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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018

From Computational Complexity

Donald Knuth Turns 80 years and 6 days

Celebrating Donald Knuth's 80th birthday, or 80 years + 7 days birthday seems odd. Should we use powers of 2? Hmm- too few, just 32 and 64 really. And having a 32-year celebration for someone is unusual. How about numbers that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

In Home Delivery Expands

In Home Delivery Expands

There seemed to be quite a bit of push back about giving retailers the ability to open your home door and drop a package inside.  Some horror stories emerged.  But the idea seems to be continuing to grow. With more details and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alibaba Claims to Beat Humans in Reading Test

Alibaba Claims to Beat Humans in Reading Test

More examples of advanced AI in China.

Alibaba's AI Outguns Humans in Reading Test    By Robert Fenner in Bloomberg

Alibaba has developed an artificial intelligence model that scored better than humans in a Stanford University


From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Network Zoo Updated

Neural Network Zoo Updated

Kirk Bourne writes that the useful  'Neural Network Zoo' now contains links to the original papers for each network type AND a poster version of the full infographic.

In the Asimov Institute, post by Fjodor Van Veen

" .... With…

From insideHPC

Red Hat steps up to POWER9 for HPC

Red Hat steps up to POWER9 for HPC

In this video from SC17 in Denver, Dan McGuan from Red Hat describes the company's Multi-Architecture HPC capabilities with the Power9 architecture. "Red Hat and IBM have a long history of collaborating on Linux, going back more…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at the European Union’s Big Investment in Exascale

Radio Free HPC Looks at the European Union’s Big Investment in Exascale

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at European Commission’s recent move to fund exascale development with 1 Billion Euros. "While Europe already had a number of exascale initiatives under way, this is a major step…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Imposter syndrome and the Turing Test

Imposter syndrome and the Turing Test

How a Famous Robot Test Can Help You Beat Impostor Syndrome  by Kelton Reid in Copyblogger 

Points to a 2012 Atlantic article on using the Turing Test to discern (or fool) people, or even ourselves into determining who we are.…

From Schneier on Security

Jim Risen Writes about Reporting Government Secrets

Jim Risen Writes about Reporting Government Secrets

Jim Risen writes a long and interesting article about his battles with the US government and the New York Times to report government secrets....

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Microbenchmarking calls for idealized conditions

Microbenchmarking calls for idealized conditions

Programmers use software benchmarking to measure the speed of software. We need to distinguish system benchmarking, where one seeks to measure the performance of a system, with microbenchmarking, where one seeks to measure the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger and Boxed

Kroger and Boxed

Still speculation, but other possible buyers also lining up.  A response to Amazon's supply chain wins.

Kroger may acquire digital bulk retailer Boxed  In Cincinnati Enquirer

" ... Kroger is considering acquiring online wholesaler…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crucial Need for Uncertainty in Deep Learning

Crucial Need for Uncertainty in Deep Learning

Below piece really rocked me.  It is very old AI school.  Even takes us to methods that were used in  Watson-Jeopardy.  Conclusions, and even sub conclusions, are rarely precise answers.  They need to contain a certainty factor…

From insideHPC

Rescale Offers ANSYS Software On Demand

Rescale Offers ANSYS Software On Demand

Today Rescale announced that ANSYS Elastic Licensing can now be purchased directly through Rescale’s ScaleX, a SaaS platform purpose-built for solving the world’s most challenging engineering, scientific and mathematical problems…

From insideHPC

HiPEAC18 Conference to Focus on Performance and Security Next Week in Manchester

HiPEAC18 Conference to Focus on Performance and Security Next Week in Manchester

Coming up next week in Manchester, the HiPEAC 2018 conference will once again bring together the best minds in computer architecture and compilation to exploit the enormous potential of new computing paradigms. "The HiPEAC conference…

From insideHPC

ClusterVision White Paper Looks at HPC Performance Impact of Spectre and Meltdown

ClusterVision White Paper Looks at HPC Performance Impact of Spectre and Meltdown

While various kernel patches are already out for the Spectre and Meltdown, the performance impact of these patches on HPC performance has been a big question. Now ClusterVision has published a timely white paper on this important…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Laundry Folding Robots

Laundry Folding Robots

It was one of the key goals of the 60s.   Having a home robot fold your clothes and put them away after washing.   Second only to the robotic butler that would mix drinks and bring them to you with your newspaper.  Its debatable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Value of Halo Effect

Value of Halo Effect

Interesting top line, suggesting that established and known strategy and process is not enough.  Though I would still think its useful to document what you are doing as a means to finding improvement.  A  'Halo' is a easy to


From Schneier on Security

Fighting Ransomware

Fighting Ransomware

No More Ransom is a central repository of keys and applications for ransomware, so people can recover their data without paying. It's not complete, of course, but is pretty good against older strains of ransomware. The site is…

From insideHPC

Podcast: The Exascale Data and Visualization project at LANL

Podcast: The Exascale Data and Visualization project at LANL

In this episode of Let’s Talk Exascale, Scott Gibson discusses the ECP Data and Visualization project with Jim Ahrens from Los Alamos National Lab. Ahrens is principal investigator for the Data and Visualization project, which…

From insideHPC

Video: Weather and Climate Modeling at Convection-Resolving Resolution

Video: Weather and Climate Modeling at Convection-Resolving Resolution

David Leutwyler from ETH Zurich gave this talk at the 2017 Chaos Communication Congress. "The representation of thunderstorms (deep convection) and rain showers in climate models represents a major challenge, as this process …

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections – January 2018

ACM-W Connections – January 2018

Letter from ACM-W chair News from ACM-W Celebrations News from ACM-W Professional Chapters News from ACM-W Scholarships News from ACM SIG News from ACM-W India and ACM-W Europe Welcome from the ACM-W Chair Happy New Year! This…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI as Storytelling Assistant

AI as Storytelling Assistant

Interesting proposition, but have yet to see examples of any value.   The first step should be, can we assign useful value measures to a partial or complete story?    How should that be tested?    Have been in meetings that looked…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistants for Your Job

Assistants for Your Job

Is What I call figuring out what the nature of assistance is.   Varies also in different industries.  And once it ascends to doing the job ....

AI might give you a personal assistant instead of taking your job
Karl RedenbachCofounder…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Capgemini: Trends in Conversational Commerce

Capgemini: Trends in Conversational Commerce

Good overview of the space and future with statistics.

Conversational Commerce
Why Consumers Are Embracing Voice Assistants  in Their Lives


Conversational Commerce, consumer purchase of products and services via voice…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP and Blockchain

SAP and Blockchain

SAP's Blog talks its approach to specific applications of Blockchain.  Nicely described. " ... The blockchain technology, from a business perspective, can be seen as the next-gen collaborative business process improvement software…

From insideHPC

Video: Thomas Zacharia from ORNL Testifies at House Hearing on the Need for Supercomputing

Video: Thomas Zacharia from ORNL Testifies at House Hearing on the Need for Supercomputing

In this video, Thomas Zacharia from ORNL testifies before the House Energy and Commerce hearing on DOE Modernization. "At the OLCF, we are deploying a system that may well be the world’s most powerful supercomputer when it begins…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: System Administrator at D.E. Shaw Research

Job of the Week: System Administrator at D.E. Shaw Research

D.E. Shaw Research in NYC is seeking a System Administrator for Servers, Clusters and Supercomputers for Computational Biochemistry in our Job of the Week. "Exceptional sysadmins sought to manage systems, storage, and network…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Speakers/Assistants Reduce TV Use?

Smart Speakers/Assistants Reduce TV Use?

Intriguing stats embedded here.   Now will the integration of Assistants with devices with screams bring the mediums together?   Note how rapidly this has occurred, in the last two years. Soon with the opportunity to start real…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dolphins Tracked with Sound Classification

Dolphins Tracked with Sound Classification

Note the statement of the problem of classification here:

Tracking Dolphins With Algorithms You Might Find on Facebook 
The New York Times    By Steph Yin

Researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography have used a machine…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Timing Leaks Everything

Facing the awful truth that computers are physical machines As moderator of RSA 2016 panel Paul Kocher is the lead author on the second of two papers detailing a longstanding class of security vulnerability that was recognized…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Japanese "Dude Food" Includes Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Japanese "Dude Food" Includes Squid

This seems to be a trend. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

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