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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Integrating Agent Models with Process Models

Integrating Agent Models with Process Models

In a conversation on modeling today the topic of 'Agent Based Modeling (ABM)' came up.     And it had come to mind that such ABM models could also be usefully integrated with process models.  The ABM modeling the architecture…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning from Failure

Learning from Failure

Think also, the After Action Review (AAR):

How Coca-Cola, Netflix, and Amazon Learn from Failure  By Bill Taylor

Why, all of a sudden, are so many successful business leaders urging their companies and colleagues to make more mistakes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Spoofing Voice to Text

Spoofing Voice to Text

Caution for towards a need for better Assistant security.

AI learns how to fool speech-to-text. That’s bad news for voice assistants  by  Tristan Greene in Nextweb

A pair of computer scientists at the University of California,


From insideHPC

FutureLearn Offers Free Course on HPC in the Cloud

FutureLearn Offers Free Course on HPC in the Cloud

Today the CloudLightning project announced a free open online course on High Performance Computing in the Cloud. "Developed in collaboration with the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4) and Dublin City University…

From insideHPC

NEC Deploys Sator Supercomputer at ONERA in France

NEC Deploys Sator Supercomputer at ONERA in France

NEC has deployed a new supercomputer at the ONERA center in France to power aerospace research. Called SATOR, the 667 Teraflop machine features Intel Broadwell E5-2680v4 processors and the Intel Omni-Path interconnect. "According…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Connecting Computing Research with National Priorities

Connecting Computing Research with National Priorities

For weeks we have been looking been recapping the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Symposium from the perspective of the researchers and industry representatives who presented their work on each panel. This week, we are getting…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Initializing arrays quickly in Swift: be wary of Sadun’s initializers

Initializing arrays quickly in Swift: be wary of Sadun’s initializers

Swift is Apple’s go-to programming language. It is the new default to build applications for iPhones. It also runs well on Linux. It is not as low-level as C or C++, but it has characteristics that I like. For example, it does…

From insideHPC

CesgaHack GPU Hackathon Returns to Spain in March

CesgaHack GPU Hackathon Returns to Spain in March

The Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA) and Appentra Solutions will host a GPU Hackathon March 5-9 in Santiago de Compostela. "CesgaHack18 aims to help scientists and developers accelerate the execution of their scientific …

From insideHPC

High Performance Inferencing with TensorRT

High Performance Inferencing with TensorRT

Chris Gottbrath from NVIDIA gave this talk at SC17 in Denver. "This talk will introduce the TensorRT Programmable Inference Accelerator which enables high throughput and low latency inference on clusters with NVIDIA V100, P100…

From insideHPC

Successfully Managing Workload Convergence in Your Data Center

Successfully Managing Workload Convergence in Your Data Center

workload convergenceModern enterprises are being challenged to implement new technologies and produce results faster without increasing their IT budgets. This is the first in an insideHPC Special Report series. This post explores new resource management…

From Schneier on Security

New Malware Hijacks Cryptocurrency Mining

New Malware Hijacks Cryptocurrency Mining

This is a clever attack. After gaining control of the coin-mining software, the malware replaces the wallet address the computer owner uses to collect newly minted currency with an address controlled by the attacker. From then…


What Are Precision and Recall and Why Are They Needed in Search Engines?

What Are Precision and Recall and Why Are They Needed in Search Engines?

In this post, I am going to talk about precision and recall and their importance in information retrieval. First of all, let’s talk about what we mean by information retrieval. Suppose you wake up one morning and decide you want…

From Schneier on Security

Skygofree: New Government Malware for Android

Skygofree: New Government Malware for Android

Kaspersky Labs is reporting on a new piece of sophisticated malware: We observed many web landing pages that mimic the sites of mobile operators and which are used to spread the Android implants. These domains have been registered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Drone Swarms Don't Need a Break

Drone Swarms Don't Need a Break

Powerful, yet also scary scenario.    At least now they run out of power.  Note the solution here is in the process of using a swarm this way by collaborating.   The realm of our original research.

Energy Neutral Drone Swarms …

From insideHPC

Apply Now for the Summer of HPC in Edinburgh

Apply Now for the Summer of HPC in Edinburgh

Applications are now open for the PRACE Summer of HPC 2018. The Summer of HPC is a PRACE outreach and training program that offers summer placements at top HPC centers across Europe to late-stage undergraduates and early-stage…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing New Risk Variants for T-2 Diabetes

Supercomputing New Risk Variants for T-2 Diabetes

Reanalysis of public genetic data using innovative computational methods has allowed the identification of new genetic markers associated with an increased risk to develop Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). "The study, led by Barcelona Supercomputing…

From insideHPC

Atos to Deploy 12 Petaflop Supercomputer at Jülich in Germany

Atos to Deploy 12 Petaflop Supercomputer at Jülich in Germany

Today Atos announced has a contract to deliver its a 12 Petaflop supercomputer to Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. The BullSequana X1000 machine will be Germany’s fastest supercomputer and one the most powerful computers …

From insideHPC

Radio Free Looks at the Cryptocurrency Crash

Radio Free Looks at the Cryptocurrency Crash

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the recent cryptocurrency crash and why prices for these coins is so volatile. After that, we do our Catch of the Week, where the IBM Cloud is leading the company back to profitability…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Auto Companies

AI and Auto Companies

Further, Considering automotive as a channel for goods and services

Artificial intelligence as auto companies’ new engine of value
What opportunities does AI open up for mobility, and how can OEMs capture them in the short and …

From insideHPC

Video: D-Wave Systems Seminar on Quantum Computing from SC17

Video: D-Wave Systems Seminar on Quantum Computing from SC17

In this video from SC17 in Denver, Bo Ewald from D-Wave Systems hosts a Quantum Computing Seminar. "We will discuss quantum computing, the D-Wave 2000Q system and software, the growing software ecosystem, an overview of some …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Dash Buttons

Virtual Dash Buttons

Recently sent to me, an announcement that Amazon dash buttons were going 'virtual', and have been for some time.  And I was sent virtual buttons for a number of things that I had ordered in the past.  Not quite the same thing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cheaper Chrome

Cheaper Chrome

Was reminded once again of the $100 laptop push of a decade ago that is aimed at schools.  Chrome Laptops are a natural next step, with much of the function needed for productivity online.   And, of course,  Microsoft plans to…

From Schneier on Security

Dark Caracal: Global Espionage Malware from Lebanon

Dark Caracal: Global Espionage Malware from Lebanon

The EFF and Lookout are reporting on a new piece of spyware operating out of Lebanon. It primarily targets mobile devices compromised by fake secure messaging clients like Signal and WhatsApp. From the Lookout announcement: Dark…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fake News Detection with AI?

Fake News Detection with AI?

We connected with Enterra a few years ago about supply chain AI. Saw their ideas presented by Stephen DeAngelis , which were impressive for the application .  See my tags on Enterra.   Now some of their work on 'Fake News' detection…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning

Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning

Nicely done piece, relatively non technical,  with comparison of approaches and visualizations.

Machine Learning Explained: Understanding Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning - Data Science Central by Ronald Van…

From insideHPC

Consumer GPUs Power 2 Petaflop Deep Learning Cluster at ASTRON

Consumer GPUs Power 2 Petaflop Deep Learning Cluster at ASTRON

Today ClusterVision announced the successful deployment of a new high performance computing GPU cluster system for the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON). "By utilizing the deep learning capabilities of the GPU…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Go Opening to Public

Amazon Go Opening to Public

Don't plan to get to this anytime soon, but continue to follow automatic sensing and payment systems in detail here.   Would like to better understand the behavioral details of the interaction.  An outcome of our lab's experiments…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenges for AI Redesigning Healthcare

Challenges for AI Redesigning Healthcare

Six Challenges To Tackle Before Artificial Intelligence Redesigns Healthcare in Medical Futurist

The potential of artificial intelligence for making healthcare better is indisputable. The question is how to integrate it successfully…

From insideHPC

Building a GPU-enabled and Performance-portable Global Cloud-resolving Atmospheric Model

Building a GPU-enabled and Performance-portable Global Cloud-resolving Atmospheric Model

Richard Loft from NCAR gave this talk at the NVIDIA booth at SC17. "The objectives of NCAR's exploration of accelerator architectures for high performance computing in recent years has been to 1) speed up the rate of code optimization…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Microbenchmarking is hard: virtual machine edition

Microbenchmarking is hard: virtual machine edition

To better understand software performance, we often use small controlled experiments called microbenchmarks. In an earlier post, I remarked that it is hard to reason from a Java benchmark. This brought me some criticism fromContinue…

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