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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Displays beyond Voice?

Smart Displays beyond Voice?

Now emerging, the 'Smart Display', which takes voice interaction to a new place, which is why amazon is calling it voice-first on their Show and Spot assistants.  Now Google is planning to introduce this year 'smart displays'…

From Schneier on Security

XKCD's Smartphone Security System

XKCD's Smartphone Security System


From The Eponymous Pickle

Considering Chatbots

Considering Chatbots

A good, very broad look at chatbots in DSC.   Starting with the 'AI Shrink', which it turns out, many people trusted more than their real doctors.   Though to my knowledge it never replaced any psychiatrists. History, experiments…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automobile Dashboard of the Future

Automobile Dashboard of the Future

An interesting view that makes you think about all the design architecture of the steering wheel and what a car would be without it.  Will the term steering wheel sound as archaic as a buggy whip in the future? Some say thisIn…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sound Classification

Sound Classification

Sounds are important.  Getting them right can make the difference between correct and incorrect advice.  Those of you experimenting with advisors have now seen this.

Sound Classification with TensorFlow

Having this solution along…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Hype and Reality

AI Hype and Reality

In Knowledge@Wharton, good cautionary thoughts. 

Wharton Global Forum from this summer on Hype and Reality in AI.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Why the Hype Has Outrun Reality

Robots that serve dinner, self-driving cars…

From insideHPC

Registration Opens for LUG 2018 in April

Registration Opens for LUG 2018 in April

Registration is now open for LUG 2018. Sponsored by Globus. the 2018 Lustre User Group (LUG) conference will be held April 23-26, 2018 at Argonne National Laboratory. "As always, LUG provides technical sessions on the latest …

From insideHPC

Fighting Cancer with Deep Learning at Scale with the CANDLE Project

Fighting Cancer with Deep Learning at Scale with the CANDLE Project

In this episode of Let's Talk Exascale, Mike Bernhardt discusses the CANDLE project for cancer research with Rick Stevens from Argonne National Lab. The CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) is an ECP application development…

From insideHPC

HPC4Mfg Program Selects New Industry Projects

HPC4Mfg Program Selects New Industry Projects

Today the DOE announced $1.87 million for seven projects to advance innovation in U.S. manufacturing through HPC. "The HPC4Mfg program leverages world-class technical expertise with high performance computing to tackle manufacturing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Process Modeling and Assistants

Business Process Modeling and Assistants

Would suggest that anyone looking at constructing serious assistants also look at understanding the underlying process that includes the assistant.    I am just now looking at IBM's offerings in this space at…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

Call for Papers: International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

The eight annual  International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) has issued its Call for Papers. Held in conjunction with the 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (January 12th, 2018)

Science and Technology links (January 12th, 2018)

A few years ago, researchers in Danemark expressed concerns regarding high concentrations of pesticides that are showing up in urine samples of Danish mothers and children. Last time I was in Danemark, a newspaper was reporting…

From insideHPC

Video: Molecular Simulation at the Mesoscale

Video: Molecular Simulation at the Mesoscale

Dr. Rommie E. Amaro gave this talk at SC17. "We are developing new capabilities for multi-scale dynamic simulations that cross spatial scales from the molecular (angstrom) to cellular ultrastructure (near micron), and temporal…

From Schneier on Security

Facial Recognition Is Coming to Retail

Facial Recognition Is Coming to Retail

Summary article....

From Apophenia

Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic Solutionism

Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic Solutionism

(This was originally posted on Medium) If you ever hear that implementing algorithmic decision-making tools to enable social services or other high stakes government decision-making will increase efficiency or reduce the cost…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Tuya for IoT

China Tuya for IoT

China’s Tuya expands its reach further with launch of IoT platform for the U.S.   By Clayton Moore  in DigitalTrends 

Tuya, one of the world’s largest and most widespread Internet of Things (IoT) OS providers, landed in the United…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking Process for AI Applications

Rethinking Process for AI Applications

 Ultimately this is a key point for any innovative change, how does it link to actual current or proposed business process?   And especially for scaled solutions.  Good piece, but due to the fact its in the WSJ,  you need to


From The Eponymous Pickle

Dash Buttons Open to Developers

Dash Buttons Open to Developers

Besides just buying things, how else might they be used?

Amazon opens up virtual Dash Buttons to third-party developers   By Swapna Krishna, @skrishna in Engadget

It also added new companies to its Dash Replenishment program



From insideHPC

Dark Energy Survey Releases First Three Years of Data

Dark Energy Survey Releases First Three Years of Data

Today scientists from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) released their first three years of data. This first major release of data from the Survey includes information on about 400 million astronomical objects, including distant galaxies…

From Schneier on Security

Fingerprinting Digital Documents

Fingerprinting Digital Documents

In this era of electronic leakers, remember that zero-width spaces and homoglyph substitution can fingerprint individual instances of files....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google AI Research in 2017

Google AI Research in 2017

Fascinating, technical, lengthy piece on Google AI related research in 2017.   More to follow.

The Google Brain Team — Looking Back on 2017 (Part 1 of 2)

Posted by Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow, on behalf of the entire Google…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Data, Algorithms, and Fairness Panel

Data, Algorithms, and Fairness Panel

Contributions to this post were provided by CCC Council member Nadya Bliss, Solon Barocas, Nick Diakopoulos, and Kelly Jin. Every few weeks we have been highlighting different panels from the Computing Community Consortium (CCC)…


Impressions of Primavera Hacker (Santiago de Chile)

Impressions of Primavera Hacker (Santiago de Chile)

Due to my involvement in the UNAM/DGAPA/PAPIME PE102718 project on the ”creation of teaching materials regarding privacy and anonymity mechanisms”, as the Southern half of the world gets ready for the warm season, I was invited…

From insideHPC

Using the Titan Supercomputer to Accelerate Deep Learning Networks

Using the Titan Supercomputer to Accelerate Deep Learning Networks

A team of researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has married artificial intelligence and high-performance computing to achieve a peak speed of 20 petaflops in the generation and training of …

From insideHPC

Using the Intel C++ Compiler’s Optimization Features to Improve MySQL Performance

Using the Intel C++ Compiler’s Optimization Features to Improve MySQL Performance

IT operations and maintenance developers have found that just by compiling the MySQL source code with the Intel C++ Compiler and turning on its Interprocedural Optimization feature, you can improve database performance from 5…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA Board of Directors Reminder

CSTA Board of Directors Reminder

I hope everyone had a great holiday break is leaping back into the school year with renewed drive and energy. With all of the chaos of the new year, you might have missed the call for nominations for the CSTA … Continue reading…

From insideHPC

Intel’s Al Gara Presents: Technology Opportunities Like Never Before

Intel’s Al Gara Presents: Technology Opportunities Like Never Before

Al Gara from gave this talk at the Intel HPC Developer Conference in Denver. "Technology visionaries architecting the future of HPC and AI will share the key challenges as well as Intel’s direction. The talk will cover the adaptation…

From insideHPC

European Commission to invest EUR 1 Billion in Exascale

European Commission to invest EUR 1 Billion in Exascale

Today the European Commission unveiled today its plans to invest jointly with the Member States in building a world-class European supercomputers infrastructure. "While Europe already had a number of exascale initiatives under…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Baidu Builds Raven H Assistant

Baidu Builds Raven H Assistant

Reported this previously regards its use of the Duer platform.     See my tags below to see more about that.

Baidu takes aim at Amazon and Google with the Raven H, its first smart speaker    By Brandon Widder in DigitalTrends.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Implementing Chatbots

Implementing Chatbots

What departments should you talk to before implementing a chatbot?    In Chatbot magazine, which is new to me.   Good thoughts.  But no mention of Legal?   In our own implementations we spent most of our time with legal.  May…

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