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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2019

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Interdisciplinary Research Challenges in Computer Systems (NSF Workshop Report)

Interdisciplinary Research Challenges in Computer Systems (NSF Workshop Report)

The following is a special contribution to this blog by CCC Chair Mark D. Hill of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Josep Torrellas of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and co-author of the report discussed below…

From insideHPC

New Report: PRACE in the EuroHPC Era

New Report: PRACE in the EuroHPC Era

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe has published a new report: PRACE in the EuroHPC Era. PRACE is an international non-profit association with its seat in Brussels. "The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will advance the…

From Computational Complexity

do we ever only care about the decision problem? I know of only one case of that

(I had been thinking of this for a post then Lance's post on search versus decision inspired me to write up these thoughts.)

When teaching NP-completeness we often say

The problem we really care about is, for example, given…

From insideHPC

Quobyte Partners with EUROstor to Deliver Scale-Out NAS Solutions

Quobyte Partners with EUROstor to Deliver Scale-Out NAS Solutions

Today Quobyte announced a partnership with EUROstor to expand the reach of its next-generation file system throughout the German, Austrian and Swiss marketplace to customers seeking scale-out NAS solutions for enterprise application…

From insideHPC

Looking Back at SC18 and the Road Ahead to Exascale

Looking Back at SC18 and the Road Ahead to Exascale

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Robert Roe reports on new technology and 30 years of the US supercomputing conference at SC18 in Dallas. "From our volunteers to our exhibitors to our students and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voice Assistants in the Enterprise

Voice Assistants in the Enterprise

Was expecting this for some time.   Could be similar to the introductions of tablets, which we issued to executives when they came out.   I quickly got questions like, what do I do with them?    But unlike then, we will likely…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections–January 2019

ACM-W Connections–January 2019

Letter from ACM-W Chair News from ACM-W Celebrations News from ACM-W Student Chapters News from ACM-W Europe Happy New Year!  2019 promises to be another exciting year for ACM-W.  There are nineteen Celebrations planned over…

From Schneier on Security

Alex Stamos on Content Moderation and Security

Alex Stamos on Content Moderation and Security

Former Facebook CISO Alex Stamos argues that increasing political pressure on social media platforms to moderate content will give them a pretext to turn all end-to-end crypto off -- which would be more profitable for them and…

From Schneier on Security

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak: I'm speaking at A New Initiative for Poland in Warsaw, January 16-17, 2019. I'm speaking at the Munich Cyber Security Conference (MCSC) on February 14, 2019. The…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tweets Predict Location

Tweets Predict Location

More indications that simple online messages can betray location.

Your Old Tweets Give Away More Location Data Than You Think    In Wired 

An international team of researchers has developed an algorithm that uses Twitter to automatically…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Code 8.7: Using Computation Science and AI to End Modern Slavery

Code 8.7: Using Computation Science and AI to End Modern Slavery

The Computing Community Consortium is cohosting Code 8.7: Using Computation Science and AI to End Modern Slavery on February 19-20, 2019 at the United Nations in New York City with the United Nations University Centre for Policy…

From Schneier on Security

Why Internet Security Is So Bad

Why Internet Security Is So Bad

I recently read two different essays that make the point that while Internet security is terrible, it really doesn't affect people enough to make it an issue. This is true, and is something I worry will change in a world of physically…

From insideHPC

Industry Leaders prepare for Rice University Oil and Gas Conference in March

Industry Leaders prepare for Rice University Oil and Gas Conference in March

The upcoming Rice University Oil and Gas HPC Conference will focus on the computational challenges and needs in the Energy industry. The event takes place March 4-6, 2019 in Houston. "High-end computing and information technology…

From insideHPC

Video: Five Things to Know About SUSE Linux Enterprise for HPC

Video: Five Things to Know About SUSE Linux Enterprise for HPC

In this video, Jay Kruemcke from SUSE talks presents: Five Things to Know About SLE HPC. "SUSE Linux Enterprise for High Performance Computing provides a parallel computing platform for high performance data analytics workloads…

From insideHPC

Researchers Gear Up for Exascale at ECP Meeting in Houston

Researchers Gear Up for Exascale at ECP Meeting in Houston

Scientists and Engineers at Berkeley Lab are busy preparing for Exascale supercomputing this week at the ECP Annual Meeting in Houston. With a full agenda running five days, LBL researchers will contribute Two Plenaries, Five…

From insideHPC

An Introduction to High Performance Computing

An Introduction to High Performance Computing

In this video, Bill Jenkins from Intel presents and introduction to High Performance Computing. "This online training will provide a high-level introduction to high performance computing, the problem it solves and the vertical…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Visualization Libraries

Best Visualization Libraries

Lots new to me here, well worth a look.

Best Visualization Libraries  from KD Nuggets.

There are plenty of library options out there to make great visualizations. We outline five of the best, complete with code examples and explanations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

B-Verify in the Supply Chain

B-Verify in the Supply Chain

Despite all the hacking news,  there are still some key applications popping up.

How a New Technology Can Disrupt the Global Supply Chain  in K@W

An interdisciplinary team from MIT, Wharton and Boston College has created a new


From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Nets Organizing the World

Neural Nets Organizing the World

An apparent move towards towards our own intelligence?   Our own look at neural nets early on seemed to indicate that they were just a convenience in some cases to replace statistical methods, how different it turned out.

A Neural…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Font Influence Retention?

Can Font Influence Retention?

Quite a claim.  Would seem to be easily tested, as they mention ...

Can't Remember what you Read?  Blame the Font, not Forgetfulness.    In Wired,   by Arielle Pardes

Remember all those classics you devoured in comp-lit class?

From The Eponymous Pickle

When does Blockchain get the Simplest Value?

When does Blockchain get the Simplest Value?

Thought of this myself.    When first hearing first about blockchain.  Isn't there a simpler way to do the same thing?  You know, with a suitably encrypted and protected database?  But doing what?  What are the specific goals…

From insideHPC

Want Room-temperature Quantum Memories? DOE Awards Small Business Research and Development Grants

Want Room-temperature Quantum Memories? DOE Awards Small Business Research and Development Grants

On January 7, the U.S. Department of Energy announced plans to award 189 grants totaling $33 million to 149 small businesses in 32 states. Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology…

From insideHPC

Apply Now for 2019 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing

Apply Now for 2019 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing

Computational scientists are invited to apply for the upcoming Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC), to take place from July 28-August 9, 2019. "With the challenges posed by the architecture and software…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines Thinking are like Translation

Machines Thinking are like Translation

Intriguing idea. Includes video.

A New Approach to Understanding How Machines Think
From Quanta Magazine   Link to full article. 

Been Kim and colleagues at Google Brain developed a system she calls a translator for humans that


From The Eponymous Pickle

Combining Real and Virtual Worlds

Combining Real and Virtual Worlds

Makes lots of sense.  Essentially leads to simulation and construction of portfolios of test scenarios.

Combining Real, Virtual Worlds Improves Driverless Vehicle Testing

University of Michigan

Researchers at the University of Michigan's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualized Medical Record Analysis

Visualized Medical Record Analysis

Liked the idea, but also probably also requires a means of augmenting the visuals to emphasize key metadata, relationship to patterns detected by meta analyses, changes over time.

Visualization: U of T Researchers Develop System…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Jean Bourgain 1954–2018 and Michael Atiyah 1929–2019

A tribute to two premier analysts From Flanders Today src1 and Ryle Trust Lecture src2 Baron Jean Bourgain and Sir Michael Atiyah passed away within the past three weeks. They became mathematical nobility by winning the Fields…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apparent Successful attack on Ethereum

Apparent Successful attack on Ethereum

Apparent attack on Ethereum.  Note that Ethereum is often mentioned as a place for testing smart contracts.

Blockchains Hackable?   From MIT Tech Review ChainLetter

' .... To catch a blockchain hacker: Coinbase shocked the crypto…

From insideHPC

The Infinite Memory Engine – Unlocking the Potential of NVMe

The Infinite Memory Engine – Unlocking the Potential of NVMe

In this video from DDN booth at SC18, John Bent from DDN presents: IME - Unlocking the Potential of NVMe. "DDN’s Infinite Memory Engine (IME) is a scale-out, software-defined, flash storage platform that streamlines the data …

From The Eponymous Pickle

MyCroft Back as an Open Kickstarter Assistant

MyCroft Back as an Open Kickstarter Assistant

This has tough competition, especially since the ecosystem is the big thing.

Mycroft II Provides Voice-Assist With Data Privacy  By David Cardinal in ExtremeTech

Mycroft Mark II: the Open Answer to Amazon and Google?

 ... is built…

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