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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2009

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Challengers

Google Challengers

Good Businessweek piece : Can Google Stay on Top of the Web? As Bing, Facebook, Twitter and less well-known upstarts nip at its heels, Google has hundreds of wizards racing to come up with smarter answers. Their new Wave package…

From The Noisy Channel

Software Patents: A Personal Story

Software Patents: A Personal Story


Grace Hopper Keynote 2: Fran Berman

Grace Hopper Keynote 2: Fran Berman

Fran Berman's keynote address at the Grace Hopper Conference


Final Thoughts About Grace Hopper Conference

Final Thoughts About Grace Hopper Conference

Just a few final thoughts and pointers to projects and resources.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alternatives to the CKO

Alternatives to the CKO

In his blog Mark Montgomery discusses alternatives to the CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) One of the comments in the thread there points to the fact that there are very few CKOs around. There was an attempt by the library systems…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Sensible hashing of variable-length strings is impossible

Sensible hashing of variable-length strings is impossible

Consider the problem of hashing an infinite number of keys

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gathering Knowledge with Games

Gathering Knowledge with Games

Another capability we studied in the enterprise, here slashdot article talks about patents that IBM has applied for in this via a platform for acquiring knowlege. Like most patents of this type this appears strained. Games…


Student Research Competition at Grace Hopper

Student Research Competition at Grace Hopper

Highlights of the top six posters/presentations at the Student Research Competition

From Schneier on Security

"Security Theater in New York City"

"Security Theater in New York City"

For the U.N. General Assembly:

For those entranced by security theater, New York City is a sight to behold this week. A visit to one of the two centers of the action -- the Waldorf Astoria, where the presidents of China, Russia…

From Computational Complexity

On Being Narrow

In a tweet a few days ago, David Bacon
wonders why everyone always assumes all he can do is quantum computing? Oh, because that's all he's done. Time to do something new?
What David (aka the Quantum Pontiff) says can apply …


Grace Hopper Keynote 1: Megan Smith

Grace Hopper Keynote 1: Megan Smith

Megan Smith keynote at Grace Hopper


Smartphones and Health Systems Research at Intel Seattle

Smartphones and Health Systems Research at Intel Seattle

The ubiquity of smartphones  and their increasing ability to collect and transmit information will lead the way for the next advances in health monitoring and improvement.

From Putting People First

Donald Norman on co-creation as a

Donald Norman on co-creation as a

Donald Norman recently gave a keynote address at the “21st Century Transmedia Innovation Symposium” in Seoul, Korea. “Normal dictionaries do not have the word ‘transmedia,’” he says, “but Wikipedia does. That definition introduced…

From Putting People First

Panoremo, a tool to assess the emotional experience of environments

Panoremo, a tool to assess the emotional experience of environments

As part of his Design for Interaction MSc. at the TU Delft, David G

From My Biased Coin

Semantic Communication, Madhu Sudan

Semantic Communication, Madhu Sudan

Madhu Sudan gave a colloquium at Harvard yesterday on his work on Universal Semantic Communication and Goal-Oriented Communication (both with Brendan Juba, the latter also with Oded Goldreich). The papers are available here,…

From Putting People First

Touchpoint Issue 2

Touchpoint Issue 2

The second issue of Touchpoint, the sdn’s Service Design Journal, is out. Entitled “Health and Service Design”, this brand-new issue features articles of Service Design and/or healthcare experts such as Julia Schaeper, Lynne…

From Apophenia

Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age

Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age

Over the last 18 months, I have had the great honor of serving as a Commissioner on the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities. Today, it gives me great pleasure to announce that we have released our report…

From Wild WebMink

Truth In Labelling

Truth In Labelling


When I wrote about Organic Software recently, I was largely eulogising the community dimension of open source software. But there's another way in which the idea of "organic software" is helpful to understanding the dynamic…

From Schneier on Security

Proving a Computer Program's Correctness

Proving a Computer Program's Correctness

This is interesting:

Professor Gernot Heiser, the John Lions Chair in Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Engineering and a senior principal researcher with NICTA, said for the first time a team had been able…


Grace Hopper Conference Opening Session: Part 1

Grace Hopper Conference Opening Session: Part 1

Grace Hopper Conference--some highlights on who attends and what it's like.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Innovation

Open Innovation

A guide to implementing open innovation. ' ... The report,

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A Simplified Open Publishing Manifesto

A Simplified Open Publishing Manifesto

Bill Gasarch is proposing a manifesto on Open Scholarship. What a great idea! Imagine thousands of researchers openly agreeing on practices making research more effective! We could change the culture of scientific research without…

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto 2.0

Reminder: FOCS early registration deadline today. Go here
Below is a revised version of the Journal Manifesto. I restate the key sentence from my last post and then redo the manifesto in light of the (very enlightening!) comments…


Opening Day of Grace Hopper Conference

Opening Day of Grace Hopper Conference

A panoply of posters welcome attendees to the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

From The Noisy Channel

Guest Post: A Plan For Abusiveness

Guest Post: A Plan For Abusiveness

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-01

links for 2009-10-01

Calling certain software "open source" is like the people selling this fisherman's cottage calling it remote. Yes, there is truth in the statement, but there are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cart Device at Bloom

Cart Device at Bloom

Cart mounted shopping devices continue to be tested. Here again the Concierge device, previously reported on here, is in limited time test at Food Lion's Bloom stores. It is advertised as a ' ... GPS for your shopping cart ..…

From My Biased Coin

GPU News

GPU News

Since I've now co-authored a paper on GPUs, I'm now "in-the-loop" (thanks to my co-author John Owens) on the news of NVIDIA's announcement of its "next generation" of GPUs, code-named Fermi. (To be out in 2010? CompetitorsLarrabee…

From My Biased Coin



Harvard is putting the lectures (and other materials) online for a fantastic course, Justice, taught by Michael Sandel. It's a class on moral reasoning, exactly the sort of thing you'd hope a college freshman or sophomore would…