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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2022

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Announces Release 1.1 of AI Enterprise Suite

NVIDIA Announces Release 1.1 of AI Enterprise Suite

NVIDIA has announced release 1.1 of its AI Enterprise software suite. It includes production support for containerized AI with the NVIDIA software on VMware vSphere with Tanzu, previously available only on a trial basis. NVIDIA…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Not Ready of Web 3.0 and Why

Not Ready of Web 3.0 and Why

Good piece by Tim O'Reilly, intro below, more at the link.

Why it’s too early to get excited about Web3   By Tim O’Reilly

There’s been a lot of talk about Web3 lately, and as the person who defined “Web 2.0” 17 years ago, I’m often…

From insideHPC

Quantum Brilliance in $22.5M Quantum Chips Project

Quantum Brilliance in $22.5M Quantum Chips Project

STUTTGART, Germany, January 19, 2022 — Quantum Brilliance, a German-Australian manufacturer of innovative quantum computing hardware, today announced a joint research project with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Russian Hypermarket Tour

Russian Hypermarket Tour

 As someone who has toured European and Asian grocery/hypermarkets in past years for a major US retailer, found this fascinating.   Prices in Russia, especially for staples seemed to be distinctly lower, and breadth of availability…


Log4j and the Thankless High-Risk Task of Managing Software Component Upgrades

Log4j and the Thankless High-Risk Task of Managing Software Component Upgrades

Managing included versions of third-party software components too often puts developers in no-win situations.

From The Eponymous Pickle

New NVIDIA Robot Brain

New NVIDIA Robot Brain

 Pushing forward robotic power. 

NVIDIA's new AI brain for robots is six times more powerful than its predecessor

And it can still fit in the palm of your hand.

By M. Moon  in Engadget

NVIDIA has launched a follow-up to the Jetson…

From insideHPC

Agnostiq Partners With Mila to Bridge Quantum-Machine Learning

Agnostiq Partners With Mila to Bridge Quantum-Machine Learning

TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2022 — Agnostiq, Inc., a quantum computing SaaS startup, announced a partnership with Montreal-based Mila, a machine learning research institute, in an effort to bridge the gap between the quantum computing …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Levis using AI

Levis using AI

Note interesting links to marketing. 

Levi's AI Chief Says Algorithms Have Helped Boost Revenue

By The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2021

Artificial intelligence and a data repository built on Google Cloud have helped Levi Strauss…


Essentials of BI Dashboards

Essentials of BI Dashboards

A well-designed dashboard is everyone's dream come true.

From insideHPC

Dell Technologies Interview: How Cambridge University Pushed the Wilkes3 Supercomputer to No. 4 on the Green500

Dell Technologies Interview: How Cambridge University Pushed the Wilkes3 Supercomputer to No. 4 on the Green500

[SPONSORED CONTENT]  In this interview conducted on behalf of Dell Technologies, insideHPC spoke with Dr. Paul Calleja, director of Research Computing Services at the University of Cambridge, about the Wilkes3 supercomputer, …


Anti-Racist Computing Education: No More Excuses

Anti-Racist Computing Education: No More Excuses

On this #MLKDay, a list of resources to help center racial equity and justice in CS classrooms and a reminder that the CS Education community must make good on individual and collective resolve to attend to racial justice in…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What is the ‘range’ of a number type?

What is the ‘range’ of a number type?

In programming, we often represent numbers using types that have specific ranges. For example, 64-bit signed integer types can represent all integers between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807, inclusively. All integers…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Zoom Workshop E-Minder: 4pm ET Today

And a place to look for fallback info in case things go wrong This is a deviation from the “blog invariants” that were maintained for 1,000 posts. We’ll be happy to have suggestions for style changes and general ideas going forward…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science for the sake of ?

Computer Science for the sake of ?

My grandson in kindergarten has a class in reading. It makes sense as he is just learning how to read. Over time, school spends less time teaching how to read and a lot more time using using reading to support learning. For many…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examining Bounties for Security

Examining Bounties for Security

Schneier writes   on the bug/security marketplace, incudes a place for the usual considerable expert comment.    Intriguing to see how and if this will continue to offer significate incentive for finding security holes in existing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots, Machine Learning for Distribution

Robots, Machine Learning for Distribution

Clever application here.

Robotic Arms Use Machine Leanring to Reach Deeper into Distribution

By The Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2022

Robots increasingly are being used in warehouses to sort, pack, and prepare orders for delivery…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cars Becoming Smartphones

Cars Becoming Smartphones

 As cars become smartphones, Big Auto turns to handset chipmaker to survive

Legacy automakers underestimated the importance of employing the latest technology in their dashboards, now they're playing catch up.

How will phones link…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Metaverse Trials Useful in Retail

Metaverse Trials Useful in Retail

Lots of things we also examined, with different names and contexts.

Can the metaverse solve retail’s returns challenges?

by Nikki Baird in Retailwire

We’ve seen a lot of press about the volume of returns that are pouring in from…

From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog

This Blog

 Note:   The automated tagging function  in Google Blogger has been inactive for the last six months or so, which means that some tags I apply may not have been consistent.   It is now working again.  Does not effect content,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Transform a face mask into a monitor?

Transform a face mask into a monitor?

 'Fitbit for the Face' Can Turn Any Face Mask into Smart Monitoring Device

Northwestern University Newscenter, Amanda Morris, January 12, 2022

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a sensor that they say can transform…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Heart Cells with Electronic Warning Sensors

Heart Cells with Electronic Warning Sensors


'Pop-Up' Electronic Sensors Could Detect When Heart Cells Misbehave

By University of California San Diego, December 28, 2021

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a tool that monitors the electrical…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy 1,000th Post and 75th Birthday, Dick

Plus an open Zoom mini-workshop Monday 1/17, 4–5:30pm ET From Rich DeMillo Richard Lipton founded this blog 1,000 posts ago. He was not quite as young as in the photo. This blog is almost 13 years old but measures time by the…

From insideHPC

Atos to Install HPC system at Technische Universität Dresden

Atos to Install HPC system at Technische Universität Dresden

Munich, Paris – January 13 2022 – Atos today announces that it has been awarded a contract to install a new supercomputing cluster at Technische Universität Dresden (TU) in Germany. The supercomputer will be used for data intensive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning Can’t be Trusted

Deep Learning Can’t be Trusted

Deep Learning Can’t be Trusted,  Brain Modelling Pioneer Says Stephen Grossberg explains why his ART model is better  in Spectrum  IEEE

By  KATHY PRETZ During the past 20 years, deep learning has come to dominate artificial intelligence…

From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

UASG Welcomes Leading Tech Entrepreneur Vijay Shekhar Sharma as UA Ambassador

UASG Welcomes Leading Tech Entrepreneur Vijay Shekhar Sharma as UA Ambassador

By Dr. Ajay Data, UASG Chair The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) is proud to welcome Indian tech entrepreneur Vijay Shekhar Sharma as a Universal Acceptance (UA) Ambassador. Sharma is the founder and CEO of One97 Communications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Age of AI-ism?

An Age of AI-ism?

Looks to be a very interesting book, plan to read it.   Authors are interesting, notably I was at a meeting with Kissinger long ago in DC.   Never thought of him as a technical futurist.

The age of AI-ism

By Contributor Rich Heimann…

From CERIAS Blog

Reflecting on 30 years

Reflecting on 30 years

One of my students sent me a weblink (in the story, below). It caused me to reflect a little on the past. Here is some text I shared on a few social media feeds.

30 years ago, when I started COAST (which became CERIAS) at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

JFrog Talks Log4j Vulnerabilies

JFrog Talks Log4j Vulnerabilies

I was pointed to this by the by TWIT site post by Steve Gibson, pass it along for some good info about the Log4j problems. 


JFrog Log4j vulnerabilites

Resources at your fingertips

The Log4j & Log4shell…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learn to Create Voice-Plus-App Experiences, with No Coding Required

Learn to Create Voice-Plus-App Experiences, with No Coding Required

Amazon-Alexa continues to push Voice-App experiences: 

Learn to Create Voice-Plus-App Experiences, with No Coding Required

Entice Alexa customers to go deeper with your brand by extending into your apps and websites. Don’t miss…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Network Models for VR Applications

Network Models for VR Applications

Interesting. thinking how this would be useful.  ....

CACMmag (@Communications of the ACM) Tweeted: #Mathematicians at @UniversityRudn have proposed a model for calculating the optimal parameters of a #5GNetwork for #VirtualReality…