purpose of incorporating artificial intelligence into…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Grocery Store in America

Best Grocery Store in America

A place I have shopped many times.   Worth a tour.   Is telling stories a profitable grocery venture?  Can it work elsewhere?   Here is the best effort I know of.

Best Grocery Store in America
Jungle Jim's and the Art of the Tourist…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (January 26th, 2018)

Science and Technology links (January 26th, 2018)

We have reached “peak coal” meaning that coal usage is going to diminish in the coming years. McGill professor Ishiang Shih has been accused by the US government of leaking chip designs to the Chinese government. The professor…

From CERIAS Blog

Spaf Videos, Blasts from the Past, Future Thoughts

Spaf Videos, Blasts from the Past, Future Thoughts

I created a YouTube channel a while back, and began uploading my videos and linking in videos of me that were online. Yes, it’s a dedicated Spaf channel! However, I’m not on camera eating Tide pods, or doing odd skateboard stunts…

From CERIAS Blog

Spaf Videos, Blasts from the Past, Future Thoughts

Spaf Videos, Blasts from the Past, Future Thoughts

I created a YouTube channel a while back, and began uploading my videos and linking in videos of me that were online. Yes, it’s a dedicated Spaf channel! However, I’m not on camera eating Tide pods, or doing odd skateboard stunts…

From insideHPC

Nyriad to Accelerate Persistent Memory and GPUs for Storage

Nyriad to Accelerate Persistent Memory and GPUs for Storage

Today Netlist, Nyriad, and HPC Systems announced their joint collaboration to deliver superior throughput, IOPs and resilience for high performance Lustre storage solutions for large and small files targeted at large-scale cluster…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Thinking About CS Textbooks

Thinking About CS Textbooks

There are a lot of subjects where I found textbooks to be very valuable when I was a student. History for example. One of my degrees is in Sociology where I read all the textbooks cover to cover. In Computer Science I tendedI…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Create Common Sense Baselines

Create Common Sense Baselines

Excellent insight. Not sure that this is done frequently, even by experienced people.  We used to call this establishing base methods and estimates of results.  Sometimes just starting with:  How is it done today? or How would…